"She has until March to decide if she is contesting against me for the No 2 post or against Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz for the No 1 post," she said yesterday.
"I have made up my mind. If she (Shahrizat) wants to hold on to the number two post, then she will have to face me."
Kamilia, a Wanita Umno executive committee member, said she had never recognised the transition plan.
"To me, there is no point to bertikam lidah (verbal warfare) over this matter," she said when contacted yesterday.
Asked to comment on the apparent hesitation on Shahrizat's part to take on Rafidah, Kamilia said the former would have to decide for herself.
"If you want to lead, you have to decide for yourself. One must have a reason to lead and I respect the divisions which have nominated me (for the number two post).
"I have paved the way (for an earlier transition) and she (Shahrizat) has until March to make up her mind," said the Kuala Kangsar Wanita Umno division chief. Ironically, Rafidah is the MP for Kuala Kangsar.
She also said she had not been in contact with Rafidah or Shahrizat since the movement's exco meeting on Monday.
"Let both of them decide for themselves. I have not been in contact with them.
"I don't see the need to do so. One must remember, this (transition) is not about individuals, it's about party members," she said.
On Rafidah's insistence to lead the movement until June despite calls for an earlier change in leadership, Kamilia said this was probably due to her personality.
"It's very difficult to say and perhaps due to that particular person's personality," Kamilia said.
Several states, including Malacca and Terengganu, have expressed their support for Shahrizat to contest the movement's top post and take on Rafidah in March next year.
tunku : kamilia is sticking to her decision and now it's for shahrizat to sort it out with rafidah. again we are asking rafidah to let go and not to be so stubborn.go gracefully.
Shahrizat is stucked in the middle between Rafidah and Kamalia.the only chance for Shahrizat to get the number 1 post quickly is when Rafidah announces her retirement as the chief.then only Shahrizat can enjoy her new seat.
Rafidah sebenarnya dah boleh dah berundur.dia dah terlalu lama berkhidmat untuk UMNO dan kerajaan.bukannya apa,berilah peluang untuk orang lain pula merasa kerusi ketua wanita.wanita perlukan pemimpin yang baru untuk memimpin mereka dimana semestinya akan ada idea dan cara yang lebih fresh.
nampak ada kebenaran juga dimana mungkin Rafidah dan Kamilia ada pakatan untuk "tolak" Shahrizat keluar dari tempat dia sekarang.
namun jika Shahrizat bijak dan berani dalam berhadapan dengan konflik ini,tidak mustahil Shahrizat akan berjaya menonjolkan kelebihan dia dan outshine Rafidah serta Kamilia.
there's rumour going around that Rafidah and Kamilia formed a pact to kick out Shahrizat from where she is now.there might be truth in that since both Rafidah and Kamilia are from from Kuala Kangsar division.
if this is true,then it's tough for Shahrizat to go for the top post.unless if she's (shahrizat) too have a plan to get away the attack from both direction,only then she can make it to the top.if not,the she's just going nowhere fast.
Mana ada plan pakatan rafidah-kamilia. Semua exco wanita tahu rafidah marah habis pada kamilia bila tahu kamilia bertegas untuk bertanding dalam exco meeting yang lalu tu. Pasal ape kamilia tak hadir, sebab tahu rafidah mesti hantam sampai habis menangis habis berkotak tisu-la gamaknya kalau datang meeting tu.
Saya setuju kalau rafidah turun cara terhormat, dah lama dah duduk kat kerusi tu. lagipun orang kuat wanita macam datuk maznah hamid pun dah bagi pendapat, eloklah rafidah dengar apa orang kata kat keliling tu, jangan dengar cakap orang kuat kiri kanan je. Habis, ahli wanita semalaya lain yang dah undi calon kamilia dan shahrizat tu bukan suara umno ke? sampai bila nak dengar cakap sorang je. Alangkan Pak Lah pun dah setuju turun bulan mac. apa istimewanya rafidah turun lambat 3 bulan dari pak lah?
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