
He said the probe was being carried out by officers of the board’s investigation unit.
“I don’t have the details but I was made to understand that there are indeed investigations being carried out on a number of cases, including top posts,” he said.
He was speaking to reporters after tabling a working paper at the “Anti-Corruption Summit Zero Tolerance for Corruption” event organised by the Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute and Transparency International Malaysia here.
Megat Najmuddin said he was not directly involved in the investigation because board members cannot be the investigators, prosecutors and jurists at the same time. -- Bernama
tunku : the disciplinary board should not delay their investigations. they should speed up their investigations.we don't want corrupt leaders up there.they should announce it before the new cabinet line up is reveal.hopefully they will be fair this time, not like what happened with ali rustam and kj corruption charges, one was punished and the other one only given warning even though under same act.
KJ for Menteri Belia dan Sukan or Menteri Pelajaran...one step before Menteri Kewangan later...
Up up KJ...
Tengku Ahmad Ritahuddin tolong sisiat perkara di bawah.
Sewajarnya Najib perlu menyisat kalau2 benar Khairy telah mebawa 304 pemuda ke Seri Perdana semasa Bodowi berada di Kuwait mengadakan
lawatan rasmi. Apa hak Khairy bawa pemuda2 ke Seri Pedana kalau bukan tujuan memberi rasuah ?????
Betulkah Hotel Corus telah menjadi markas Khairy untuk megagihkan habuan kapada 304 pemuda yang telah di siarkan dalam beberapa blog baru2 ini ? Tengku Ahmad Ritahuddin kalau tahu pun...tentu buat2 tak tahu aje. Serpeti kata nya daru2 ini "bertindak salah, kalau tak bertindak pun salah..." apa maknanya itu.
Ahli Umno
Benarkan sebanyak 400 aduan telah dilapurkan terhadap Md Ali Rustam (Ali last term).
3 pembantu Md Ali Rustam telah digantung 3 tahun. Md Ali Rustam tidak mengaku sersalah, konon nya tidak tahu menahu akan perbuatan pembant2 tersebut. Kalau benar Md Ali Rustam tak tahu menahu bererti 3 pembantu2 nya ada rangcangan untuk mensabotaj beliau....Jawapan nya ini tak masuk akal...Mustahil Md Ali Rustam tak tahu perkara sebenar...sudah pasti dia telah mengarahkan rasuah itu.
Ahli Umno Bukit Katil
Jika BN tewas PRU13 nanti, Rithaudin & co. dari Lembaga Disiplin dan Tribunal (LDT) mesti dipersalahkan kerana merelakan rasuah UMNO berleluasa. Konon2 bebas dan berkecuali, tapi bila menghukum hanya setakat nak 'tunjuk syarat' sedangkan raja segala malaun yang bau busuk beraknya teramat kuat sehingga boleh dihidu & dikenalpasti usulnya disetiap perusuk negara tak dihukum.
Mungkin juga LDT takut pada PM 'no quality' Bodowi, tak sangka taringnya berbisa sekali dan boleh menjangkau jauh, terutama bila melibatkan menantu kesayangannya.
Atau mungkin juga LDT pun dah sama2 masuk serta bergelumang sebagai ulat2 didalam 'tong tahi' yang di cop/kenali sebagai 'rasuah UMNO'. Maklumlah menantu PM Bodowi tu bukan calang2 dan terkenal sebagai 'richest unemployed in Malaysia', jadi tentulah 'money no problem'.
Saya bukan ahli UMNO tetapi mengharap sesuatu perkembangan yang baik akan berlaku dalam pemilihan UMNO baru-baru ini. Ternyata RASUAH politik terus menjadi-jadi malah di"ENDORSE" oleh perwakilan pemuda. Bapa Mertua yang secara besar-besaran mempromosikan anti-rasuah WALAUPUN CAKAP SAHAJA, tetapi menyalah-gunakan kuasa mempengaruhi Jawatankuasa Disiplin parti supaya MENANTU dibenarkan terus bertanding manakala ahli lain dengan kesalahan yang sama diLARANG bertanding malah ada yang diGANTUNG terus keahliannya. Itu menunjukkan UMNO tidak akan pulih dan akan hancur.
