Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Abdullah: Premiership handover to Najib in 'due course'

Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said the transition process of handing over the premiership to Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak will happen in due course.
"Just wait for that. Don''t ask me to say anything. All these things will happen in due course," he said to reporters after launching the Puncak Baru project in conjunction with the redevelopment of Kampung Baru weekend market, here today.
At the conclusion of the Umno General Assembly on Saturday, Abdullah said he should seek an audience with the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin this Thursday on his intention to step down as the Prime Minister.

tunku : just tell the reporters on 3rd you will handover the premiership to najib or you have something else in your mind? what is so big deal in telling the exact date to the public, it is not a surprise to anyone unless you don't want to resign.


Premium Business said...

Panas beb..tak boleh tahan !!!!!
Hangin satu badan.

Anonymous said...

Jangan lupa cerita Dolah!

Thursday, 27 December 2007

LEBIH 165,000 rakyat Pahang mengalami kesukaran memperolehi bekalan air kesan banjir yang melanda selama lebih dua minggu di negeri tersebut. Dan terbaru seorang kakitangan dari Jabatan Bekalan Air Pahang telah dipukul oleh seorang penduduk berusia 60 tahun di Bukit Goh, Kuantan ekoran kegagalan pihak JBA membekalkan keperluan tersebut secara samarata.

Sementara itu di Kapit, Sarawak seorang wanita menjadi korban kejadian tanah runtuh juga kesan bencana banjir yang mula melanda negeri tersebut. Dalam waktu yang sama, Kotaraya Kuala Lumpur mula dilanda hujan berterusan selama dua hari dan pastinya bakal mengundang banjir jika ia berterusan sehari dua lagi.

Ternyata alam semakin lantang berbicara kerana bosan melihat tingkah laku manusia yang bangga dengan dosa-dosa. Namun, pemimpin masih belum dijengah keinsafan kembali mencari nur kemurnian jiwa dan bertapak kepada fitrah kehidupan berwibawa. Korupsi serta penyalahgunaan kuasa terus merencam untuk dijadikan budaya kehidupan kalangan penguasa. Kezaliman pemerintah menjeruk hati dan meneguk air mata rakyat bagai pesta tanpa noktah.

Minggu hadapan jika diizinkan Ilahi kita bakal dijengah kehadiran tahun 2008 dan tabir 2007 pasti akan dilabuhkan meninggalkan pelbagai nostalgia pahit manis warna kehidupan. Bagi kalangan masyarakat Tionghua tahun 2008 adalah putaran pertama dari dua belas tahun kalendar bermula dengan simbol tikus diikuti oleh tahun lembu, babi, monyet, naga dan lain-lain binatang.

Mengikut kepercayaan masyarakat Tionghua kehadiran tahun tikus (2008) adalah permulaan yang baik serta bakal memperlihatkan beberapa perubahan besar menyentuh tentang pasang surut kepimpinan sesabuah negara. Dalam erti kata lain negara diramalkan bakal memperolehi pemimpin baru (sekadar ramalan). Biar apa pun, yang pasti pilihan raya umum sudah semakin hampir memungkinkan terjadi pelbagai perubahan politik .

Satu ketika dahulu mantan Perdana Menteri Tun Dr.Mahathir menyatakan bahawa "Melayu Mudah Lupa". Kerana bersikap mudah lupa akhirnya mereka terjerumus menjadi "haprak" dan hilang wibawa dalam mengamalkan budaya kehidupan sempang-peranang. Untuk itu, menjelang kehadiran tahun 2008 juga merupakan tahun permulaan kalendar masyarakat Tionghua seharusnya kita mempertingkatkan iltizam supaya tidak lagi menjadi mudah lupa.

Kerana tidak mahu jadi lupa, seharusnya kita merenung kembali beberapa peristiwa yang tercetus sejak Abdullah Ahmad Badawi diangkat menjadi Perdana Menteri. Dan tidak seharusnya kita lupa kejadian cukup memalukan dua tahun lalu bagaimana Memanda wazir Azmi Khalid terpaksa bekejar ke Republik Rakyat China.

