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Zaid ibrahim out of his mind again.
tunku : pakatan rakyat coordinator zaid ibrahim has urged the premier to stop 'poaching' pkr MPs and urged him to respect democracy.when he joined pkr, no want stop him because of when others jumped out of pkr they asked them to respect the double standard of the pakatan people. when anwar first announced his 16th september plan, nik aziz said it was ok for the mps to jump ship and join pakatan and all the leaders were so excited about it but when thing happens the other way round he said it's wrong.zaid ibrahim is so stupid that he urged pm to stop poaching pkr mps as those who jumped the pkr's ship did not join bn, they are independence representatives now.use your brain zaid. it shows that pkr's mps has no morale and the way how much did anwar pay you zaid?
bangang betul org -org PR ni,kalau tak reti berpolitik baik tanam ubi lagi baik,dapat juga pahala.
Cakap bodoh marah,tapi perangai macam org tak de mesti berkawan dgn MB lembu,tu yg macam lembu,dah lah bodoh dok ikut bila di tarik ke kiri kanan.
ZAID : Look who's talking. Are u drunken or sober.
No body give a damn when u jump over.
B'cos it's democracy ...
Just accept it. Those people don't even jump to BN pun. So what the big Fuss..
As party strongman Zaid simply has to make some sort of statement no matter how stupid it sounds. He has his eyes on Putrajaya too.
Inside, Zaid is smiling wide. Why? Kurang persaingan untuk jawatan tertinggi bila sampai masa pemilihan parti.
In our world today where 'Money Makes a Man' it is very difficult to accept that these PKR members junped party as a matter of Principle.The ball is in BN's court now.Ramlax.
As an ambitious party strongman Zaid has to make some sort of statement no matter how stupid it sounds. He single out Najib just to show off his rotten guts. When the time is ripe and right he shall make his move to be No.1 man in PKR. Very calculated reaction on his part.
OOPs! Can I be sued for what I just said?
This Cibai Zaid Ibrahim go to hell !!!
I like and wish Zaid to replace Anwar as 'Sivaji the boss' the sooner the better.
Why ? because not many malay support Zaid and this is good for BN
Even in UMNO Zaid has little grass root support
Go Zaid go ..lagi cepat you naik lagi cepat PR lingkup.
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