KUALA LUMPUR, April 26 (Bernama) -- Namewee, whose real name is Wee Meng Chee, can apply for loan from the RM200 million fund set up by the government to help stimulate the creative industry to produce his film, Deputy Information Communication and Culture Minister Senator Heng Seai Kee said Monday.
She said while Wee could apply for loan from the creative fund, he could also request for assistance from the Malaysian National Film Development Corporation (Finas) in terms of the compulsory screening scheme.
Namewee, the student who created a controversy by producing a videoclip which insulted the national anthem, was reported to be looking for funds to produce his 1Malaysia-themed movie, "Nasi Lemak".
Heng said those keen to venture into the film industry could obtain further information from the ministry on the facilities, including loans, for them.
"So far, 47 people have applied for loans under the creative fund," she added.
tunku : this type of moron should not get loan especially from the government.did the government has forgotten how he had insulted the national anthem, how he had insulted TNB by using dirty words? i wonder why this senator heng want to discuss about this idiot.we hope that the ministry will not be stupid to give him any assistance.this idiot should not get anything.he is bad example of our youth.they should not entertain him at all.
he should be thrown in the sea.
Yeah, minimum action to be taken is to STRIP him of mycard ownership
to send a strong signal to the ever increasing disloyalty of his race to Malaysia
1.He should NOT be considered at all. Giving him the loan makes a mockery of the whole system and worse still, it will portray the present govt or authorities as lame and weak.
2. Look elsewhere, especially in our neighbouring countries. They do NOT entertain such characters ; worse still if they are categorised as traitorous in nature. In fact I would support a call by one of our Senators that traitors should be severely punished even to the extent of stripping his/her citizenship. The slightest dissent on this should also be admonished to the same degree of punishment !
3. Gone are the days when we have to be nice just so we can get back something in return, like VOTES. The recent trend in Hulu Selangor is a case in point ! " You give, they take. You want ; they refuse " It's a case of 'heads I win , tail you lose ".
4. We have to wise up to their games , simple as that !!! Better yet, we have to drastically put them in their place, though it may hurt initially. Why do we care if in the end they start to come to their senses.What we want them to realise is that two can play at !the same game !
5. This "demand game" and "not really supporting you" has been played a thousand times over the past years. It'll keep on being played if we don't put a stop to it. Don't worry if they start to cry 'racial' ! History and past experiences is clear testimony that they are the ones who have been playing the racial cards all this while. Like what I have always been advocating, "what is good for the gander must surely be good for the goose " Let them have a taste of their own medicine.
6. If our neighbours can enact 'draconian' laws and not suffer retaliation from its population, why can't we be forceful enough to do the same ? Retaliation ? Condemnation ? So what, we take the necessary actions first, right ? Preemptive ; preventive, whatever !
7. All Malaysians cherish peace, traquility, harmony and stability. If we have to punish some, then its the dissidents and trouble-makers that we are admonishing. So why the fuss ! Law-breakers know they have to be punished anyway !
8. Along the same line, dissidents and 'dis-loyalists' should never be REWARDED, in whatever forms.
Enough is enough !
Just 'discount' the chinese votes and concentrate on the Malay and indian in coming PRU 13
What ever good deeds BN did for their community was not appreciated by them.
Enough is enough. Just ignore them
Put All MCA candidates in chinese majority area in next election!
Bloody kiasu!
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