"The statement that the companies (implicated in the scandal) are closely linked to me is not true at all," he said in a written parliamentary reply to Wee Choo Keong (PKR-Wangsa Maju) today.
This is believed to be his first rebuttal in Parliament since the allegation surfaced.
According to Abdullah, the UN inquiry report has among others stated clearly that it has found no evidence to show the premier has benefitted from the deal.
"The only connection between (me) and the Iraqi government then was a letter to recommend a Malaysian delegation to then Iraqi vice-president Taha Yassin Ramadan," he stated in the three-page reply.
Single-largest bribe-giver
Abdullah was implicated in a 2004 UN inquiry where one ‘Abdullah Badawi’ was found to have gained illegal financial benefit from deposed Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein in the illicit oil-for-food scandal.
He was also implicated over his links with a Malaysian trading company called Mastek, controlled by Abdullah’s in-laws, which was alleged to be the biggest bribe-giver in the scandal.
However, in a subsequent UN inquiry in 2005, Abdullah was cleared from any involvement but his two in-laws, Noor Asiah Mahmood and Faek Ahmad Shareef continued to be implicated.
Faek, an Iraqi immigrant, was married to Noor Asiah, a sister of Abdullah’s late wife Endon Mahmood but the couple has since divorced.
According to the UN report, the duo via Mastek had allegedly paid a whopping US$10 million (RM38 million) to Saddam’s regime for the single largest oil allocation under the UN-administered programme.
The report also stated that Faek’s oil allocations were "tied to political consideration as Iraqi officials perceived him as someone who could assist in countering the effects on sanctions by improving Iraq’s ties with Malaysia".
The Parliament was told previously that the government has no information on any Malaysian companies which had breached the conditions stipulated by the UN under the programme and that it was up to the UN to take any action.
tunku : if you can set up other commissions,why not setting up commission against your oil for food scandal.lets clear it once for all pak lah.this is another chance for you to be "superhero".got any guts?
If neither am I involved nor do I know about something "fishy" others have been highligting, there will be more reason for me to get someone checking on it.
Tak Dak Nama 3
Pak Lah and gang are still in the state of denail!! Of course tunku, he have no guts! Ada sikit susahlah dengan kerajaan sekarang, you lodge police rpt against those people in corridor of powers, nothing will happen.
Ada kes sek 325 KK , bolih di gugurkan atau NFA(no further action) olih police atas arahan AG. Mangsanya hampir2 kojol dikerjakan olih VIP, anak, menantu dan bouncernya. So how do you expect the rakyat to trust the government on rule of law?
Ada mantan menteri"jamah jubur jenab, jenab jerit , jange, jange....( dan seterusnya cerita jeng..jeng..)tapi got scots free apabila no kes kerana mangsa menarik balik laporan polisnya.
Ada pemimpin dikenakan tindakan disiplin parti kerna rasuah politik, diambil jadi senator dan menteri penuh denying the Sabahan of the post !Dah found guilty dan dihukum. Dimaafkan atas rayuan.
The best part is that PM sendiri melakukan contempt of court dalam kes nak hidupkan kembali Tun Salleh Abas atas kehendak menantu aka CEO Scomi? Terlampau ghairah nak jadi polular , sampai hilang pertimbangan dan membelakangkan Perlembagaan dan Mjlis Raja2.
So Tunku, what's going to happen to our beloved country? Dah jadi the laughing stock of others!! The longer he is in power, the more we and the country will suffer!!
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