Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon said Najib was a leader who has been able to stay focused and firm in discharging his duties.
"In his (first) 100 days, he has stayed focused and firm in underlining management performance. He has personally led Cabinet ministers in three workshops to work on the key performance indicators (KPI) in three months, motivating and galvanising all of us to forge ahead with strong commitment and team spirit," Koh said in a statement.
Koh, who is also Gerakan president, said that by promoting the 1Malaysia concept based on unity in diversity and implementing economic liberalisation measures, Najib had also infused fresh air and a new strategy to the country's social and economic outlook.
He said he was optimistic that Najib would continue to initiate more reforms.
Human Resource Minister and MIC secretary-general Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam said Najib's leadership was exceptional in that he made immediate decisions to ensure that the administration functioned smoothly.
"I extend my congratulations to the prime minister. I am proud to be serving in his administration because his is an exceptional leadership," he said.
Subramaniam said Najib showed much concern to all aspects and his priority was to ensure the well-being of all the communities.
"For me, he has fostered closer relations among the various races through his new policies," he said.
People's Progressive Party (PPP) president Datuk M. Kayveas said Najib had succeeded in placing the people and country on the right track towards establishing a united and progressive nation.
"He has succeeded in bringing about positive change in the social, economic and political aspects of the country, and this will raise confidence in the majority of the people and entice them to support the government," he said.
tunku : enough of apple polishing in the government. a leader can't be judge by his first 100 days in office.100 days in office is always good as you are fresh and new. judge him after a year.then only we will know whether his policies are working or not.for now, stop the praising.1-10 , i'll give najib 6 for now.he needs to work harder especially getting rid of the corrupt leaders in the government and also in the party.
Yes Tunku sir, such a bunch of apple polishers they are, but as far as I am concerned whatever achievement that Najib has done in the first 100days has been rolled backwards by his decision to scrap the PPSMI and thus giving way to the nationalist and language extremists.
Tunku amat bermurah hati untuk memberi markah 6 kepada PM Datuk Seri Najib.
Namun saya hanya setakat memberi beliau 3 sahaja.
1. Konsep 1Malaysia beliau menitikberatkan kesamarataan.
2. Ini bermakna, tiada lagi hak istimewa Melayu/Bumi dan semua rakyat dianggap sama.
3. Tindakan beliau ini bercanggah dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan dimana secara jelas telah tertulis akan hak-hak Melayu dan Bumi daripada segi Bahasa, Pelajaran, Biasiswa dan Lesen-lesen Perniagaan.
(Sila baca perkara 153 dan para-para yang berkaitan).
Saya lihat segala tindakan beliau membuktikan kebenaran ramalan kepada perkataan "RAHMAN".
"N" adalah abjad yang mengakhiri dan penutup nama tersebut .
Dugaan saya beliau akan menjadi PM terakhir dari UMNO. Semoga dugaan saya salah.
Among things that could be done instead:
1. Stop appointing leaders that have been rejected by the voters into cabinet. Utilize them in others avenue to further utilize their ability, skill and experience BUT not in the cabinet. Accept reality by grooming or giving other leaders oppurtunity to serve. I strongly believe there are many of those.
2. Rakyat is watching these rejected leaders daily and it become more disrespect of them to the government for betraying their choice in the last PRU12. That would keep reminding them to send the same message coming this PRU13. so these rejected leaders by the voters is more of a liability to the BN rather than an asset. Utilizing them as an assest in different form and avenue or capacity BUT not as a Minister anymore.
3. It is about time for UMNO leaders to make a stand for their community. Instead of giving out of what Bumiputra has (which is not much) instead be more creative by creating and opening new sector of economic oppurtunity. Instead of taking away from 30% from Bumiputra better off to generate new oppurtunity in the 70% of the remaining sector.
4. Stop sending a clash signal of policies such as we need to open certain sector preparing for globalization BUT we revert back to Bahasa Malaysia in teaching Math and Science.
5. Should introduce a policy so that every Bumiputra could be able to own a house.
6. Should introduce a policy so that every Bumiputra business should own a shop lot/building.
7. Should introduce a policy that for each Bumiputra business that receiving the government fund or Mara fund etc must subscribe and pay for accounting service to better manage their company. Government should appointing Accounting firm under umbrella concept to audit and improve all those businesses.
8. Vision school concept and implementation should not be abandoned. It is a good platform to realize 1Malaysian concept.
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