Sudah lupakah betapa malunya seluruh rakyat Malaysia diaibkan oleh arahan Abdullah Ahmad Badawi supaya sidang wazirnya Azmi Khalid meminta maaf dari pemimpin negara Republik Rakyat China berhubung peristiwa "Ketuk Ketapi" di dalam lokap polis melibatkan seorang wanita.

Sungguh tidak masuk akal Perdana Menteri yang juga menjawat jawatan Menteri Keselamatan Dalam Negeri boleh percaya kepada cerita kononnya wanita yang dikenakan denda ketuk ketampi secara berbogel dalam lokap polis adalah warga negara Republik Rakyat China.

Setelah Azmi Khalid menyampaikan "mohon maaf" tiba-tiba seluruh negara digemparkan bahawa wanita tersebut bukan warga Republik Rakyat China tetapi dia adalah wanita Melayu yang ditahan kerana disyaki terlibat dengan kes pengedaran dadah.

Aib, cukup memalukan. Apa pandangan pemimpin Republik Rakyat China terhadap pasukan polis Malaysia? Seluruh dunia mentertawakan kedangkalan pemimpin kita dalam peristiwa tersebut. Masihkah kita ingat lagi peristiwa tersebut? Atau sudah terlupakah seluruh rakyat Malaysia bagaimana kita dimalukan oleh Abdullah Ahmad Badawi?

Bagaimana pula dengan peristiwa "terlekapnya" jari-jemari Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sebagai imam besar mahzab Islam Hadhari di atas bahu "mongel" Michelle Yeoh dalam pesta Monsoon Cup? Sudah terlupakah seluruh rakyat Malaysia wajah berahi bintang filem James Bond membelai mesra "lekapan" jari-jemari Abdullah di bahunya?

Budaya apakah mahu diterapkan oleh Abdullah Ahmad Badawi melalui ajaran Islam Hadharinya di mana bukan muhrim boleh "meraba" bahu mongel anak gadis orang? Begitu juga saat merayakan musim pernikahannya dengan janda beranak dua Jeanne Danker, tanpa segan dan silu Abdullah boleh berpimpin tangan menziarahi kubur Allahyarhamah Datin Seri Hendon sebaik selesai upacara akad nikah.

Bolehkah seluruh wanita menerima pakai budaya sedemikian untuk berpesan kepada suaminya supaya membawa isteri baru menziarahi kubur mereka jika ditakdirkan terlebih dahulu menyahut panggilan Ilahi? Cukup mengaibkan perlakuan sedemikian.

Sewaktu diwawancara oleh Anuar Zaini menerusi siaran TV 3 Abdullah Ahmad Badawi memberitahu seluruh rakyat bahawa anaknya tidak pernah memperolehi sebarang kontrak kerajaan. Dan hari ini umum mengetahui syarikat Scomi milik anaknya bernama Kamaluddin menjadi jutawan hebat mengumpul ratusan juta ringgit hasil imbuhan kontrak dari kerajaan Malaysia. Apakah kita sudah lupa wawancara tersebut?

Begitu juga perihal Jet Eksekutif bernilai lebih dua ratus juta ringgit yang dinafikan Abdullah dibeli oleh kerajaan Malaysia. Hari ini jet tersebut sudahpun menjadi pesawat kegunaannya untuk keluar negeri. Tidak pasti pula DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di-pertuan Agong menunaikan ibadat Haji ke tanah suci Mekah dua minggu lalu apakah menggunakan jet tersebut kerana sewaktu menjawab pertanyaan wartawan Abdullah ada menyebut bahawa jet tersebut juga adalah untuk kegunaan Yang Di-pertuan Agong.

