Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein said his deputy, Datuk Wira Abu Seman Yusop, would head the panel to determine what occurred.
He said the probe would cover all aspects and would be carried out in a transparent manner.
“I'm not only sad but surprised at what had transpired, especially when the incident involved a student who was only 15 years old.
"We will investigate all aspects including the need for the police to shoot at that time," he told reporters here.
Hishammuddin said, however, it was too early to jump to conclusion and determine who were in the wrong in the incident.
In the 2am incident, Aminul Rasyid Amzah died after being shot by policemen while his friend fled after they came across a police patrol car in Section 11, here.
Aminul Rasyid’s mother Norsiah Mohamad has asked that her son not be called a robber or criminal, saying she knew who her son really was.
"As a mother who had raised him, I feel hurt and appeal that my son not be described that way.
“It's unfair to accuse my son without confirmation," she told Bernama at her house when Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Datuk Seri Noh Omar visited her.
Norsiah, 61, said she did not mean that her son was perfect but to her, Aminul Rasyid was a cheerful teenager who was active in sports, had many friends and was to sit for the PMR examination this year.
"I did not expect that his being overly loving of late by kissing and hugging me each day would just be in memory. He also seriously wanted to clean up the grave of his father who died in 2004, but it was not meant to be," she said.
Norsiah said her family had lodged a report at the Shah Alam district police headquarters last night on the shooting incident.
tunku : judging by the news report, the police carried out their SOP when confronting with the scene above.they boys speed of their car when they saw the police and the police fired the car's tyre.then the boys tried to run and the police shot them which killed one of the boy and the other fled.we understand a mother's heart, how can a mother accept things like this happens to her's not easy.if the boy had listened to the police instruction, he wont be shot.they for surely will catch him.why did the boys run when they were not guilty of anything? again people said the boy was just 15years old,how would the police knows that he was 15years old in the dark at 2am? what was the 15years old boy doing there at 2am? let us wait for the investigation and till then, we hope people will not speculate unnecessary rumours.wonder why the opposition did not create havoc of this incident like they did for kugan? maybe because he's Malay.
I did still remember the Kugan procession to his final abode were fully sponsored by the opposition.
Look like only Non Malays death will be fully sponsored as their death can score some political points to the opposition i.e The police are 'racists' etc etc.
Whatever happened, the owner of the car is wrong in allowing the car to be driven by someone without a licence!
A car is like a gun which can injure or kill anyone. The govt should enact stiffer laws to penalise anyone who allow a minor without a proper driving licence to drive.
Tunku, agree with you 101%...
Kalau cowboy dah jadi polis susahlah nak cakap.Pantang nampak red indian mesti nak das sebiji. Kalau mcm ini red indian nak pegi pasar pun tak berani jangankan nek tengok wayang.
Hoi you DAP !
Why don't make a big noise. Ask for Royal Commission la....
Oh i forgot, because the kid is Malay right?
You, fcuking racist yourself, bloody kiasu!
(but got the cheek to say other people racist)
where are the candle vigils, the street protests, the banner carriers, the human rights shouting??
where are the finger pointing, the accusations, the racist labels??
oooopppss the victim is Malay - that's why there is this DEAFENING silence
Yes Sir, because he's a MALAY. If Chinese or Indian...masya'allah..PAS will be the first one to 'melolong" tak tentu pasal..even he/she is a criminal..
haha aku hairan dengan orng orng yg bangang pie salahkan polis nie. jawab dulu adakah patut budak umur 15 thn keluar pukul 2- 3 pagi siap bawa kereta lagi, satu kesalahan dia memandu tanpa lesen kesalahan 2 dia menyerang polis dengan cuma melanggar angota polis. so sini bangang bangang tak jawab duk sibuk kata dia budak bwah umur, pukul dua tiga pagi nie terang sangat ka boleh nampak misai tumbuh ka tidak.
kalau orng dah boleh memandu hanya orng dewasa saja, mana boleh tau dia budak bangang ka. serang polis tengah pagi pagi buta konon sebab takut, salah kan mak bapa dia sebab benarkan dia memandu.
kalau polis tu kena langgar mati dia, ada ko nak kesian kan polis tu. tu hah remaja duk merempit pagi pagi buta bila ada roadblock duk langgar polis sampai ada kes polis terkorban pun korang tak pernah ambik peduli.
aku harap pihak berkuasa mengambil tindakan kepada ibu bapa budak nie, sebab bersubahat membenarkan anak mereka memandu tanpa lesen dan cuba menyerang polis.
