Ketua Umum PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim malam tadi menunjukkan dua pucuk surat sebagai bukti bahawa beliau mempunyai cukup jumlah ahli parlimen untuk mengambil alih kuasa daripada kerajaan BN melalui 'Projek 16 September'.
Anwar berkata surat pertama bertarikh 18 September 2008 yang menuntut agar Perdana Menteri ketika itu, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi memanggil sidang tergempar kerana ahli Dewan Rakyat sudah hilang keyakinan kepadanya.
"Jika tak ada jumlahnya, adakah boleh diadakan sidang parlimen tergempar?" katanya Anwar ketika berceramah di hadapan kira-kira 400 orang di Padang Perumahan Taman Teratai, yang dikatakan kubu kuat Umno.
Manakala surat bertarikh pada hari berikutnya, kata Anwar, memohon perkenan mengadap Yang di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Mizan kerana mempunyai cukup majoriti ahli Dewan Rakyat untuk menubuhkan kerajaan yang baru.
"Bagaimanapun Allah mentakdirkan perkara itu tidak menjadi," katanya sambil merayu agar pengundi memberi sokongan kepada calon PKR Datuk Zaid Ibrahim dalam pilihan raya kecil Hulu Selangor 25 April ini.
tunku : only fools will believe to this moron's lies. i just can imagine how stupid this moron is. what letters is he talking about? is that letter has enough power to decide who will be the government? he made the letter himself and put the names of BN Mps without their consent in written (black & white). i hope the people are not stupid to accept the 'idiotic stories' by the moron. Allah will never be on his side and he knows that.what a stupid excuse he gave.this moron will talk craps just to get some attentions.
Salam Bro,
Only morons will believe whatever crap that comes out of that sodomiser.
And we have to admit the fact that there are many morons in this world based on the amount of people with PhD (Professor with Honorary Degree).
One way or the other, do not stop young people from joining UMNO.
"Bagaimanapun Allah mentakdirkan perkara itu tidak menjadi,"
tahupun.. tahun 1998 pun macam tu jugak dah dekat nak jadi PM.. tapi Allah tak mengizinkan..tengok muka yang dah tak berseri pun tahu mamat ni pembohong besar.
Tunku, Anwar is the greatest liar on earth. The moment he opens his mouth what comes out is a lie.
He stops lying when he sleeps.
He is an excellent orator. But his oratory skills is used to cheat people.
anwar is not a liar. he only says things that he thinks will happen. he only says thinks that his supporters want to listen. no he is not a liar becos ppl believes in him.
The real problem that we are facing in Hulu Selangor is that we have not spending enough time to talk about our manifesto in Hulu Selangor.
We spend more time talking about Zaid, Anuar and Pakatan, instead.
If we really talked to fence sitter we know already who they going to vote for.....BUT are we doing something about it...No....Not Enough.
More disppointed we are going back to talk about Zaid, Anuar and Pakatan.
Ask MCA about the real situation on the ground.
Ask MIC about what really happening at grass root level.
Assuming Malay voters split into 50:50 we are in trouble.
Actually the voters of Hulu Selangor is not as simple as we thought. They are more well informed of what actually going on around them. They are watching us and they are evaluating us, still.
Could we just stop talking about Zaid, Anuar, Khalid and Pakatan and focus of what actually we want to do without downgrading others.
By the way Anuar and Pakatan bashing during Helo Malaysia on Bernama Tv by Rahim Thamby Chik is not helping either to really convincing the Hulu Selangor voters of what we really could do to them in Hulu Selangor.
Anyway Rakyat is watching....and they already decided by midnight last night of who are they going to vote for to represent them.
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