The youth leader, who came at odds with his party when he was accused of attempting steal the candidacy from Datuk G. Palanivel, said that the offer was made yesterday, shortly after Barisan Nasional revealed the name of its candidate, MIC’s information chief P. Kamalanathan.
“I was offered. I am not lying to you, my friends. There was a huge offer to me but I am a party man and I love my party so I was not swayed,” he said in a press conference here at Batang Kali.
He told The Malaysian Insider later that the offer amounted to a whopping cash reward of RM2 million and land to the size of 20ha.
“I received a phone call from a politician, a person who holds a post, who told me that if I am interested, I could meet with him on the same night,” claimed Mugilan but declined to reveal the name of the caller.
He said that he had not lodged a police report on the incident as he did not see the need to do so.
“Why should I? I did not take up the offer. I have no plans to do so,” he said.
He pointed out that he was a party man and did not place much emphasis on his rift with his top party leadership over the candidacy for the by-election.
MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu had announced recently that the party would investigate Mugilan for allegedly lobbying to be a candidate and even said he could face a possible sacking.
Mugilan’s name had emerged as a possible candidate after the Umno grassroots rallied behind him as a substitute to MIC deputy president Datuk G. Palanivel.
Mugilan however continued to insist that he had done nothing wrong and said that he had no intention to leave MIC.
“How could I have stolen the candidacy? You think the PM or the DPM have no brains?
“And why should I leave the party, this party is not a ‘sendirian berhad’ — its a party for the people,” he said.
Mugilan also said that he had never once lobbied to be a candidate for the by-election and challenged his accusers to prove him wrong.
He also claimed that he was merely being used as “propaganda material” by certain quarters for the by-election.
“I never lobbied to be a candidate. I never did. Ask anyone, ask the Prime Minister, ask the Deputy Prime Minister.
“I never said that I was interested in contesting,” he said.
He pointed out that Palanivel had been his mentor for years and that the former MP for Hulu Selangor was the one who had introduced him into politics.
tunku : that is why they put zaid ibrahim there as he has lots of cash.they are good at this and they had done this before. i hope someone will make a police report on this revelation from mugilan. we want to know who is the politician that had offered the cash to mugilan.
I believe him...
This neighbour of mine, waaa so chilly the way he moved around.
Claimed to be strong MIC supporter, tiap hari pakai batik turut turun padang..
But when he opens his mouth, berbuih puji PR, konon duk distribute hasil wang pasir to the rakyat, belittling Khir Toyo etc
WOLF IN SHEEPSKIN ramai lor.. Nak cekop from both sides.
Do not be too comfortable or too confident on this group for votes!
ala.. tu semua ota Kaf Lam Ya Nga... dah tak terpilih ckp macamacam supaya BN/TPM hulur kat dia... BN has made one BIG mistake in Hulu Selangor not fielding UMNO candidate... bye-bye BN/UMNO/Kamalnathan.... org melayu Hulu Selangor tengok muka calon nampak muka samy velu.... nasib kau belalang....!
anon 3.11am,
rasanya org melayu lagi tak suka tgk muka melayu yg tak sokong hak2 melayu serta minum todi selalu serta main judi di kasino2 luar negara mcm zaid ibrahim.
Adalah lebih baik memberi sokongan kepada kapir dari orang melayu munafiq yang menjahanam kan bangsa dan agama nya sendiri!
Dear Anon 3.11,
If the Old Adage of "Melayu ni Terror PHD" then no worries about whom the malay's vote.
Zaid with his rich liberal ways is as good as gone.
Good Riddance I say.
mugilan should lodge police report 'coz this is a case of attempting corrupt
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