Cerita kapal layar mewah hadiah taukeh judi terkemuka yang diimport dari Turki sudah kian terpendam dan tidak menjadi bualan lagi. Apakah rakyat sudah lupa atau mungkin ianya terus tersorok di negara Australia. (Semuga Raja Petra Kamarudin dapat menemui cerita sebenar di sebalik kisah kapal layar mewah itu).

Dalam waktu yang sama, semasa meninggalkan rakyat Johor bergelandangan selama dua bulan ditenggelami banjir, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi menyatakan dia terpaksa berada di Australia waktu itu untuk urusan rasmi. Entah di mana silapnya, tiba-tiba Datuk Michelle Todt mendedahkan di akhbar The Star waktu itu dia bersama Perdana Menteri menikmati musim percutian berlayar di atas kapal mewah. Apakah kita sudah lupa?

Seharusnya kita bertanya kepada Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, sudah terlupakah olehnya laporan setebal 300 muka surat dari saudara Ezam Mohd Noor Pengerusi Gerak berhubung penyalahgunaan kuasa dan korupsi tiga orang sidang wazirnya.

Sesungguhnya sebagai menyambut kehadiran tahun baru (2008) rakyat menuntut agar Abdullah jangan lupa mengarahkan Badan Pencegah Rasuah menyiasat ke akar umbi Kementerian Belia dan Sukan yang didakwa melakukan penyelewengan sebagaimana dilaporkan oleh Ketua Audit Negara menyebabkan rakyat tergamam "screw driver" boleh bernilai puluhan ribu.

Rakyat juga ingin tahu kesudahan cerita penyelwengan lebih lima puluh juta ringgit wang rakyat di Hong Kong melibatkan seorang Menteri, kes saham Rafidah Aziz, kes syarikat Abrar semasa Menteri kewangan kedua Noor Yaacob menjadi salah seorang kakitangannya, kes pelabuhan Kelang melibatkan berbilion ringgit dibelanjakan secara tidak munasabah dan adanya elemen korupsi.

Begitu juga dengan kes ECM Libra di mana menantu kesayangan Abdullah diberitakan memperolehi laba berjuta, kes 200 lesen mesin judi "slot machine" melibatkan seorang menteri kanan, kes PPRT dan beberapa kes yang lain. Abdullah tidak seharusnya berdalih kononnya dia terlupa atau masih belum menerima laporan. Sebagai orang nombor satu mentadbir negara seluruh situasi sempang-peranang yang begitu merencam di tahun-tahun yang lalu adalah terpikul di bahunya dan rakyat berhak menuntut keadilan serta penjelasan darinya.

Agak menarik juga membaca nukilan dari saudara Keris Silau untuk kita tatap bersama sebagai persiapan menyambut kedatangan tahun tikus.

Ahli Umno

Anonymous said...


Bodowi memang ada niat dan ada rangcangan untuk tak mahu mengundurkan diri yang telah dirangcang oleh Khairy, Anwar, Nusa(musang)Hitam, Zaid Ibrahim dan Penyamun tingkat 4. Malangnya ramai telah menghidu rangcangan jahat itu.DYMM Agong. Telah memintas rangcangan jahat itu dengan mengucapkan tahniah dan terima kasih kapada Bobowi didalam Parlimen. Bodowi terkejut beruk ! Maka Khairy dan kuncu2 nya teruskan rangcangan mereka dengan plan B, C,D dan seterusnya. Sekali lagi Bodowi terjejut beruk apabila Tun M pintas plan B dan hadir di saat akhir diperhimpunan Umno baru2 ini. Jadi Bodowi tak boleh berdolak dalek lagi. Niatnya untuk memaksa Najib melantik Khairy sebagai Menteri penuh untuk mengantikan Syed Hamid, nampaknya gagal lagi. Bodowi dan Khairy telah diaibkan oleh perwakilan dengan Booooooo sepanjangan persidangan.

Nampak2 nya Najib akan penjemput Tun M sebagai penasihat untuk urusan pentakbiran negara untuk memantapkan kerjaan selepas angkat sumpah April 3 ini.

