He said one would know whether Anwar was really a nationalist when one became closer to him.
"I believe the closer you are to him, the more you understand his personality. Is Anwar a nationalist? Actually, he's just fighting to become prime minister. If someone can support him to be prime minister; doesn't matter whether he's a Chinese, Hindu or whatever, he will support that person. That's why he supported Hindraf."
Dr Mahathir, who is Perkim (Malaysia Muslim Welfare Organisation) president, said this after attending a conference with religious teachers under the Education Ministry and Perkim members, here, on Tuesday.
According to him, the withdrawal of some of Anwar's close allies from PKR showed that they eventually realised his true personality.
Dr Mahathir cited the case of Prof Dr Chandra Muzaffar who quit as PKR deputy president, while Zainul Zakaria, Anwar's lawyer in his sodomy case, withdrew from representing him.
The latest development was that Anwar's personal doctor and Hulu Selangor PKR division treasurer, Datuk Dr Halili Rahmat, announced yesterday that he quit the party, saying that PKR had deviated from its original struggle since its founding in 1999.
On the allegation against Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, the PKR candidate in the Hulu Selangor by-electon, that he was a drinker, Dr Mahathir said such an allegation was unavoidable.
"All is fair in love and war, and in the election. I was also a victim of various allegations...that I had a Chinese wife...had a wife in Singapore. This is politics. So, those who hear the allegations, should make their own evaluation."
Asked whether the personal attacks (against Zaid) could give Barisan Nasional a win, Dr Mahathir said: "May be, may be not. It's up to the voters."
In another development, Dr Mahathir said trade ties between Malaysia and Iran could be affected if Petronas was forbidden to supply gasoline to Iran.
"Datuk Seri Najib (prime minister) denied he disallowed (Petronas). This is a commercial deal. It's Petronas' right to sell the fuel to whoever," he said.
The foreign media had earlier reported Najib as saying that Malaysia had stopped supplying gasoline to Iran, but the purported statement was refuted by the prime minister and said that it was merely a commercial transaction.
Asked about formal sex education for the young, Dr Mahathir said it was not necessary as it was already part of Islamic Studies and Moral Education taught in schools.
He said what was important was to make students understand and teach them how to control their desires, so so to prevent unwanted pregnancies and throwing away of unwanted babies at rubbish dumps and elsewhere.
tunku : that is why anwar choose zaid instead of others who have been for a long time in pkr, zaid wants anwar to be the pm and he's hoping to be the dpm.zaid is also hint to be anwar successor.what a pity to those who have been struggling for years in pkr and at last being ditched. as for sex education in school, i totally agree with Tun Mahathir,there's no need to introduce a new subject on it as it can be included in islamic Studies and Moral Education.both the subjects are relevant to the teaching of sex education.
I agree but pls also consider that anwar is purposely using zaid in order to change people view from sodomy case, 16 sept, tipu agong, fitnah najib etc etc. dia tau zaid byk kes dan tau juga takkan menang di hulu selangor, sbb tu tak pilih org lain likes dr halili..Now everybody is talking about kaki botol and lumba kuda saja!
zaid jadi kambing hitam utk cover anwar punya bala. tak tau zaid sedar atau tidak..
Saya bersetuju dengan Tun, memang kita boleh gunakan Pengajian Islam & Pendikan Moral sebagai platform untuk pendidikan seks.
Kita harus gunakan masa selepas peperiksaan UPSR sebagai masa untuk mendidik anak bangsa untuk memandang kehadapan dalam hidup ini.
Disamping impian pekerjaan kita mesti terapkan nilai-nilai seks murni yg diajar oleh semua agama. Kita juga mesti baca semula kisah-kisah 'cinta lari' (terutama ke Lombok) sebagai sempadan. Memang ade cerita tukang sapu sampah yg berjaya sebagai tauladan.
Yg ingin anak-anak bangsa kita berjaya.
Nani Cheras
Tepat sangat komen TDM tu. Itu sebab dia tendang penyokong PKR yang tidak menyokong dia untuk jadi PM.
Sepanjang career politiknya Anwar banyak menipu. Kalau nak cerita tiga hari tiga malam pun tak habis.
Kemuncak penipuannya ialah kerajaan 16 Sept. 2008 sehingga Karpal Singh begitu marah dan menyuruh Anwar bertaubat. Tapi marahnya sekejap sahaja. Demi politik dan wang, dia rela jadi peguambela Anwar.
siapa lagi yg amat mengenali anwar kalau bukan tun, dari sampah diangkatnya hingga menjadi org no 2 dlm kerajaan.
dengarlah nasihat ayahanda tun.
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