Said mother of three Kam Swee Har: “Language is not just about teaching grammar and writing essays; it is the whole application of the language.
“The exposure is different when you’re learning technical subjects like Science or Maths.”
Engineer and father of four, Sulaiman Mahran, agreed: “Technical terms need to be absorbed in English, so strengthening English in general is not going to help in Maths and Science.”
Azra Banu, who has a child in Year Six, pointed out that it is the rural students who will lose out in the long run.
Businesswoman Haili Abdul Jamil, who has two children in Years One and Two, is seriously considering enrolling her children in an international school following the decision.
The impact of the decision is particularly hard on students who will enter Form Four in 2012.
Form One student Anisa Sulaiman is anxious about switching to Bahasa Malaysia in the two subjects when she gets into Form Four in 2012.
“I have been learning Maths and Science in English, so it will be difficult if we change the medium of instruction later on,” she said.
In Penang, Han Chiang High School Just English centre adviser Ooi Lay Le said the standard of English among students would drop if the two subjects were not taught in the language.
“We are going backwards,” said Ooi who has been teaching for 40 years.
SJK (C) Union Bahasa Malaysia Committee head Cheah Choo Suan, 55, said teaching the subjects in English would have helped broaden students’ knowledge of new terminologies and improve their command of the language.
Year Five student R. Abirami, 11, from SK Convent Green Lane, said it would be hard for her to adapt to the new system.
“We have memorised the scientific terms in English,” she said. “I’m afraid it will be hard to re-learn them in Bahasa Malaysia.”
In Johor, some parents are even considering sending their children to Singapore where they can learn in English.
Dr Santhi Sivalingam Moorthy, 41, said she would seriously consider transferring her three children, aged between five and 10, to Singapore schools now.
tunku : almost all the parents even the one in rural areas wants PPSMI, but some politicians and so called pejuang bangsa/bahasa has jeopardized the future of this nation because of their interest. i as a parent supports PPSMI. for the disappointed parents which has money, they still can send their children to international schools but what about the majority out there? the so called pejuang bangsa/bahasa and politicians sending their children to private schools,overseas etc but can decide for others.very frustrating.
mari kita panggil 'pejuang bahasa' ini = susahterawan negara
Education for our young in Malaysia has once again been sacrificed on the altars of political expediency.I do not believe for one minute that the cancellation of the PPSMI has got nothing to do with politics. It is inconceivable that just a little over 6 years a study could be made to show that it is a failure. I agree that the PPMSI has weaknesses in its implementation especially the teachers needs further training to speak english fluently, so, the teachers needs to be trained but no need to take the extreme step of cancelling the PPMSI altogether, we are actually moving steps back and ultimately handicapping ourselves when competing for FDIs against our neighbors in the not so distant future.
I GOOGLED the following words:
sains, science, matematik bahasa melayu, mathematics and the results are as follows:
sains 14.1 million results;
science 1 Billion results;
matematik bahasa melayu 192,000 results;
mathematics 134 Million results.
Just simple GOOGLE will show that it would be more useful and beneficial and VERY important for our children to learn Mathematics and Science in the English Language.
Even though Muhyiddin say there should not be any appeal, I hope that the Ministry of Education would consider reinstating PPMSI as additional to the now agreed teaching of Science and Mathematics in Bahasa Melayu, Mandarin and Tamil.
Give Malaysian Parents the choice of what language they want their children to study Mathematics and Science. This country should not be held to ransom by the language extremists whether they are Malay Sasterawans,Gapena or the Chinese and Tamil educationist movement who threathens BN with deprivation of political votes if their demands are not met. Our children cannot earn good living or contribute to the future of this country just by reciting the sastera melayu or mandarin and tamil poems only, we need technorats, professionals versed in English and their mother tongue also to compete in this increasing globalised world.
When it is about the best education that our children should have for their secured and independent future, I say politics be damned.
So I hope that the decision to cancel the PPSMI be revisited and the views of the PARENTS who wants PPMSI for their children, and they are also a huge voters bank in the coming GE, are thoroughly considered as the consequence would be bad on the BN as I know that Pakatan will promise to introduce PPMSI as additional to the teaching of science and matematics in Bahasa Melayu, Mandarin and Tamil. Don't believe? watch and see and cry BN leaders.
Kita lihat berjayakah langkah kerajaan memansuhkan PPSMI.Yang rugi adalah orang melayu sendiri.saya adalah produk kelas remove tahun 1970 yang menyebabkan saya boleh berkomunikasi dalam bahasa inggeris dan menyenangkan saya membuat kajian teknikal bagi Fizik,biologi dan lain-lain cabang matapelajaran sains dahulu dan sekarang. Apa akan jadi jika dizaman globalisasi kepada orang melayu jika tidak mahir bahasa inggeris.
puak cina chongchiang Mandarin, puak Tamil Anugerek Tamil.. akan lagi lebih mengasingkan anak2 kita!!
Saya memberi tiusyen Asas Bacaan BI, itupun yang baru tamat SPM, yang amat minat dalam bidang Engineering dan Accountancy... asas membaca BI tak fasih, apalagi vocabulary asas.. amat jauh ketinggalan.
Nah, with this... I feel real sad for our future kids.. Jadi Mat/Minah kilang semula nampak majority nanti!
Since Maths. and Science would be taught in Malay, Chinese and Tamil,why can't the Govt allow English to be brought in as well? Let the parents decide what is best for their children.Don't you think that this would bring about a win-win solution for all?
these idiots think that ppsmi is for mastering english.....donkeys.
it was introduced by tun m so that we can acquire knowledge in science and maths to the maximum, new technologies.....idiotssssssssssssssss.
If the parents want their children to get their Science and Maths education in English language it is not wrong because today in this era of technology everything is first to be proved scientifically then only people takes new changes into consideration's. And if this education would be in English it would be more helpful for students as thier fluency over English language would increase. Again the teachers who are weak in English can also be trained in the schools as well as through language school also. Hence before about the students future it must be school's responsibility to take suggestions from the parents.
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