Perwakilan juga "ENDORSE" RASUAH untuk pemilihan MT, saya tahu salah seorang calon dari Sabah telah diundi menduduki kerusi MT belanja duit RM3 Juta untuk kekal di sana, waktu pemilihan Ketua Bahagian dia menang kerana Rasuah. SEKARANG dia cakap untuk hapus politik wang.. MENYAMPAH!!!!
Kj pengkhainat perlu siasat berterusan. Adakan pemilihan ketua pemuda semula dengan 60 ribu ahli dalam masa terdekat untuk selamatkan BN di PRU 13 nanti.
Melalui akhbar star update hari ini Hishamudin menyeru ahli2 pemuda rapatkan semula barisannya. Biasalah ahli diminta menghormati keputusan pemilihan. Namun saya secara peribadi dan di kongsi juga dengan berjuta rakyat tetap tidak dapat menghormati perwakilan pemuda yang mengundi KJ menjadi Ketua Pemuda.Macam mana kah ahli-ahli yang tidak turut menerima rasuah akan menghormati keputusan majority yang terdiri daripada penerima-penerima rasuah? Saya percaya persepsi rakyat terhadap KJ yang memenangi jawatan nombor 1 pemuda melalui amalan politik wang tidak akan lenyap dan terpahat dalam sejarah politik UMNO dan negara. KJ boleh menafikan tidak melibatkan diri dengan politik wang tapi saya bersama-sama berjuta rakyat Malaysia tidak akan percaya sampai bila-bila. Adalah sungguh malang untuk UMNO keseluruhan dianugerahkan oleh penerima-penerima rasuah seorang ketua pemuda iaitu KJ yang telah diadapati bersalah oleh lembaga disiplin berkait dengan amalan politik wang.Kami tidak sukakan KJ dan its just too bad for UMNO to have him as Ketua Pemuda. KJ is going to be a JONAH in UMNO who causes the ship to sink.
Sampai saat ini saya masih dukacita dengan keputusan bodoh perwakilan pemuda umno yang mengundi KJ. Kerana BEBAL, BODOH dan SELAP dengan rasuah mereka tidak bertanggungjawab dan tindakan mereka memberi kesan negatif kepada UMNO. Kesian pemimimpin-pemimpin MKT, Wanita & Puteri terpaksa mendapat KJ sebagai ketua Pemuda yang dipilih melalui amalan politik wang yang kotor dan najisnya tak boleh disamak dengan apa cara sekali pun seperti kinzir.
Macamana KJ yang didapati bersalah tidak diambil tindakan ,kedua boleh bertanding dan akhir sekali boleh menang ..mungkin menang sebab rasuah kot.Apa nak jadi gan umno saya tertanya2 samaada perwakilan dapat rasuah nak sokong KJ. Bila rekod dah kotor boleh menang , apa yang rakyat nampak sekarang kebanyakan perwakilan pemuda kotor dan makan rasuah. Patutnya UMNO buka undi kepada semua ahli umno di malaysia...baru kita akan lihat siapa yang nak dipilih oleh ahli umno sebenarnya.Yang pasti pewakilan yang tak berapa banyak tu boleh dirasuah.
Rasuah akan mengadaikan bangsa akhir sekali merosakan masa depan anak cucu melayu kita. Tolak pemimpin rasuah.
Seketika ombak memukul pantai sudah pasti pasir akan berubah, tergantung kekuatan ombak yang memukul pantai, kalau benar-benar cukup kuat, tunggul kayu mati pun akan beralih dari permukaan pantai.
Pisau dan timun ditangan DS Najib, membuka lembaran baru yg lebih bermakna buat bangsa dan tanah air, ada pucuk rebung yg masih boleh dilentur tapi ada batang buluh tua yg harus dicantas.
Peluang keemasan ini tidak datang dengan begitu mudah, ianya datang buat kali kedua, pertama kalinya datang pada PRU11, pada tahun 2004,ternyata kepimimpinan ABDULLAH AHMAD BADAWI belum bersedia menerima TONGKAT WATAN, yang diserahkan oleh TUN MAHATHIR.
