KUALA LUMPUR, April 6 (Bernama) -- Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim Tuesday claimed that there were Israeli agents present at the Federal Police Headquarters in Bukit Aman.
Anwar, in his debate at the Dewan Rakyat, said he had documents that Israeli intelligence had access to the country's strategic information through a company, Asiasoft (M) Sdn Bhd, which was a sub-contractor for the project to upgrade the communications system and technology at the federal police headquarters.
Asiasoft was a company registered in Singapore and based in Tel Aviv, Israel, said Anwar (PKR-Permatang Pauh) when debating the Supplementary Supply Bill (2009) 2010.
He claimed that the presence of two former Israeli military officers in the company was known to the country's top police officer as well as the then Home Minister, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar.
Anwar said Syed Hamid was briefed on the matter on Nov 23, 2008 at the VIP Room, KL International Airport (KLIA).
Anwar's statement prompted Syed Hamid (BN-Kota Tinggi), who was present at the sitting today, to stand up and claim that Anwar was making an assumption and a slanderous statement because many of the facts he had presented were not valid.
"Yang Berhormat mentioned that I was there (at the meeting at the VIP Room, KLIA), that's a lie. I attend many meetings, so you have to be specific on the meeting, don't mislead the House," Syed Hamid said.
Speaking to reporters at the Parliament lobby later, Anwar said he would write a letter to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin, requesting that the Meeting of the Conference of Rulers intervene to revoke the government contract with the consultant firm, Apco Worldwide, which he claimed to have links with Israel.
tunku : anwar is at his best and that is telling lies.he is trying hard to divert the problems surrounding him by making false accusation at the government.he is just telling tales in the parliament as he knows of the immunity he has in the House.if he is gentlemen enough he should provide the evidence with his accusations.right now,he's just using fake documents to fools people out there by using false letter heads etc.the police had asked anwar to make a report so that they can investigate, we hope the moron will do so .
Kalau betul macam mana? Menteri UMNO tak boleh diharapkan.
Y.B Anwar must be charged in court for making false accusations against the PDRM. As a citizen I am disturbed that he and RPK you might as well include PI Bala are making all kinds of unsubstantiated accusations and are getting away with it.Ramalx
1. Kalaulah boleh diwujudkan undang-undang yang membuang terus 'Parliamentary Immunity', barulah tak berani sesiapa pun memfitnah, membohong, mereka-reka cerita dan sebagainya. Barulah ahli-ahli di dewan yang mulia itu bercakap, berhujah dan berdebat dengan penuh kematangan, lebih profesional dan bersandarkan kepada data dan statistik yang 'credible'.
2. Rakyat dah muak dan meluat dengan perangai dan tindak-tanduk kebudak-budakan sesetengan Wakil Rakyat, baik di Parlimen maupun di Dewan Undangan Negeri.
3. We wonder how some of those put inside the august house were chosen by their parties in the first place ! It is as if these political parties are devoid of intelligent, matured, disciplined and well-mannered politicians ! It is as if these attitudes are replaced by negative traits such as uncouth behaviour, foul-mouthed disposition, gangsterism-inclined and unruly-extremism ! A case in point, shown and observed by all and sundry, is the debacle and fiasco in the Perak assembly. Never have I seen such shameful behaviour coming from adult lawmakers ; perhaps legislating their own version of primitive jungle laws.
4. In Parliament we expect our 'Wakil Rakyats' to be the voice of the people. Those in the government and in the Opposition have their specific roles to play. And diaagreeing just for the sake of wanting to be different or confrontational certainly isn't one of the values we would expect them to possess !
5. It is so easy for one to make himself a fool , perhaps even a moron !" From the sublime to the ridiculous is just a step away ". It is high time the rakyat condemn and not condone those MPs who are moronic-personified, from both the political divides.
6. Another aspect to pay heed to is the ploy, treachery and trickery employed by our so-called revered Wakil Rakyat. All they need to do to divert attention and scrutiny from a present predicament is to create another one of a similar crime or accusation! If confusion in thoughts and earlier beliefs can be drummed-up, then raising them in Parliament would be very worthwhile, don't you think ?
6. Can anyone shed some lights on whether there is a way to disallow or totally do away with this Parliamentary Immunity ? Without this immunity then, would they be courageous or brave enough to blurt out whatever they readily do without even the slightest sign of shame and humility, without a tinge of decorum and self-respect ?
I do loathe and despise these 'characters' of low moral attributes that some of our MPs possess! Worse still if it is the leader that we are referring to !
Sunday 11th April 2010
Malaysia Today - Raja Petra Kamaruddin reported from London:-
No Israeli was ever involved in the upgrading of the police force’s information and communication system as alleged by Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan said this was because Master Plan Consulting (MPC) Sdn Bhd – the company awarded the job to carry out the upgrading work terminated Asiasoft Sdn Bhd’s contract.
The termination was carried out when it was revealed that Asiasoft’s Singapore partner had two former Israeli intelligence officers on their payroll.
Year 2005
“The Home Ministry had awarded the upgrading work to MPC in 2005. MPC then engaged a local bumiputra company called Asiasoft Sdn Bhd to carry out the work for them.
Year 2007
“In 2007, Asiasoft sold 30% of the shares to Asiasoft Pte Ltd Singapore. When we conducted a due diligence check on their Singaporean partner, we discovered the presence of the Israelis in the company,” he said.
MPC immediately terminated Asiasoft’s contract.
Musa said police then conducted a thorough investigation into the matter and found there was no infiltration by any Israelis.
So 1 Anwar 1 Israel, what actually is your allegation?
The above was reported by an established Media, not by Malaysia Today which will definitely not write anything that is truth.
Yet another lie and spin the moron-spinmaster Anwar.
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