Besides Abdullah, eight other newly-elected members are former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, former Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin, Singapore Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong, former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, Li & Fung Group Chairman Victor K. Fung, China's Hainan Vice Governor Jiang Sixian, former French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin and Mitsubishi Corporation Chairman Mikio Sasaki.
Their nominations were approved at the BFA board meeting held before the forum's three-day annual conference which started Friday in Boao in China's southern province of Hainan, according to a statement from Abdullah's office.
Abdullah, who is in China to attend the forum, also met China's Vice President Xi Jinping Friday.
Tun Abdullah will be one of the panellists for the session "Beyond Chiang Mai Initiative: Regional Financial Cooperation in Asia" on Sunday.
This year's BFA annual conference, themed "Green Recovery: Asia's Realistic Choice for Sustainable Growth", attracts nearly 2,000 delegates from Asia and other parts of the world.
Established in 2001, the forum is a pan-Asian dialogue on issues affecting Asia and the world.
tunku : waste of taxpayer's money to send pak lah. there are more capable people out there who have brain and motivation.sending pak lah for a forum abroad is just like giving him a paid vacation.what can he contributes when he had ruined this country during his tenure as the prime minister?
He was an embarassment when he was the Prime Minister . Can you imagine Pak Lah sleeping throughout the Boao Forum board meeting?
"Abdullah Elected To The Board Of Boao Forum For Asia"
Kalau nak kira banyak yang tak harus diberi kepadanya terutama sekali anugerah TUN, tidak layak, apa sangat jasanya, isteri yang baru 2 tahun dikahwini dapat TUN, apa jasa selama 2 tahun kepada negara... sebab dia orang berdua status TUN menjadi murah.
damn shame.....
what to say.sleepy hollow
I guess he is acting on his personal motto, "Saya pantang dicabar"
Can someone do something to stop this man from further embarrassing our country overseas. Its bad enough that we have Anwar going around bad mouthing our current government. Dollah should stick to gardening.
The other day he said that he will help the government in bringing investor to our country. Till now I couldn't stop laughing. He should stop talking shit. He can never emulate Tun. Enough is enough Dollah. We had 5 miserable years with you and now we are just about to prosper. Why dont you and your family ..including that asshole son in law of yours move to Australia ..Bon Voyage Dollag Bodohwi ....
Whatever views we may have about Pak Lah we must give him credit for trying to open up the system. We may not benifit form it now but there will come a time when honest debate on issues related to the governing of this nation become firmly entrenched in our syatem then we may have the luxury of recalling the small but nevrethelss important contribution made by Pak Lah.
What happen to Islam Hadari ?
What happened to "Work with me don't work for me"
more like the people are working FOR him
Being grateful is one thing but being duped into thinking he can contribute is really something else
The anon who said "give him credit for trying to open up the system" is blinkered. paklelah did not allow TDM's views to be heard - it was blackout all the way.
Chedet's blog was the one that started the opening up of voices from the rakyat - voices of concern
What happened to the other ex pm
jelese kah
kah kah
Congrats Pak Lah. People still respect you internationally
Wonder what system did Pak Lah opened?
...see how one man can damage a country...
this is the man.
..He is there for the perks and free vacation with Jin....
intellectual contribution ? ZZzzz...
My dear friends it may have escaped you. He tried to put thing right in PDRM. After he made his statemnt on PDRM and the Police Commission he was made to feast on his words. Then he had to make a public apology when Rakan Cop was launched at a Ceremony on Selangpr Padang.
Yes, I agree with you he was sleeping on the job and that was because the inertia in the puiblic sector was too stong to accept change.
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