Ini peluang kali kedua buat UMNO untuk disempurnakan oleh DATO SERI NAJIB yang masih dilontarkan oleh rakyat mahupun parti, saya berharap benar peluang ini tidak disia-siakan, kehadapan jalannya penuh ranjau,
TONGKAT WATAN, RANJAU SEPANJANG JALAN sinonim dengan perjuangan bangsa yang memerlukan pengorbanan. DS NAJIB dan TS MUHYIDDIN perlu cukup berani, hanya dengan barisan yang mantap dan penuh jujur untuk perjuangan buat bangsa akan dapat mematahkan tulang belulang para petualang, mungkin kita lihat semua ini sebagai hanya perbuatan manusia, tapi jika kita kembali kepada fitrah alam, aturan Tuhan, DIA tidak akan merubah nasib sesuatu bangsa melainkan mereka sendiri merubah keadaan mereka.
Ini ingatan kedua dan ini peluang kedua, "UMNO must be clean and must be seen to be clean", DS NAJIB harus membuat keputusan berat yang akan menyerlahkan kedudukan parti bukan untuk menghadapi penentangan penderhaka PAS di Bukit Gantang dan pemberontak HINDRAF di Bukit Selambau, tetapi memenangkan kembali maruah orang melayu yang sudah di jual oleh PAS dan juga PKR buat kemenangan di PRU13, ini bukan masalah memenangkan the small battle but the major war dalam PRU13, dimana UMNO sekali lagi akan menghadapi PAU yg mungkin melemahkan parti.
Pada saya, mereka yg mempunyai perjuangan berbentuk pribadi harus dibuang dari tubuh parti, tidak hairan, pada saya jika ada yg menulis skrip drama perjuangan merebut kuasa "AKU AKAN MENJADI PM TERMUDA" harus disingkirkan, sedangkan bukti cukup banyak dan kehadiran wajahnya saja menghalau golongan rakyat, yang bukan membenci UMNO tetapi membenci perangai dan ego yang ditonjolkan dihadapan rakyat, walaupun HISHAMMUDIN telah bersuara secara sukarela untuk membimbing PEMUDA, mengharungi perjuangan BANGSA.
DS NAJIB dan TS MUHYIDDIN harus berani membuat keputusan terbaik buat parti, "calling a spade a spade", kalau dahulu ISA SAMAD boleh gugur setelah mendapat undi terbanyak di peringakat pertandingan Naib Presiden, ini kan pula hanya untuk jawatan Ketua Pemuda.
Drama bersiri "AKU AKAN MENJADI PM TERMUDA" harus dihentikan tayangan kerana tidak memenuhi citarasa parti mau masyarakat yang lebih luas. Biar UMNO tidak membela satu lagi petualang yang menganti ANWAR IBRAHIM, politik yang diperjuangkan sudah jelas bukan untuk bangsa, agama dan tanah air, hanya politik kekuasaan pribadi.
Sekali lagi, pisau dan timun, di tangan DS Najib, "lets nip the problem at its bud", biarlah dia melayarkan perahu pribadinya didalam PKR.
UMNO seharusnya membuat keputusan, drama bersiri "AKU AKAN JADI PM TERMUDA" harus ditapis dan ditamatkan musim tayangannya. Kalau ada pun KP yang KERA SUMBANG, apakah itu tidak akan mencacatkan parti ?
Jangan nanti DS NAJIB disibukkan hanya untuk melayani kerenah dan membersihkan tahi yang bertompok-tompok yang ditinggalkannya yang menambah kemarahan rakyat.
Penganjuran Monsoon Cup dipersoal
Bernama, 23 August 2007
KUALA TERENGGANU: Penganjuran kejohanan kapal layar Piala Monsun di Pulau Duyung, Terengganu, adalah antara isu yang dibangkitkan pada sesi pendengaran awam Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Dewan Rakyat mengenai Intergriti di sini hari ini.
Pengerusi Jawatankuasa itu Datuk Dr Wan Hashim Wan Teh berkata, pihaknya diberitahu bahawa rakyat Terengganu tidak puas hati kerana sukan tahunan itu menelan belanja besar tetapi tidak banyak memberi faedah kepada mereka.
Sebagai contoh, kata mereka, hotel-hotel tidak menerima banyak tempahan sempena kejohanan itu, ujar Wan Hashim kepada pemberita selepas sesi pendengaran awam itu di Wisma Darul Iman di sini.
Wan Hashim berkata jawatankuasa itu akan memanggil pihak penganjur serta kerajaan negeri bagi memperjelas tentang soal tersebut sebelum ia dibawa ke Parlimen jika perlu.
