Lauding Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's move to review the act, Abdullah hoped the government would be able to introduce a new preventive detention system, which placed a limit on the scope of arrest and one that pleased the rakyat.
"During my term, I had other things to focus on.
"There was not much pressure to abolish the system at that time but if I had continued my term up to the next general election, I would have eventually reviewed it (ISA) myself," he said after opening the Putrajaya Umno division delegates' meeting here yesterday.
Earlier, Abdullah urged Umno members to cease internal bickering in order to regain the people's trust.
"People don't want to see us fighting. They want to see us doing things to improve the country's situation.
"They want to see programmes that would boost the economy instead of reading about political squabbles."
He said Umno and Barisan Nasional would have to prove to the people that they practised democracy and catered to the people's wants and needs.
The former Umno president and Kepala Batas member of parliament said he was proud to be an Umno member and it was solely because of the party that he was able to contribute what he could to the nation.
tunku : this is what typical foot in mouth disease like. i feel like throwing out. if he had more time as prime minister, malaysia will be in major disaster. there was always pressure by opposition and ngo's to abolish ISA since Tun Mahathir's time and this old man saying that during his time there was not much pressure to abolish the system.he was sleeping all the while and let his family runs the country and suddenly when he wakes up, its too late. pity this old man, hope someone can cure his foot in mouth disease.
Sama ngan kau tak sadau diri...mulut takder insuran biadap...kurang hajau...
Tun M cakap salah Tun A cakap salah...abis kau ingat kau punya cakap tu laku ke?...
non-relevant old man. Should have put him in ISA. not only stupid remark but purely stupid.
i just have to leave my comment here...
- I tot that this fella going to be silent x-PM and wont try to bad mouth the current admin. for me it is translated as Najib admin is very slow in making decision to abolish this act. I hope Najib admin still make lots of research before making any decision on ISA and not going after the popularity rating of abolishing ISA.
Everyone has to remember that the people never satisfied. They will ask for more and more and more once u give and give and give
Dia masih tak tau what's happening around him. Kesian betul.
His statement confirmed that his retirement is not sincere. He is actually sacked not retired on his own will.
Kesian aku tengok Pak Lah ni....disebabkan hang la Malaysia jadi camni.....LEMBAB!!!! zzzzzzzzz
I have so many IF in my life too that i wish...I COULD...BUT life goes on. Visionary leader do not look back. I believe they would always focus ahead AND overcome everything on their way to achieve their goal.
Bodohlah mamang pelingkup negara, kerana dia sekarang ni negera jadi lintang pukang.eeee bodohnya!
He has done a lot of damage during his premiership. 5 States lost to the opposition.
When TDM handed the country over to him, the country was well taken care and the results of the 2004 elections was because people still love Dr.Mahathir.
The country still need ISA. Dato Ibrahim Ali who involve twice with ISA still felt that Malaysia must not abolish ISA.
We are a multiracial country. Total democracy is dangerous to the country. We still need ISA to safeguard the country.
I support the ISA. Without ISA, orang yang kurang ajar akan jadi lebih kurang ajar.Akhirnya negara jadi porak peranda.
To hell with him. Roti canai biasa.ISA is good for the country. It is a tool acknowledged by even USA that can ensure harmony and safeguard the country's security. ISA in fact should be reviewed and upgraded so that no ship can challenged it ib court.
korang tak tau ke ISA 2 banyak pekdahnye???
cakap 2 lain kali pakai otak...
korang nak ke tragedy 13 Mei tu berulang???
pakai otak la kalu cakap...
jangan pakai kepala lutut...
ISA 2 ada baiknye..
kalaupu korang yang x pakai otak 2 cakap ISA tu tak relevan la pekejadahnya, pinda jela sbb ISA 2 dibuat dulu motifnya nok hapuskan komunis...
tapi skarang ia perlu untuk mengekalkan keamanan..
kalu xde, sronok la orang nak mempertikai hak MELAYU, RAJA_RAJA MELAYU....
jangan sudah terhantuk baru terngadah ibarat kata raja melaka,
" kalaulah tuah masih hidup"....
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