Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Candlelight Vigil: PAS Ulama Should Issue Fatwa, Says Perak MB

IPOH, July 20 (Bernama) -- PAS ulama should issue a fatwa (religious ruling) on candlelight vigils like the one participated by Perak PAS deputy commissioner Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin for political aide Teoh Beng Hock, who fell to his death at the MACC office in Shah Alam on Thursday.
Perak Menteri Besar Datuk Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir who said this, pointed out that a photograph of Mohammad Nizar holding a lighted candle with some opposition leaders following Teoh's untimely death, appeared in the New Straits Times on Saturday.
Zambry said PAS had many ulama including its spiritual leader Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat and president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang who could clarify whether Mohammad Nizar's action was allowed by Islam.
"I am not an ulama to comment on Nizar's action. Let the many 'tok guru' in Pas comment. He (Nizar) is also a 'tok guru' as he can read the Quran well and give (religious) talks and sermons at the mosques," he said.
Zambry had earlier witnessed the signing of an agreement between the Perak State Development Corporation and Red Solar (M) Sdn Bhd and TCT Inc (TCTI), here, Monday.
The lighting of candles on Friday which Mohammad Nizar participated in memory of the late Teoh, the political aide of Selangor state executive councillor Ean Yong Hian Wah, was organised by Perak DAP.
Zambry said he sympathised with Teoh's death and had stated his stand in his blog at www.zambry.com.
Meanwhile, Red Solar executive chairman Rais Hussin Mohamed Ariff told reporters that with the signing of the agreement, Perak would now host cutting- edge photo-voltaic (PV) cell production facilities involving an initial foreign direct investment of US$250 million (RM887 million).
"This is to produce 100MW of PV cells per annum by 2011, creating approximately 1,000 jobs in Perak," he added.
At the signing ceremony, the Perak SDC was represented by its chief executive officer (CEO) Datuk Samsudin Hashim, Red Solar by Rais Hussin and TCTI by its CEO Siva Sivaram.

tunku : what nik aziz want to say about it? he will issue a fatwa that candlelight vigils is HALAL in Islam as it was done by the pas members as they have to follow their brothers from dap.if it was done by Umno, he will say that it's HARAM. let us wait the other pas "tok gurus" comments on this issue.


bzz said...

Pasal diaorang...

semuanya okay... Boleh saja...

Premium Business said...

Dalam soal akidah yang melibatkan hukum, wajar rasanya pertanyaan ditujukan kepada pihak yang bertanggungjawab seperti Majlis Fatwa yang terdiri daripada beberapa pandai ugama.

Meletakkan harapan atau meminta Nik Aziz memberi fatwa dan pendapat adalah salah dan meragukan kerana Nik Aziz diketahui akan memberi pandangan lebih kepada kepentingan peribadi, kepentingan politik, kepentingan dunia dan lewat kebelakangan ini hilang kepercayaan untuk distatuskan ulamak.

Pendapat seorang diri Nik Aziz tentunya kurang sesuai dan tepat jika dibandingkan dengan pendapat Majlis Fatwa yang terdiri daripada beberapa orang (lebih dari satu) dan keputusan dibuat atas satu kemuafakatan selepas perbincangan.

Blitz said...

setakat pegang lilin apalah sangat kalo nak dibandingkan dgn Tuhan mencarut, Tuhan gangster, berkawan dgn syaitan, mengkafirkan sdr Islam yg lain...Tok Guru Nik Aziz pasti restu punya perbuatan puak2 dia.......camtu la hamPAS mempergunakan Islam dlm politik mereka....Istighfar....Allahuakbar!!!!

Anonymous said...

Tidak payah nak tunggu Majlis Fatwa mengeluarkan fatwa. Sebagai orang Islam yang mempunyai asas-asas akidah yang benar, kita dah boleh tahu yang perbuatan Nizar itu menyalahi ajaran Islam. Apa nak buat? Politik punya pasal, gila kuasa punya pasal, akidah pun sanggup diketepikan. Dunia lebih diutamakan daripada akhirat.Itu kah ajaran PAS selepas PRU 12?


Anonymous said...

Does it mean when you are in total darkness, you cannot use a candle to see your way?

Similarly, most normal minded people view candle light vigils (also attended by normal minded Muslims) as a symbol of protest or in memory of someone who has died tragically. Only narrow minded people would attach religious connotations to it.

Of course it is natural for all those implicated by this trajedy to turn it into a "race" issue. That is their only defence now. The problem is that their adversaries include decent minded Malays who question the excessiveness of the current government.

Lastly, religion is about the life that you live, not the creed that you profess to belong to.

Al-Baqarah - Allah watcheth and knoweth

AL BUKHARY said...

oi anon 2.43pm
dah keluar fatwa dah budak2 hamPas ni, asyik kalu depa buat semua halal, tak salah. agaknya dlm kitab Islam mana kata bila protes bakaq lilin.
al baqarah kata ka bakaq lilin?

Anonymous said...

Encik Al Bukhary,

You are right.Dah bermula dan akan keluarlah bermacam-macam fatwa syok sendiri untuk menegakkan benang yang basah oleh penyokong-penyokong parti PAS.
Semua yang PAS buat semuanya betul dan halal sementara orang lain buat semuanya salah dan haram.
Sungguh membosankan.

luahfikiran said...

Saya kurang pasti dari segi hukumnya. Tetapi nampaknya macam ada yang tak kena. Kepimpinan PAS perlu segera perjelaskan perkara ini. Para ulama yang lain juga boleh memberikan pandangan. Buat teguran dan betulkan secara baik jika menyalahi suruhan agama.

Kiryu said...

I doubt that anon Jul 21 @ 2.43 is a Muslim.
Probably your typical kafir hiding behind words parroted from munafiqs.