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Khalid Ibrahim insulted Hulu Selangor's Muslim
In an interview yesterday, a reporter asked khalid ibrahim the cartoon mb of selangor on why did pkr named zaid ibrahim as its candidate in hulu selangor as zaid is not wanted in his own home state because of his "social" life etc.khalid answer to them was that the Muslim in kelantan different than the Muslim in hulu selangor as in kelantan they are more conservative and pious. does this means that khalid ibrahim trying to say that Muslim in hulu selangor are not pious and don't mind to be represented by a person who is very "social" and for them it is ok for zaid ibrahim to live that kind of life? the Muslim in Hulu Selangor should not be insulted by such comments. this has proven pkr doesn't care about anything as long as they can get some power.the Muslim in Hulu Selangor should not vote for zaid ibrahim at any cost.
To all my friends in Hulu Selangor ..
This is the time to kill off the arrogant Zaid Ibrahim political career for good. The miss the chance to vote him out once and for all. As for Khalid's political career ...not to worry ..he will do it on his own ..this moron will not even know what hit him .....
Terkejut juga dengar yang keluaq dari mulut Khalid.. Zaid tak diterima orang Kelantan sendiri kerana bla bla bla...
Ceh, kalao orang kampung sendiri tak terima, masakan orang yang tak kenal batang hidung dia sanggup akan terima?
Seperkara lagi, apa Islam ada dua standard ker? Kat Kelantan lain, kat HS lain? First time dengaq macam ni..
Khalid's response is expected as they are in the same boat. Both have identical life style. Dr.Jekyll by day and Mr.Hyde by night. They have skeletons hidden everywhere. In other words,they both can yam seng freely in Selangor but not in Kelantan. The way he answered to the press people is termed as alcoholic response.
Untuk semua,
Tontoni lah lagu "Kaki Botol" oleh R Azmi di sini
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