Spelling out that press reports on his statement was inaccurate, he said, "What I am taking about is (relations) between government and government. What is the point of forging cooperation with Umno?
"It is the responsibility of the federal government to work hand in hand with the state government despite the differences in ideologies," he told reporters after visiting the Kelantan Farmers, Breeders and Fishermen Carnival 2009 at Padang Perdana here Monday.
Nik Abdul Aziz, who is also PAS spiritual leader, said he did not want to renew ties between PAS and Umno that was forged during the reins of second prime minister Tun Abdul Razak Hussein.
(PAS joined Barisan Nasional (BN) in 1974 but was removed from the coalition four years later.)
"Let me clarify again, the cooperation with Umno does not arise. It is the responsibility of the federal government to assist the Kelantan state government.
"This includes providing allocations. We are not asking but this is stated in the constitution," he said.
He said as such relations between the federal government and the state government through the officers should be enhanced for the well-being of the people.
tunku : what a cunning old man. he knows that kelantan needs money from the federal, that's why he wants cooperation between the state and federal government.sometimes he forgets that federal government is BN government which he strongly rejects(umno) any cooperation or forging any ties with pas.what Tun Mahathir said is right, we have to be careful with pas, don't fall into their trap. kelantan is your responsibility not the federal's. if you can't take care of it, RESIGN.try to be a true ulamak, not a political ulamak.
ini orang tua tak tau malu, pasal duit dia sanggup buat apa saja.
kalau betul ada maruah,usahalah dapatkan duit.
Last night while watching the news, he said something like "Boleh or pergi jahanam dengan UMNO"...not exactly the words of a true, genuine ulamak, don't you think?
I'm saying it again "He's no Tok Guru to me".
the federal govt is the banker
Is he saying money and development is important?
when it comes to financial matters PAS and UMNO are comrades
Che Det was right all the way...Don't ever trust Pas especially Nik Aziz and now you know why....
nikjis as usual..360 again..senile old man with thick skin...super munafiq
Nik Najis nie dah sampai tahap nyanyuk. Sedikit demi sedikit Allah telah tarik segala nikmat yg dikurniakan kepada orang yang bergelar tok guru ini. Hatinya semakin hitam serta otaknya semakin celaru. Inilah manusia yang takbur serta lupa akan ilmu yang dipelajari. Beliau semakin angkuh serta riak yang amat sangat
Pulau Melaka
pergi jahanam la ko nik Najis ...
tak lama lagi MAMPUS le tu..ee..ee
Manik Urai
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