Kini plan C, D, Khairy dan kuncu2nya sedang berjalan. Maka sebab itulah Bodowi gagal memberi tarikh tepat untuk berundur kepada wartawan walaupun telah diwar2kan tempoh hari.

Sewajarnya Najib perlu menyisat kalau2 benar Khairy telah mebawa 304 pemuda ke Seri Perdana semasa Bodowi berada di Kuwait mengadakan
lawatan rasmi. Apa hak Khairy bawa pemuda2 ke Seri Pedana kalau bukan tujuan memberi rasuah ?????

Betulkah Hotel Corus telah menjadi markas Khairy untuk megagihkan habuan kapada 304 pemuda yang telah di siarkan dalam beberapa blog baru2 ini ? Tengku Ahmad Ritahuddin kalau tahu pun...tentu buat2 tak tahu aje. Serpeti kata nya daru2 ini "bertindak salah, kalau tak bertindak pun salah..." apa maknanya itu.

Berani kah Najib bertindak!

Anonymous said...

Khairy dan Singapore

02/04: Malays won't lose out with Johor project, says Khairy

Leslie Lau
The Straits Times

THE Iskandar Development Region (IDR) is not a sell-out to foreigners, deputy Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin said yesterday, in a stout defence of Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi's vision of remaking South Johor into a modern metropolis.

He was referring to the government's recent announcement of a slew of incentives which would remove conditions placed on foreign investors to offer equity to Malay bumiputeras.

Such a move did not mean that Johor would lose its independence to foreigners, said Mr Khairy, who is son-in-law to Datuk Seri Abdullah.

Under the incentives, foreign investors in specific zones of the IDR would not have to fulfil current rules requiring a certain percentage of bumiputera equity participation.

'Surprisingly, the incentives have not generated too much debate on the Malay ground, yet. But it will come,' he wrote in his regular column in the New Sunday Times.

Pre-empting such a debate, the deputy Umno Youth chief predicted that critics of the incentives would claim that Malays would become slaves and servants again.

'The argument will paint a picture of Singaporeans and other undesirables building skyscrapers in Johor and employing Malaysians as servants,' he said.

Defending the incentives, he pointed out that the waiver of the bumiputera rules was only for a small part of the IDR and not for the entire region itself.

He added that only certain sectors would be open to such foreign participation.

These are in the creative industries, educational services, financial advisory and consulting, health care, logistics and tourism.

Mr Khairy also pointed out that foreign investors given the bumiputera waiver would be allowed to conduct their business activities only within the zone and outside Malaysia, ensuring no competition with local businesses.

'If they set up in these zones to capture the Malaysian market they will not enjoy the incentives.

'By providing these incentives, we are actually taking the fight to places like Singapore which has been a favourite pick as a base for regional operations,' he wrote.

Anonymous said...

Abdullah denied that he has bought a jet and it is Penerbangan Malaysia Berhad(PMB) who had purchased it. Government is just leasing the aircraft from PMB and it is for government use only. It's better for the government to lease than to buy said Abdullah because of the maintenance. He also said that PMB will gain from the lease of the jet.
Well Mr Lah, first of all let us remind you that Penerbangan Malaysia Berhad belongs to the government if you dont remember or your oxford advisors forgot to brief you on the situation.PMB is currently a wholly owned subsidiary of Khazanah Nasional Berhad.Khazanah belongs to the government.So what is the difference whether the Half Past Six (HP6) government bought or PMB. Who are you trying to fool???????
We are not saying that the government can't buy executive jet for VIP use but we already have 4 VVIP jets and under the control of Malaysian Airforce which is supposed to be guarded and handle by them only. Current jets under Airforce for VVIP are :
1 Boeing Business Jet
1 Bombardier Global Express
1 Dassault Falcon 900B
1 Fokker F-28

Why we have to purchase another jet while the money could be use somewhere else?????
Seems like your oxford advisors(spin doctors) fails to spin this news.We have never imagine you will be like this, we were so happy when you took over the leadership and thanks Tun Dr Mahathir for choosing such a clean image guy but you are so DIRTY.