Katanya penganjuran program tersebut mungkin akan dinilai kembali jika ia benar-benar didapati tidak membawa sebarang keuntungan kepada rakyat mahupun kerajaan.
"Is this a joke, just some political grandstanding, or is Peter Gilmour leading the politicians on a walk down the garden path to financial obscurity?" That was the response from the portal Asian Yachting on Malaysia's aspiration to enter the America's Cup.
"The under-funded China Team could only manage to win one race by default during the Luis Vuitton Cup and Larry Ellison's highly fancied BMW Oracle Team reportedly spent up to US$200 million only to get knocked out in the semi-final stage. Can Malaysia really afford that sort of money on a whim and a prayer campaign when the National Sailing Association (MYA) is struggling to raise enough funds to hire coaches to train sailors and buy the odd optimist or laser to compete at regional games," said Asian Yachting.
"As the sport is still in its infancy in Malaysia, wouldn't a lesser amount of money be better spent developing the sport at home first and look at hosting events like the ISAF Nations Cup and Youth Match Racing that will benefit local sailors in the long run?"
Malaysian America's Cup aspirations
By K P Waran
Sail World (http://www.sail-world.com/news/ )
Malaysia is bidding to become the second Asian nation, after China, to participate in the America's Cup, often touted as 'the world's premier sailing event'. Plans to participate in the America's Cup have got off on the right footing.
The big boys in the sailing fraternity have given the Monsoon Cup the nod as the premier sailing event in the region, and acknowledged the nation's capacity to put up a good showing.
Alinghi team strategist Peter Gilmour said there was a sense of excitement in the sailing fraternity.
This is because Malaysia's bid to become the second Asian nation, after China, to participate in the event will mean a bigger following for the America's Cup, the world's premier sailing event. He said it would also 'give corporate sponsors in the Southeast Asia region a chance to beam their names and products into the homes of two billion people who follow the event'.
Gilmour, who is the lead organiser of the Monsoon Cup and has been in the forefront to get Malaysia involved in the America's Cup, has paved the way for Malaysian leaders and corporate figures to meet and discuss the subject with the top honchos in the sailing fraternity.
They include pharmaceutical billionaire Ernesto Bertarelli, who owns the Alinghi team, which is defending the Cup in the finals against Emirates Team New Zealand, and high-ranking officials of BMW Oracle, China Team and Luis Vuitton.
It is reliably learnt that if the plans go through, Malaysia may participate in 2011.
The people who met the Malaysian delegation are not only excited about the prospect of Malaysia's participation but also the success of the Monsoon Cup, with confirmations from several other top teams to take part.
This augurs well for the Monsoon Cup and Malaysia, the development of sailing and marina infrastructure as well as the development of local talent, said Gilmour.
Terengganu Menteri Besar Datuk Idris Jusoh, who is part of the Malaysian delegation in Valencia led by Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, said the discussions with officials from the America's Cup teams and organisers had been very fruitful.
'There is all-round acceptance of our commitment to make a name for Malaysia in the international sailing fraternity, and we already have one foot in the door to participate in the premier event.'
He added that the facilities and services at the Monsoon Cup venue, Pulau Duyong, would be improved in stages so that in the next few years, it would become a premier sailing venue and an area for big boats to train and have match race practices.
Malaysia's participation in the America's Cup, with proper planning, funding and getting the right people on board the Malaysian vessel, could result in a victory for the team and Terengganu would be in a position to host the America's Cup, he said.
In the America's Cup, the winning team gets to host the next final. In the case of Alinghi, which comes from landlocked Switzerland, Bertarelli holds the right to name the venue if his team wins.
Idris said there were plans to turn Pulau Duyong into a venue of international standard, and steps to improve the facilities for this year's Monsoon Cup, scheduled from Nov 28 to Dec 2, were already under way.
'When the Malaysian delegation visited the teams participating and the international jury handling the event, we realised that not only is the Monsoon Cup well known but it is also being talked about as a well-organised event with top notch sailors from around the world wanting to compete in it.'
He said the America's Cup here had attracted five million people, not to mention television and media publicity. Such an event hosted by Malaysia would be a tremendous boost to its economy, drawing tourist dollars and investments.
