Sunday, November 25, 2007


One hour max, says Hindraf

KUALA LUMPUR: The Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) will go ahead with its gathering on Sunday and asks to be given "one hour maximum" to hand over its petition to the British High Commission.
A. Sivanesan, one of the lawyers representing the three Hindraf members who had been charged with sedition in the Klang Sessions Court on Friday, said Sunday's gathering would go ahead as planned.
Sivanesan said Sunday's planned gathering outside the British High Commission in Kuala Lumpur would be peaceful and orderly.
"It is away from the city and 60% of the shops in that area are closed on Sunday. We are not going to be a nuisance to the people," he added.
The police had said it would not issue a permit for the gathering and warned people against attending it. Sivanesan pointed out that the British High Commission had already said there would be someone at the commission to accept Hindraf's petition.
"Just give us a chance. It will be an hour maximum. We will hand over the petition to the British High Commission, speak to the crowd, then we will go back," he said.
The Hindraf gathering is to hand over a petition to the British Commission asking for Queen Elizabeth II to appoint a Queen's counsel to represent the Indian community in a class action suit against the British Government for bringing Indians as indentured labourers to then Malaya and exploiting them.
The group has filed a US$4 trillion (RM13.5 trillion) suit at the Royal Courts of Justice in London in August claiming that the British were to blame for the marginalisation of Indians in Malaysia.
The suit is equivalent to US$1mil (RM3.4mil) for every Indian in Malaysia.
On Friday, three Hindraf members - lawyers P. Uthayakumar, his brother Waythamoorthy and V.S Ganapathi Rao - were charged in the Klang Sessions Court under the Sedition Act for allegedly uttering seditious words to incite hate in their speeches at a gathering in Batang Berjuntai on Nov 16.

tunku : i have read the HINDRAF petition and most of it instigates racial tense.i believe the keadilan and dap also behind them. hope police will not allow them to gather and take stern action if they do so.police has been advising all not to atend and warning are given since three days ago,so don't blame the police.stop making rallies/demonstration as the way of our life or part of our culture.the majority don't agree with it.there are other ways to channel your dissatisfaction.


Anonymous said...

Is it asking for equal rights for poor racial?

Destroying Temples is not racial; Buiding mosques at tax payer's money (mostly frmm chinese) is not racial. Discriminating in employment; education is not racial; converting and body snatching are not racial

Is this not aganist human values?

Crankster said...

You need to open your mind and use a few braincells, which may be hard for you, but not impossible.

Do try.

WY said...

dear tunku,

"there are other ways to channel your dissatisfaction."

May i ask, what are the other ways?

If you write and publish them - you ll be arrested. Your newspaper license will be revoked.

If you talk about it in a gathering or rally, you ll be arrested for sedition. In fact, the police permit for your gathering would be denied in the first place.

If you join up a ruling component parties, you ll be asked to shut the f up, and don't ask to much, for the benefits of the "nation". Toe the Umno line seems to be the fashion of the day.

What channels are you talking about, that i seem to miss out? Even if i blogged about it, i ll be under the threats of various draconian laws. pls dear tunku, enlighten me.

tunku said...

rational thinker,
the only way to channel yr dissatisfaction is thru the ballot boxes. show your power than and if you fails that is too bad because that means you don't have enough support from the majority(that is what democracy is).if you says that you are totally banned from speaking out, i don't think so, there are opposition papers etc, target for a small group explain/brainwash them,lots of way bro,it's just that if the majority supports you.

i hope you use a few of your braincells too,and give a good comment.

alan jones from uk??,
destroying a temple which is built without permission is not wrong, even suaru/masjid had been demolished before in malaysia. there is discrimination in employment? i think there is in private sector.FYI, malaysia has more human values if compared to india and uk.

we just can't go to the street everytime we are not satisfied with something, tomorrow the malays will go to the streets, next day the chinese, than what will happen to our country?
election is coming soon,and you can make all the changes you wants to.

KZSO said...

alan jones, uk; crankshaft andrational thinker....

lol hahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Anonymous said...

indian should help each other if the want to progress, not by going down to the street,that's gangsterism style which is adopted in india.
the second richest man in malaysia is an indian, if this government is unfair, there would be no successful indians in this strive hard to success and sent all yr children to are much better here if compare you lives in india.THAT IS A BIG FACT.