Anonymous said...

Friday, January 26, 2007

USD 50million VIP Jet for pm

SO this government seems to have plenty of money, now they have bought a VIP jet for our dearest pm for USD 50 million...wow. Not that they should not but the existing VIP jets are also very new, one of them boughtin 2001. They bought airbus A320 jet and now in the process of renovation.The aircraft which carries the pre-customer delivery registration of D-AIDR, of which AI denotes that it still is under the responsibility of Airbus Industrie, is expected to be delivered in the next 3-4 months following completion of outfitting works in Basel, Switzerland.

Currently Malaysia is having Boeing BBJ, Bombardier Global Express, Falconjet 900B and F28 for our VIPs.Is this still not enough??????????

A source said that it would be good if the taxpayer money that spend on this jet be substituted to buying airforce planes.We can buy for helicopters/fighter jets with this money, Nuri helicopter is considered antic and we keep using them...even after so many accident.

It seems that this pm of ours have a very high taste, when he came to power he renovated Sri Perdana for millions even though it was just 4 years old....imagine.
pak lah RESIGN NOW.




Anonymous said...

Election of Khairy As UMNO Youth Chief - The Ugly Consequences

Khairy and Badawi may gloat that even in defeat, they were able to salvage a battlefield victory of sorts, but their glee will be short-lived and would spell the inevitable defeat of UMNO and Barisan Nasional at the next General Elections, or earlier.

Maybe, this is the ultimate revenge to be exacted by Badawi now that he has been removed from the power equation.

The delegates who voted for Khairy will live to regret their short-sighted decision.

The call for radical change rings hollow when Khairy was elected as UMNO Youth Chief, because it is an indication that certain factions within UMNO are still in a state of denial.

At the last General Elections, the denunciations against the Barisan Nasional from the electorate were loudest and frustration displayed most acute, whenever the names of Khairy and Badawi were uttered by Opposition leaders and supporters. I was there and I was able to announce a massive defeat for the BN even before nationwide results were announced. I had sent out SMS to friends all over the country of my view even before the polls were closed!

I had even predicted before the General Elections that Badawi will be forced out after the elections. I have enough witnesses to testify to this fact, some of whom were close supporters of Badawi.

I would say that the disenchantment was directed more at Khairy than Badawi.

It was ugly, so very ugly – the damnation and anger.

The electorate perceived (regardless whether we agree or not) Khairy as the personification of the corruption and abuse of power that prevails in UMNO. This perception still prevails.

This was further compounded, when he was merely reprimanded by the UMNO Disciplinary Board for money politics, when his so-called agent was found guilty of giving money to delegates. There was bewilderment and anger. To the public, this was hypocrisy and double standards. Others paid heavy penalties by either being disallowed from competing in the party elections or charged in court for offences of corruption.

Khairy became toxic!

There were also rumours that no strong action could be taken against Khairy, because his election was the agreed farewell gift for Badawi in exchange for a smooth transition. Some called it blackmail!

In the result, the public disillusionment with UMNO has deepened further.

Any benefit of doubt given to the incoming Najib administration vaporised when Khairy was elected as UMNO Youth Chief. By virtue of the party position, he is certain to be made a Minister, if not at the very least a Deputy Minister.

The announcement that there will be a massive reshuffle of the Cabinet to reflect a change in outlook will be hamstrung by the appointment of Khairy.

In 2003, before the retirement of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, I had warned that Khairy will be the millstone of UMNO and the ultimate undoing of Badawi.

But no one took heed of my warnings because everyone credited the massive victory of the 2004 General Elections to Khairy’s strategies. Nothing could be further from the truth. If the economy did not recover and prosper during the stalwartship of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad after the 1997 financial crisis, Badawi could not have obtained such a huge mandate.

