He said that the first thing he would do was to "fulfill all the promises he had made before the by-election.
"The trust and mandate given clearly shows how Barisan Nasional (BN) would serve the people in Hulu Selangor. I will meet Sungai Buaya residents tomorrow to express my sincere gratitude to them.
"I regard this victory as not mine, but the entire BN machinery who had worked round the clock to ensure my victory," he told reporters after the results of the by-election was announced here Sunday night.
Kamalanathan defeated Datuk Zaid Ibrahim from Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), by a 1,725-vote majority after polling 24,997 votes compared with 23,272 for Zaid.
He said that the votes polled by him today signalled the acceptance of people towards the leadership of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and that it had been translated into votes.
Kamalanathan also said that he would shift from his residence in Taman Kuala Garing, Rawang to his constituency, to serve the people better.
"I have already identified which part of Hulu Selangor I should go to as the promise (in shifting) was made before the by-election. This would ensure that I give effective service to the people in my constituency," he added.
He also said that he was satisfied with the number of Indian votes he had received today and said more can be done in attracting Indian votes.
Asked about the decline of Chinese votes towards BN, Kamalanathan said an in-depth study should be done to know the reason for voting the opposition.
tunku : now kamalanathan must ensure that in the next GE, BN will win again in Hulu selangor with bigger majority.he must work hard and make sure all the programme that had been promised during the campaign are carry out and completed.he is given an opportunity now to serve the people there and he must serve them 24/7 now and make a great impact there with the people.
This is not a win for Kamalanathan or BN, but a win for MONEY. BN bought the Chinese with hundreds of million with money.
Money? Yes, even Selangor MB and his PR cohorts gave alot of promises to the voters, new roads in the housing estates etc.etc.....not just BN.
1. bn ditipu oleh pengundi cina dan ini adalah kali kedua selepas Bukit Gantang dalam prk.
2. Pengundi cina dijanjikan jutaan ringgit melebihi janji bn kepada pengundi melayu dan india. Tapi undi tetap diberikan kepada pkr..kenapa??
3. pengundi cina telah membakul sampahkan mca dan gerakan daripada arus politik perdana. Pengundi cina lebih selesa bertuankan dap daripada berhambakan mca dan gerakan dan umno. Keadaan sekarang adalah sangat menguntungkan pengundi cina kerana meletakkan mereka sebagai penentu kemenangan walau pun akhirnya bn menang.
4. DS Najib mesti melaksanakan kpi terhadap semua parti dan peningkatan bilangan undi sebagai salah satu nkra dan mesti menang barulah ditawarkan dengan jawatan. Jika tidak, mca dan gerakan dan lain2 hanya bersikap tak apa dan mengharapkan pengundi kaum melayu dan india..
5. Bagi menentukan ketuanan melayu terus memerintah di tanah melayu, kerajaan yang sedia ada mesti melaksanakan persempadanan semula kawasan dengan menentukan pengundi melayu menguasai majoriti pengundi seperti mana dilakukan di singapura.
6. Tongkat yang diberikan kepada mca dan gerakan mestilah dibuang dan menerima meritrokrasi sebagai mana mereka laungkan serta mereka mestilah bertanding di kawasan majoriti pengundi cina. Tiada lagi bertanding di kawasan majoriti pengundi melayu.
7. kita tunggu dan lihat sikap dan trend pengundi cina di Sibu. Adakah ianya sama seperti di semenanjung???
berceramah di PRK Parlimen Hulu Selangor bertajuk "ANWAR IBRAHIM TAGHUT YAHUDI APCO" di
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