KZSO said...

Bolehkah Melayu saman British sebab bawa masuk India dan Cina?
Posted on Monday, November 26 @ 08:55:16 MYT by SongkokPutih

Oleh irama

"Ketika negara ini masih baru mencapai kemerdekaan hasil kesepakatan seluruh etnik di negara ini (Melayu, Orang Asli, India dan Cina), Tun VT Sambanthan ketika ucapannya di Dewan Rakyat pada 1 Jun 1965 menyebut :-

“Now, in 1955 we won the elections with a great majority. Then we obtained freedom in two years time. During this period, we had to discuss citizenship and various other things. Now, what did the Malays do – since we are speaking on racial lines – what did the Malay leadership do?......

They had 88 percent of the electorate still with them. What did they do with citizenship? If we look around in Asia and in East Asia, particularly, you will find that my race the Indian race, is not welcomed in Ceylon, is not welcomed in Burma. Look at my brother Chinese race, it is not welcomed in Thailand, in Vietnam, in Cambodia, in all the other areas. What help do they get for citizenship in all these territories? In Burma, as we know, Indians have been send packing, in Ceylon they refused them citizenship and in Burma it is likewise. I know it, you know it. And yet in Malaya what happened? Here, we found that the Malay leadership said, “We shall take them unto ourselves as brothers, we shall give them full opportunity to live in this country, we shall give them every opportunity to become citizens”. And so, in 1957, for the whole year, we waived language qualifications, and tens of thousands of Indians, Chinese, Ceylonese and others became citizens.”[ii]

Sejarah Berulang Kembali : Rakyat Malaysia Jual Negara Sendiri
Posted on 19/11 10:25

Adakah ini satu contoh patriotisme sebagai seorang rakyat Malaysia? Ponnusamy Waytha Moorthy ke Washington D.C. untuk memaklumkan kepada Kongres US tentang samannya ke atas kerajaan Britain tersebut. Mengapa sampai perlu ke Amerika Syarikat? Adil sangatkah mereka sehingga sanggup melanggar Iraq, mengsengsarakan rakyat di Afganistan, meranapkan ekonomi Mexico dan memporakperandakan dunia?

Menurut ‘pengkhianat bangsa’ ini, masyarakat India di negara ini terpaksa menelan “years of pain, suffering, humilliation, discrimination and continuous coloniallisation under the current Malaysian government.” Apakah maksudnya? Siapa yang sengsara? Jika etnik India di negara ini masih terus dijajah mengapa dirinya berjaya menjadi seorang peguam, antara kerjaya yang sangat dihormati di negara ini? Bagaimana pula dengan kejayaan Tan Sri Tatparanandam Ananda Krishnan? Rakyat Malaysia kenal akan nama ini terutama yang melanggan Astro dan Maxis. Beliau dilahirkan pada 1938 di Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur dan mempunyai kekayaan melebihi USD 6.0 bilion[i]. Hina lagikah beliau? Bagaimana pula dengan ‘insan-insan Bersamamu TV3’?

Ketika negara ini masih baru mencapai kemerdekaan hasil kesepakatan seluruh etnik di negara ini (Melayu, Orang Asli, India dan Cina), Tun VT Sambanthan ketika ucapannya di Dewan Rakyat pada 1 Jun 1965 menyebut :-

“Now, in 1955 we won the elections with a great majority. Then we obtained freedom in two years time. During this period, we had to discuss citizenship and various other things. Now, what did the Malays do – since we are speaking on racial lines – what did the Malay leadership do? They had 88 percent of the electorate still with them. What did they do with citizenship? If we look around in Asia and in East Asia, particularly, you will find that my race the Indian race, is not welcomed in Ceylon, is not welcomed in Burma. Look at my brother Chinese race, it is not welcomed in Thailand, in Vietnam, in Cambodia, in all the other areas. What help do they get for citizenship in all these territories? In Burma, as we know, Indians have been send packing, in Ceylon they refused them citizenship and in Burma it is likewise. I know it, you know it. And yet in Malaya what happened? Here, we found that the Malay leadership said, “We shall take them unto ourselves as brothers, we shall give them full opportunity to live in this country, we shall give them every opportunity to become citizens”. And so, in 1957, for the whole year, we waived language qualifications, and tens of thousands of Indians, Chinese, Ceylonese and others became citizens.”[ii]

