He said that PAS was the only Islamic party in the country and questioned why the word 'Islam' could not be found in Umno.
tunku : Umno has no Islam word, that is for sure, but where is the Islam word in PAS ? P-can't be Islam , A- can't be Islam , S-can't be Islam but can be "selam".so where is the Islam word in pas? we hope the old man think before opening his mouth.Islam does not teach you to hate your fellow brothers and have ill intention toward others all the time,maybe this pas stands for parti ajaran sesat.
no need to get angry over a senile old man. Let him be. be gone.
I think he is good for the kampong leadership.
He may not be able to lead Malaysia in the international arena with his simplistic views of the world.
He is in cahoots with DAP which is anti-Islamic state. This is sheer hypocrisy and double standards.
Nik Aziz - rasa Islamnya sebanyak air lautan.
You are so correct, correct, correct. Dia patutnya PIS! Tapi zaman nabi tak de parti PAS atau PIS!
pok ni bengap..semakin hari semakin celupar mulut si tua nyanyuk ni...pemusnah agama dan bangsa..
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