Thursday, November 19, 2009

PPSMI IS A FAILURE : More score As in Maths and Science in UPSR 2009

PUTRAJAYA: The number of pupils obtaining As in Mathematics and Science has increased in the UPSR 2009, says Education director-general Tan Sri Alimuddin Mohd Dom.
As for the aptitude test held for first time for Year Six pupils, he said, it was found that the pupils have better thinking skills than solving problems and making decisions.
"The number of pupils scoring all As increases to 9.51 per cent this year compared to 9.19 per cent last year.
"The number of those with good achievement (minimum C) increases to 63.03 per cent compared to 62.56 per cent last year while the percentage of those with all Es declined to 0.64 per cent compared to 0.66 per cent last year," he told a news conference.
There were 506,620 pupils who sat for the UPSR this year compared to 507,320 last year.
He said that rural candidates also showed an improvement although they still lagged behind their urban counterparts. "Overall, the gap between rural and urban pupils is narrowing. This can be seen in the contraction in the overall achievement disparity between rural and urban pupils," he said. He said that the gap between rural and urban pupils achieving excellent results this year was 3.64 per cent compared to 4.22 per cent last year. The gap for good performance between the two areas is 5.55 per cent this year compared to 6.25 per cent last year.
In terms of subject, Tamil language showed a strong improvement in the number of students obtaining Grade A, which is 3.6 per cent, while Mathematics also showed a strong increase, which is 4.2 per cent.

tunku : i don't think this is true, the ministry said that PPSMI failed and if it a failed policy then how can more students score As in Maths and Science ??? muhyiddin wake up and listen to us out here.we want PPSMI to continue.


Anonymous said...

Sebelum PPSMI result math dan sains teruk tak kan dengar menukar bahasa boleh meningkar dan memudah pemahaman.

Boleh percaya ke
Hebat nya bahasa inggeris
Kalau begitu semua subjek yang tidak cemerlang di ajar dalam bahasa inggeris..

Anonymous said...

Dear Tunku,
How do this message to reach the ears of Muhyiddin??
They sent their children overseas to study, kampong boys/girls study only one langguage.
Come on Muhyuddin....

Anonymous said...

anonymous 6:47PM ini bukan dsbbkan oleh muhyidin tapi adalah dsbbkan oleh gabungan penulis nyanyuk dan orang perasan yg demostrasi dss

Anonymous said...

Kita akui terdapat kelemahan didalam bahasa inggeris dikalangan murid melayu. Tapi kalau ada mereka yang mampu melakukanya, biarkanlah.

Kenapa tidak buat satu polisi, semua pelajar asrama penuh dan sekolah ternama spt sekolah menengah sains dan seumpamanya atau sekolah gred A mengunakan bahasa inggeris untuk sains dan metematik. Untuk sekolah pendalaman dan kampung menggunakan dwi bahasa.Kemudian kita fikirkan pula untuk sekolah bandar mungkin ada satu sekolah yang menggunakan bahasa inggeris dan yang lainnya dwi bahasa dan sebagainya.

TB Timbalan Perdana Menteri (Orang Johor )seperti yang kita tahu memang tak menyokong PPSMI sejak dulu lagi. Tanya Fuad zarkashi , MB Johor dsbnya.

TPM tahun lalu membuat alasan bahawa punca kembali kepada BM untuk aliran sains dan matematik adalah kerana keputusan yang menurun tahun lalu. Tapi tahun ni dah naik semula...bagaimanapula.....Biasalah keputusan turun dan naik. Untuk PPSMI cuma tahun dulu aje yang turun.

Saya rasa dia ni ikut Pak Lah, buat keputusan FLIP FLOP. Cukuplah dia ni...jadi TPM aje....Mungkin lagi 2 - 3 tahun tendang sama dia.Orang nak maju ke depan dia ni nak mundur ke belakang.