She said this would include assisting his 28-year-old school teacher fiancee Soh Cher Wei who has requested a transfer from Semenyih to her hometown in Batu Pahat.
“I will approach the Education Minister to discuss Soh’s transfer as soon as possible,” she told reporters after visiting Teoh’s family at their home in Taman Sri Kelemak yesterday.
On July 18, Soh said she would be applying for three months’ leave from the school where she was teaching, adding that her parents had advised her to return to Batu Pahat to be near them.
Shahrizat said as Teoh had been the sole breadwinner in his family, the ministry would look at ways to assist them.
She hope speculation over Teoh’s death would cease and the matter left to the police to investigate.
Later, when asked to comment on Soh’s intention to legalise Teoh as the father of her unborn child, Shahrizat said the power to make the changes to legalise the marriage and include Teoh as the father of the child was not within the power of her ministry.
However, she said she would take the matter up with the National Registration Department.
tunku : so nice of shahrizat and her ministry. i hope they will provide welfares to all the other dead breadwinners too as fast as they are providing to teoh's family.
Teoh's fiance is expecting his child out of wedlock. Being a schoolteacher, do you think she'd make a good role model to the students at school? Gone were the days when it would have been such an embarrassment for people to find out that you're pregnant while still single. Tak tahu mana nak letak muka? Sekarang apa sudah jadi? Dah tak ada perasaan segan silu lagi.Tak kiralah Muslim or non-Muslim, having a child out of wedlock is still a moral issue in this country.When you're a schoolteacher, keadaan ini lagilah teruk. Macam mana you nak your students to respect you when you tidak ada maruah diri?
anon 1:15 PM...you remind me of ADUN Bukit Lanjan...role model? lepas tu siap buat ceramah depan pemimpin Pas lak tu...Helmi mana? sampai skrg masih menyorok lagi ke atau disorok? Tak nak buat enquiry ke?
"Shahrizat said as Teoh had been the sole breadwinner in his family, the ministry would look at ways to assist them".
Kenapa Shahrizat beria-ia sangat hendak membantu keluarga Teoh? Did they ask for help in the first place? Kan ada pembela rakyat seperti DAP,PKR dan PAS yang akan menghulurkan bantuan kepada keluarga Teoh for their political mileage?
Tak payahlah kerajaan bersusah payah nak ambil hati orang-orang dari pihak Pakatan Rakyat kerana apa pun kebaikan yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan/BN tidak akan dihargai oleh mereka.
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