Sunday, May 18, 2008

Refresh with PAS MP Taib Azamudin


Tok Kemuning said...

Without any doubt this is no more than another attempt to insult our level of intellegent.For me regardless his affliation DSAI is promoting "tawaduk" and "husnulzan" among his supporters. Regardless he is still looked upon by his supporters with full respect and dignity. I dont see anything could allienate his supporters. They have been thru a lot of instances that any mind could not conceive before...but they survive. Instead let us take a deep breath and think of what we are really facing now i.e our PM (Pak Lah), UMNO and Barisan....that is our reality.

SiamangBukit said...

Main bontot is still main bontot.Pengikut2nye macam buat tak tahu yang DSAI menipu makmum2 nye. Dia ini mempermainkan islam dan sekarang cuba mempersoalkan ketuanan Sultan Melayu dengan tema kononnya Ketuanan Rakyat. Menghina kaum Melayu dengan memperbodohkan Dekan Melayu yang lebih berpelajaran dari si Kaum Lut ini. DSAI adalah serampang dua mata.