Anwar drums up support in London
Anwar Ibrahim's visit to London will draw more support from the British Parliament and also likely coalesce more sympathy for him and international pressure against the Malaysian government.
tunku : why is this moron drawing support from the british parliament for? after seeking help from the jews in usa now he seek sympathy from the innocent man will fear nothing and fight for justice.only guilty man will do such thing.he should draw supports from Malaysian not outsiders.this clearly shows that this moron is so desperate as the court hearing will resume soon.fight like a man moron.all his evil intention are being exposed by his own close associates as they realized now that they have been fooled by him.
inilah contoh terbaik utk mengenali pengkhianat negara.anwar kena bertaubat bukan sahaja kerana tuduhan meliwat saiful malah bertaubat kerana mengkhianati negara.
Remember the Al Gore incident in KL some times ago !!
It back-fire.!!
Malaysians have had said before and we have made it loud and clear.
We do not want any outside interference or any of those "Tom, Dick and Harry" trying to dictates us of every move we wanna to make.
Any way it's kinda good, ammunition for the BNs to mount an attack as for the coming 13th.GE..thou !!
The way he's playing his card on this matter, one wonder ...does it goes well with his other PRs bed-fellow's..!!
why the moron when to london seeking for help?
1. he is the MORON
2. the PM is even worst, since he kept quiet and not addressing at all this MORON issues.
3. there are worst MORON in malaysia especially the malays in PKR/PR supporting anuwar.
this idiot will ruin the country if given chance to rule it. it is better for him to remain a stray.
sebab tu la dia layak dipanggil peliwat negara aka pengkhianat
Hanya satu jalan sahaja bagi Anwar. Mengaku meliwat Saiful dan mohon ampun pada Allah Subhanahuwataala. Lakukan Taubat Nasuha. Kemudian tinggalkan politik. Mohon menjadi rakyat Amerika, Australia atau England sebab rakyat Malaysia kebanyakannya sudah tidak percaya kepada Anwar lagi. Dia adalah Pemimpin Pembohong nombor satu Malaysia.
Orang yang menyokong dia hanya tinggal orang yang tak boleh berfikir sendiri atau taksub membuta tuli atau mengharapkan sesuatu darinya.
Orang yang berjuang kerana Agama Bangsa dan Negara pasti tidak akan menyokongnya lagi.
Anwar is no more.
Even the most recalcitrant Malay will not support this person.
What is left are Non Malays who will use this person to push their agenda and Malays who will use him to take their revenge on UMNO.
If ever these is achieved, they will ridicule and throw this person into the dust-bin.
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