Pakatan Rakyat tonight kicked off its campaign to defend the Hulu Selangor parliamentary seat with a rally packed with 4,000 supporters at the Kuala Kubu Bharu Mini Stadium.
tunku : Arwah Dr Zainal was buried at 11 am yesterday and at 8 pm pakatan rakyat already campaigning for the by election.this shows that they have no respect at all for the late Dr Zainal and his family.all pakatan knows is right they should hold tahlil for arwah not campaigning for the by election.we hope the family of arwah Dr Zainal will be strong enough at this moment.
Assalamualaikum Tunku,
Im frm Kuala Kubu. I was there last nite. The supporters+listerners estimated abt 5k. Not Bad! They did recited al- Fatihah to almarhum. The good points frm my observation last nite are : They looks like a leaders friendly. easy to approach by the people. No protocol et all..MC was so terrible...macam orang jual barang...terpekik sana, terpekik sini; buat kelakar yang entah apa2...tapi ITULAH KEHENDAK RAKYAT di HULU. Well...i dont think BN leaders can do like this...throw out the BN....even in Ceramah or etc...protocol come first...why..because they are ministers there...ikut rangking...ketua bahagian, ketua cawangan, ketua cawangan kecial, putteri putera...Rimas isnt it! Tunku, there any hope to change?. Just hope lio!
people with no position of course no protocol.i hope you know that. then again our leaders with position is not hard to approach.
one more thing is work is more important than talking and promising moon and stars.
after reciting al fatihah and start bashing others.....what a manner.
keep it up.
Assalamualaikum Tunku,
Sorry i have to give comment again. Im agreed n disagreed with yr points. Im nt agreed when u said "people with no position of course no protocol.
Correct me if wrong....we must put aside our position in order to win people heart is it?. People,... eventhough in hulu already know who are u..the minister of this, the minister of that...frm yr bodyguard we already know who ure. this a practical way to win people perception?. Well....frm my observations, i cant see any different when the BN leaders do a perhimpunan/ceramah. Kerusi, khemah, meja, pentas...disediakan dengan cukup menarik, siap dengan structured isnt it?. Can we change tht...make it more free n welcome fr the people come! PRK 94 adalah penting sebagai kesinambungan momentum kpd kemenangan BN dan juga hayat kemenangan kepada pembangkang. Oleh itu, pembacaan patern pendudukn adalah penting sebagai asas kepada perncangan n strategi parti selanjutnya. Ikhlas.
Pakatan has no respect for anybody, let alone Dr Zainal.
Tunku no point arguing with Ryzal72. Even if Anwar is found guilty of sodomy, a traitor to the country and a liar, he is still perfect to him. So forget him.
itulah sekarang ni bila wakil rakyat mennggal dunia, kerusi yg difikirkan dulu..
Well, let's hope his family members realise soon enough and perhaps open other people's eyes too
Anon 11.54, Tunku and semua.
Let me tell u that Im not a PKR supporters neither Pakatan Pembangkang. Im just an ordinary people...who tried to look Hulu Selangor PRK indiferent perspective or angles. Btw, sayang sekali orang-orang UMNO mcm sdr masih terlalu tegar untuk menerima teguran/pandangan. Zaman telah makin berubah, rakyat telah beubah, landskap pemikiran politik juga telah beubah..tapi fregment pemikiran orang2 UMNO spt anon 11.54 masih terkebalakang. Maaf jika ianya agak kasar, tapi demi kesedaran maka saya keluarkan juga. Tunku, saya tidak berniat untk memberikan apa-apa lagi. Terima kasih.
im with ryzal72, look at a situation from both side..dont juz think ur high and mighty..jadi mcm padi,lagi tinggi lg dia tunduk. Satgi jd cam khir toyo...padi yg tak reti tunduk..last2 cantas buang..
tunku and readers,
In a way, when ryzal stated:
"frm yr bodyguard we already know who ure."
I supposed that he made a valid point. However, it depends on the situation(s) is(are).
If we are approaching with a manner macam nak makan orang, of course the people responsible will try to stop it.
Rasanya, kalau betul adab dan beradab, x salahkan?
Another example is, even though kita dah approach secara beradab, dan ditolak secara lembut, janganlah dicabar atau dipaksa.. adalah sebabnya tidak boleh.. maka, janganlah marah kalau org yg bertanggungjawab tu kelihatan kurang ajar kalau kita yang kurang ajar dulu.. betul?
Akan tetapi, kalau kita dah memang beradab, tetapi dari mula ada pihak tidak, memang sengaja cari pasal.. bukan begitu?
Sekadar pandangan..
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