The power of witchcraft
Malaysia Today, 2 January 2006
Up to early 2000, Terengganu State used to earn about RM800 million to RM900 million a year in Oil Royalty. The money was Terengganu's 5% share of all the oil and gas extracted from the state. Terengganu contributes to half of Malaysia's petroleum wealth; the other half coming from East Malaysia.
Under the Petroleum Development Act passed by Parliament about 30 years ago, by a stroke of the pen, all the states in Malaysia lost their right to their oil and gas resources -- which should actually be entirely state-owned under the terms of the Federation Agreement in 1957. You could say the Federal Government 'robbed' the states of their rights to 100% of the oil and gas income and reduced them to a share of only 5%, which was then called 'Royalty' as stated in the Agreement the Federal Government signed with all the states.
But in 2000, Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad denied that any such Agreement existed and denied that the states were entitled to this 5% Royalty as stated in the Agreement plus the Petroleum Development Act . The fact that the Act itself violated the Federation Agreement was of no consequence. Now, even the Agreement signed between the Federal Government and the states plus the Act of Parliament were ignored.
Dr Mahathir then withdrew the 5% Royalty that Terengganu was entitled to. But only Terengganu, the state that fell to the opposition in 1999, suffered this fate. Other states still under the ruling party continued to enjoy their 5% Royalty. In justifying his actions, Dr Mahathir argued that no such arrangement exists and the states are not entitled to any 5% Royalty. What Terengganu was enjoying all those years from the mid-1970s until early 2000 was 'goodwill money' ( Wang Ehsan), not Royalty, said Dr Mahathir.
Even Parliament is beneath Dr Mahathir and legally signed agreements need not be honoured, though they may have been signed between governments.
Then, in 2004, the ruling party won back Terengganu State. But Dr Mahathir had argued all along that no such arrangement exists. The state is not entitled to a 5% Royalty on its oil and gas resources and what the Federal Government had been paying for about 25 years was goodwill money. So how to now reinstate the Royalty payments?
Then they came out with a very ingenious plan in how they can give Terengganu back its 5% Royalty, yet not admit that they are doing so -- and at the same time make sure that the money goes to certain individuals and not into the state coffers.
And the way they did it can only happen in Loony Malaysia.
The Federal Government will not pay Terengganu State a fixed 5%. Instead, it will finance certain projects that the state proposes and subject, of course, to the approval of the Prime Minister's Department. The projects, however, would not be state projects but projects mooted by its Chief Minister, Idris Jusoh. In fact, Idris Jusoh had been managing this petroleum Royalty now called 'goodwill money' all the while the state was under opposition control. It was a sort of shadow government, parallel to the duly elected government of Terengganu.
Needless to say, those managing the RM800 million to RM900 million a year became extremely rich over those four years just by virtue of the fact that the money by-passed the state coffers and went straight into the hands of those managing the money. Ever wonder why when the JE epidemic hit the country the Terengganu folks joked that Terengganu too has its own version of the 'JE' scourge? What they meant of course was Jusoh Enterprise, the private company owned by Idris Jusoh's family that has its tentacles in almost anything you can think of.
Recently, they were at a loss as to how to siphon out more money. The year was about to come to an end and they needed to get their hands on the money before the accounts closed for the year. So they came out with a very clever plan.
On 26 June 2005, they set up an events management company called Premium Project Management Sdn Bhd (company number 692728-M). Then, on 9 September 2005, the name was changed to T-Best Events Sdn Bhd. The company's paid-up capital is only RM2.00.
The company is supposed to be a Terengganu based company but its registered address is at no. 23A, Jalan SS 21/60, Damansara Utama, Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
The two shareholders of the company who hold one share each of RM1.00 are Saharuddin bin Abdullah and Suhami binti Kiman. The directors of the company are Wan Hisham bin Wan Salleh (Terengganu), Mohamed bin Awang Tera (Terengganu), Chew Kok Foo (Petaling Jaya), Peter William Gilmour (Australia), Chua Hooi Sian (Petaling Jaya) and Lim Poh Tiang (Petaling Jaya).