Banyak silap dalam kes ni..
1. Mcmmana budak 15 tahun takde lesen boleh bawak kereta keluar rumah dan sorang pun tak tahu. Walaupun awal pagi takkan tak dengar bunyi enjin kereta dan pagar dibuka? Budak yang disifatkan baik ada buat mcm ni ke? Mungkin dia hanya nakal...
2. Mungkin kalau orang yang matang berfikiran dia akan berhenti bila kena kejar dek polis, sebab dia tahu dia salah. Tapi budak umur 15 tahun ni rasanya lebih takutkan dimarahi keluarga dari kena tangkap...sebab tu agaknya dia panik dan cuba lari dan mungkin hampir terlanggar polis (itupun polis punya versi)
3. Menurut berita, polis dah tembak tayar dan kereta pun dah terbabas masuk longkang.....tak yah lah lagi nak tembak. Ade ke budak ni serang polis pakai parang yang dijumpai dlm kereta tu? Apa prosedur kePolisan? Protect yourself and shoot to kill ka? Gambar dalam surat khabar ada tunjuk yang kena tembak adalah head rest kerusi driver dan kena kepala budak ni. Jadi ertinya dia mungkin tengah duduk bila kena tembak.......apa yang bahaya kat polis? Takkan nak tembak tayar boleh tersasar keatas cam tu.
4. Sejak bila pulak parang tu senjata? Kereta aku banyak parang tak semestinya penjenayah.
5. Selalunya bila kes kejar mengejar dan tembak-tembak yang cam ni, 90% lah aku rasa "suspect" mati walaupun kebanyakannya takde senjata api.......
Last-last takziah aku serta simpati aku kepada keluarga arwah.Memang sudah Qada dan Qadar. Apa yang sebenarnya berlaku hanya ALLAH yang tahu dan hanya ALLAH lah yang akan menghukum sebenar-benarnya.
Kalau polis bertindak bukan atas maklumat yg serius wajar berhati2 sebelum melepaskan tembakan. Lebih2 lagi polis belum tau apakah jenis jenayah yg telah dilakukan oleh orang yg lari.Apa dah jadi bila menembak membabu buta? Asal lari tembak sampai mati. Boleh dapat pingat ke?Bawah umur bawak kereta memang salah tapi bukan hukuman mati!
Remaja yg rempitpun polis tak tembak sebab kesalahan mereka sekadar denda atau penjara.
Ada parang? Terbukti ke parang itu telah digunakan dalam kes rompakan lain? Banyak kenderaan ada senjata kerana pemandu takut pada jenayah yg sentiasa meningkat.Hanya penjenayah tegar yg serang polis dengan parang. Bukit Aman wajar melatih anggotanya mensasarkan tembakan ke kaki dalam kes seperti ini. Kalau tertembak anak sendiri apa mcm?Jangan sampai ada usaha unuk 'cover up'.
Special panel yg dibentuk hendaklah terdiri dari mereka yg ada pengalaman serta ilmu siasatan.
Jangan sampai tukang kayu disuruh
baiki komputer.Jangan rosakan susu sebelanga kerana nila setiik.Polis yg pakai senjata jangan lupa pakai otak.
ehem ... kalo yg memberi komen ni ade pendedahan dlm PDRM, sekadar ckp kosong, xyah la. ape2 pon..tindakan polis betul. menjawab soklan empunya badan kenape polis tembak kali kedua tu pdhal kete da terbabas, taktau ke budak tuh undur kete , dlm erti kate lain nak mencederakan polis tuh? apa2 pon, malam tuh kalo budak tuh tak mati, polis tu yg mati. fikir2 kan.kalo die betul penjenayah , and dier terlepas , u know what will happen to the police? gantung kerje woi!silap2 tindakan tatatertib pon bley kene.polis ni xde kebajikan.POLIS JE YG MEMBUAT KEBAJIKAN. itu gunanye MPV buat rondaan tgh2 malam. kalo agak tak tahu kerja polis cam ne, senyap je lah.terima kasih.
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