Khairy and Badawi took all the credit for the victory. This was their undoing. Drunk with power and arrogance, they raped and destroyed the economy and alienated the electorate.

Khairy relied on his spin doctors to spin fairytales to fulfil their ill-conceived agendas. Believing in their own spin, they missed all the telling signs that all was not well in their backyards. In the result, the Barisan Nasional lost five key states and the 2/3 majority in Parliament.

UMNO as the backbone of the Barisan Nasional was wrecked and have yet to recover from the devastation!

Some political pundits in the national dailies opined that Khairy would be able to reach out to the younger voters, because he is intelligent and able to communicate with them. This was seen as crucial as by the next General Elections, there will be another six million new and young voters.

These pundits must be blind or wearing blinkers. Khairy played a major role in two By-elections recently and the Barisan Nasional lost.

The writing is on the wall. Khairy was the millstone that hung dangerously on Badawi’s neck. Badawi ignored my warnings and paid the ultimate price. He was cursed and despised by the rakyat.

Khairy will now be Najib’s millstone and if Najib does not wish to follow a similar exit, he had better not appoint Khairy to the Cabinet and or allow him to play any major role in any elections or formulating government policies. For that is the surest way to lose the elections, whether in the coming By-elections or the General Elections in 2012 / 2013.

Khairy has no credibility. Winning the UMNO Youth elections will not in anyway give credence that he will be able to swing the youths of Malaysia to his side. Sad to say, UMNO Youth is out of touch with Malaysian youths! His election will alienate further the Malaysian youths. The Malaysian youths have had enough of him – a political chameleon, the “Teflon Kid” and there is no way that he can change the perception. As stated earlier, he is toxic!

Badawi in his farewell speech said that UMNO must do away with the old ways. If UMNO is to follow his exhortation, surely the old ways of relying on Khairy and the 4th Floor boys must be rejected and discarded completely.

I have never openly criticised Tengku Razaleigh in all the years that I have known him, as I have the highest respect for him. But in his recent interview with an alternative media, he had praised Khairy and expressed confidence in him.

Coming from Tengku Razaleigh, I was dumbfounded. My immediate reaction was, it must have been a lapse of judgment.

But, on further reflection, I realised that Tengku Razaleigh was laying the groundwork for future battles in UMNO and Khairy could be a useful proxy. I hope my assessment is wrong.

But, for Tengku Razaleigh not to know the pulse of the electorate is not possible. The deep mistrust against Khairy has not abated. All Tengku need to do is to go down to the people and ask them what they think of Badawi and Khairy.

He must have another agenda in backing Khairy the way he did.

Be that as it may, it matters not whether Khairy is the UMNO Youth Chief. His tenure will not last. Sooner or later, reality will sink in and UMNO will turn against him and daggers will be out.

It is also obvious that Khairy won because of horse trading of block votes. The voting in UMNO is such that at this juncture, Badawi’s block is still pivotal, even though not as powerful as the others. It was to those candidates that unless they have the Badawi block of votes, they will not survive the party elections. There was a simple quid-pro-quo: “Your block votes for me and my block will vote for you.” Much crocodile tears will flow to cover up the betrayals, and the usual excuse – “I had no choice, as otherwise I will be dead meat. If I survive, I can still help you later. Please understand my predicament.”

There are suckers out there who still believe in this nonsense!

There are no issues of principles in UMNO elections. It is pure power-play and how to survive to play the power game.

Khairy has won one round, albeit his last, for there may be no more games to play when Barisan Nasional gets booted out, because of this millstone.

To turn a new leaf, the old ways of Badawi and Khairy must be discarded totally and buried for good.

There is no other option if Najib does not wish to be the shortest reigning Prime Minister in Malaysia’s history.

Be forewarned that when the pressure starts piling on Khairy, he will be the Trojan Horse for the Opposition if that is the only option left to remain in power.