Ini yang dikatakan sebagai Kontrak Sosial. Persefahaman dan tolak ansur antara satu sama lain. Pada hari ini, terutama generasi muda telah lupa apa yang dikatakan sebagai Kontrak Sosial. Mereka tidak pernah didedahkan dengan perkara ini sehingga sudah ada antara mereka yang mula mempersoalkan undang-undang tertinggi negara, Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Sepatutnya perkara seumpama ini didedahkan melalui mata pelajaran sejarah di peringkat sekolah. Guru-guru sejarah seharusnya menerang dan memahamkan perkara ini kepada para pelajar dengan bertanggungjawab, dan tidak hanya menumpukan perkara-perkara yang akan masuk ke dalam kertas PMR atau SPM sahaja.

Tetapi jika dipandang dari sudut yang lain pula, sekiranya setiap etnik India di negara ini berjaya mendapat £1 juta hasil saman tersebut, mungkin etnik Melayu juga boleh memfailkan saman terhadap Kerajaan Britain kerana membawa masuk orang India dan Cina ke Tanah Melayu yang menyebabkan etnik pribumi tersebut terpaksa berkongsi kuasa, kekayaan, tanah dan segalanya dengan etnik lain. Sehingga TV3 terpaksa membuat rancangan Bersamamu untuk menunjukkan kepada rakyat Malaysia betapa ramai lagi orang Melayu yang masih hidup dalam kedaifan walaupun sudah ada rakyat Malaysia yang mempunyai kekayaan berjumlah berbilion-bilion US dollar.

Ponnusamy ada menyebut bahawa 70% daripada masyarakat India di negara ini masih miskin. Selain daripada kerajaan, tidakkah 40 orang terkaya di Malaysia[iii] yang antaranya juga daripada kalangan etnik India mempunyai social obligation bagi membantu rakyat Malaysia yang masih hidup dalam kedaifan ini? Umum mengetahui bahawa peniaga-peniaga Cina mempunyai jaringan mereka sendiri bagi membantu etnik Cina yang memerlukan bantuan. Begitu juga dengan kongelemerat Melayu seperti Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar AlBukhary.

Sekali imbas perkara ini mengingatkan saya peristiwa robohnya Kota Melaka 450 tahun yang lalu akibat daripada sikap khianat Nina Chattu dan Uthimutha yang menjual rahsia Kota Melaka kerana termakan dengan janji manis Portugis. Mereka berdua ini adalah rakyat Melaka (berasal dari Benua Keling) tetapi kerana hasad dengki dan tamak haloba maka mereka sanggup berpaling tadah menjual bangsa dan negara kepada bangsa asing. Ini yang berlaku kini.

Ada cubaan oleh bangsa Malaysia sendiri untuk mengancam Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Jika Perlembagaan ini menjadi tidak sah maka segala undang-undang negara ini tidak sah. Parlimen tidak sah. Segalanya menjadi tidak sah. Politik negara menjadi tidak stabil. Ekonomi akan runtuh. Rakyat tidak akan lagi menikmati ketenteraman dan keamanan pada hari ini. Keadaan akan menjadi huru hara. Mungkin tragedi di Bosnia akan berulang di Malaysia. Apabila ini berlaku ada kuasa asing yang akan mengambil kesempatan untuk bertapak di negara ini di atas nama keamanan dan hak asasi manusia. Selepas itu, kita akan kembali menjadi anjing suruhan orang di tanah air yang merdeka ini.

tunku said...

u make me happy

Anonymous said...

Dear Tunku,

I am a non-malay and come through your blog. Nicely written, and I understand your views regarding your support towards Bersih and your rejection towards HINDRAF.

Bersih's aims are to fight to a clean and non-corrupted election system. I think you know more than me about that. As for HINDRAF, I personally think that it is not that easy for malays to understand that.

