He said although he had retired from government and was no longer prime minister, his service to the people did not end there.
"I've regarded this struggle for the people as a religious obligation and I will hold on to this.
"I will continue to serve the people and this will be done through Umno," he said at a feast to mark his retirement held at the Al-Jamiul Badawi Jamek Mosque, here, Thursday night.
Abdullah said he was thankful to his friends, colleagues and the people for their support and encouragement which had spurred him on throughout his political career.
Earlier, Abdullah and his wife Tun Jeanne Abdullah joined the congregation for tahlil and Maghrib dan Isyak prayers.
Also present were state Umno leaders, heads of government departments and the local community.
tunku : during your prime ministership you have done enough damage to the country and umno(bn). you were sleeping through out of your tenure as pm and let the government run by your family.now we hope you just retires peacefully without giving your thoughts or ideas.ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.may be you can consider being adviser to pakatan rakyat.pak lah , just struggle for your jeanne.
As_salam YM,..heheh,..wat else can I say,..he awakens,..wakaka,..sumhow I tink thrs a concerted effort to put BN to an end,.. what woz on PLah tots wen he make a statement about ISA? Chua Jui Meng(MCA) SS Subramaniam(MIC), PLah(UMNO),.. hrmm,..wat happen to MIC yesterday,..havoc & chaos,.. UMNO on 1st Aug as dats wen d Malays mite clash wth each othr,.. MCA jst look at CJMeng in d coming days,.. of coz d main problem fer d opposition is ISA can help curtail/curb deir plan fer chaos in Malaysia,.. d way d illuminati change d Govt. of a country is thru street demo & riots but we r lucky bcoz we ISA but jst imagine wthout ISA,..I dread to tink of d situation wthout ISA,..a reform wud suffice,..wat else can I say,..heheh(,")
p.s. d worst hav yet to come?? sumtings fishy goin on,..
Saya SETUJU dengan kenyataan Tunku. Apakah jenis pemimpin(manusia) yang tak sedar-sedar yang selama ini dia telah merosakkan negara & orang Melayu.Apakah jenis pemimpin(manusia)yang tak sedar-sedar bahawa amanah memimpin negara & UMNO yang diberi, WAJIB dijaga BUKAN dikhianati. Kini, dengan muka yang tak reti malu, cuba menonjolkan konon dialah pemimpin yang hebat.
Sejarah akan menunjukkan & membuktikan pengkhianatan & kerosakan yang dilakukan pada negara & bangsa. Slogan 'World(First) Class Infrastructure & Third Class Mentality' memang TEPAT terpalit pada mukanya.
pi lah mabuk pak lah. Struggle konon. Nak kencing malam pun struggle, ni plak nak struggle utk melayu. Pigi da!!
Haha, Tunku
He can't even struggle for himself, so the best is, he really occupy himself with his best hobby - sleeping.
Once in a while when rudely awakened, can shout,"Saya pantang dicabar".
Tun Bodowi, Kj dan pengampu bodek klas satu..... Pergi lah terjun kelaut.....Itu adalah yang terbaik untuk semua dan negara..
Umno Rembau
Hey listen, do u ever give a damn to whats happening to malaysia or R U on the take to write.
U silly ass i pity u on judgement day.
So obvious that you r nothing but a crony who WILL sell yourself for what u seek.
Very pathetic very pathetic very pathetic.
Im sure u wished you were never born
if umno wants to get back the votes and confidence of the people..then be prepared to jail this idot ex pm and his idiot son and son in law...then the public will start to believe that umno have changed for the better...
so far right now...whoever becomes pm...can do all shitty things and gets away scott free just becouse he resign as pm...what example are we setting for our future leaders???
syed syed
awak ni betul ke melayu arab??
lagu tak sama dengan irama pun
pekik pekik ni tak patut
baik cepat jumpa doktor - takut kalau dijangkiti SWINE flu (H1N1)
nama penyakit pun KENA tukar sebab nak jaga hati setengah kaum tu yang minat sangat dengan daging kaki pendek
alaihai aisehman
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