I am not a malay, and therefore I have been living under the NEP throughout these years.That hasn't affected me much, as I haven't start working yet. However, I do notice that the different treatment I get as I grew up. For instance, why is the main stream sekolah kebangsaan can get a large sum of financial assistance from government, whereas SJK(C) and SJK(T) can only get less than 10 % from what SK can obtain. When I visited SK schools, I couldn't stop wondering why was it so that the facilities of their school is much better than my school. Then moving to secondary school, same problem persist. My school being the record-breaker for STPM has often been facing lack of fund.

I can't stop wondering why is it so that the percentage of people in matrikulasi obtaining full A's is much higher than those in STPM, thus putting me as a STPM student in disadvantage. The paper of STPM is definitely more difficult, however, it is compared on the same level during the university admission appplication. Why is it only 10% of the admission in Matrikulasi is opened to non-bumiputra? I was feeling rejected by my own country. Somehow, i felt that being a non-malay is destined to be segregated aside by the government.

When JPA scholarships were awared, I couldn't stop wondering why is it my malay friends without full As could get the the scholarship, whereas for myself and my friends who are with full A's failed to do so. We were told by the authority that "the competition is intense and only those who are qualified can be awarded". But why the fact is different from what was being told. I don't know.

I couldn't get the course I wish to enrol into in local universities after STPM. I was feeling quite dejected. However, I was offered a scholarship from a singapore university, with the course I want. Again, question arises -- Why?

There are many things I will not touch on, like the tender of government projects, quota of shares in listed companies, etc. I haven't experienced them myself yet. I only read those news from the papers and magazines. The point is, I only wish to share the my feelings.

I thought that the true essence of democracy is that the government if from the people, by the people and for the people. Under democracy, every one should have the equal chances. Those who are in need of help will be assisted regardless of their skin colour. However, I am utterly disappointed with the various policies implemented in our country.

As a malaysian, I definitely salute our leaders in voicing out their dissatisfaction in issues of discrimination -- Conflict in Middle East, racial discrimination in western countries, etc. However, I do note that when our leaders demand equality for other people, many of the fellow malaysians do not enjoy equality themselves. What an irony. For instance, when we mention, "Malaysia for Malaysians", I thought that this is the true spirit we should uphold in every malaysian. However, I am disappointed when malays feel offended as non-malays are perceived to be threatening their privileges. I thought that having equality doesn't mean that we will deprive one from anything. Rather, it provides us a platform to co-operate and improve together. This is a globalized world. And we know that there are many countries who are developing relative faster than us recently, e.g. vietnam. If we do not want to be competitive among ourselves, how can we compete with the rest of the world. If the point being argued is that the racial-based policies are used to help the poors, why can't it be implemented across the races. Many chinese, indians are facing poverty as well, and they are malaysians too.

In a nutshell, I understand that I may sound immature when expressing all these views. The experience I have is definitely incomparable to you guys. But I sincerely hope that there will be one day, all the races in malaysia will be treated equally. And among the people, we can perceive one another as comrades rather then our enemies who deprive us of our needs. Together, we can certainly create a brighter future for malaysia.


tunku said...

dear ryan,
1)it will be easy for us to understandif hindraf fight for their rights without accusing and slandering the malays.

2)regarding the SJK issue, which country in this world has it with government sponsor? name one please.
only malaysia is having it.other country there's only one type of want better facilities pls join sek kebangsaan, no one is stopping you or anyone from joining it.

3)regarding the stpm/matriculation etc. let me tell you something , i'm malay, i did not get any scholarship from the government. i have 5 nephews and nieces who obtain 7-10As in spm and did not get a place for of them is doing stp and the others went abroad to study not with scholarship but with what is the difference between me and you.if you get 7As, that does not guarantee you a place in matriculation, there are thousands who score good grades these days.
well for the malays privilege it's in the constitution and was agreed since independence. which country in this world give same privilege to all the races , it's a lie if there is because it's just on the paper.there are malays in singapore who are not given same treatment as to others but we have to accept it,they are the minority.after all malaysia is giving you and others lots of opportunities,otherwise you'll see all the business are control by the malays.

Anonymous said...

Since you are a student, might as well go back to the library and open-up that old history book...

Not to be harsh to you, but your ancestors ask for it... so swallow it.

I also did not get scholarship, although my father is have a drop of blue blood.

Life is never fair.