The name to note here is Wan Hisham bin Wan Salleh, a (EXCO) member of the Terengganu State Government, and the man behind the entire operation. Wan Hisham's brother, Wan Mohd Farid, is the political secretary to the Minister of Home Affairs, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who, coincidentally, is also the Prime Minister of Malaysia. But Wan Hisham is only there to give the company political weight. The man running the company is Patrick Lim. And Patrick Lim's job is to conjure up events that the state can embark upon -- which, of course, would require a couple of hundred million Ringgit to finance.
One very ingenious project they came up with was to hold a sailboat race from 29 November to 4 December 2005 called the Monsoon Cup. Instead of everyone running for the hills in fear of a Tsunami hitting this country like it did around Christmas of 2004, they would congregate on the beach to watch sailboats race against each other in the monsoon winds.
And the Monsoon Cup was given a budget of RM250 million, more than enough money to go around. Only in Loony Malaysia can a RM2 company, hardly a couple months in operation, get its hands on a RM250 million government job.
The plan was to invite sailboat champions from all over the world to participate in the race. This would give the Monsoon Cup credibility and prestige that would rival the Langkawi powerboat race. But these world champions would need to be given suitable accommodations and the only five-star hotel in Kuala Terengganu was certainly not suitable enough.
So they built 50 new houses on Mermaid Island, known locally as Pulau Duyung. Each house was priced at RM1 million, so RM50 million would be needed to build these houses. Of course, you and I can build these same houses for around RM250,000 each. But that is not the issue here. The issue is: the foreigners need to be made to believe that they are living in a million dollar house (though it would only be for a few days). Pricing the houses at four times what they actually cost to build was not for purposes of siphoning out any money. (And if you believe this then you will believe that pigs can fly).
Everything was plain sailing -- pun intended -- until race day arrived. Then, on race day, the monsoon winds suddenly died down and the sailboats ended up dead in the water.
Sheesh! The Pengkalan Pasir by-election was being held in neighbouring Kelantan State at that same time and the monsoon was threatening to dampen the election campaign. They were also worried that the flood would prevent the voters from coming out to vote. So, someone had engaged a team of bomohs (witch doctors) to cast a spell to keep the monsoon away. But they forgot to tell the bomohs to keep the monsoon away from just Kelantan, not from Terengganu that needed the monsoon.
Just to digress a bit for the benefit of those who do not know what Malaysian bomohs are capable of. Malaysians of all persuasions normally engage a bomoh to cast a spell if they want to keep the rain away in the event they are having a garden party, to make a girl or boy you have taken a fancy in to fall in love with you, to destroy a competitor's business, to break up someone's marriage, to ensure that your football team wins the match, to win an election, and so on. If you want to get rich then bomohs are also able to give you the winning numbers of the lottery -- but why bomohs themselves are never rich and remain poor though they can 'see' winning numbers in a lottery has remained a mystery till today.
Anyway, back to the Terengganu story. The Monsoon Cup was proving to be a disaster. Without a monsoon how to have a Monsoon Cup? So Terengganu, in a panic, also engaged its own team of bomohs to cast a spell to bring back the monsoon. But then there is a one week lead time for spells to work. When you cast a spell it does not take affect immediately. It may need anything up to a week to work -- sort of like clearing an outstation cheque.
Eventually, they had to call an end to the RM250 million Monsoon Cup and everyone went home extremely disappointed. Then the monsoon hit. Terengganu was now facing a threat of being washed into the South China Sea.
To help save the state from total destruction, the Terengganu Religious Department sent out circulars to all the mosques throughout the state asking the mosque congregation to pray for deliverance (sembahyang tolak bala ). No doubt they needed the monsoon to ensure that the Monsoon Cup would meet with success and the bomohs engaged to cast the spell had done a fine job. But the monsoon came too late and now they do not need the monsoon anymore. Furthermore, the spell cast by the bomohs was too powerful and the monsoon was going to drown the entire state. (You can't blame the bomohs though. They are experts at casting spells to keep the rain away but this is the first time they had been asked to cast a spell to create a monsoon).
Well, never mind, the bomohs may have failed and the Monsoon Cup may have been a disaster, but the objective of siphoning out RM250 million had been met; and that is all that matters.
Hmm...I wonder how much the bomohs were paid to create the monsoon. I suspect they were paid with post-dated cheques so that is why they made sure the monsoon came only after the cheques had cleared. Next year, Terengganu State should pay the bomohs in cash and maybe hold back 50% of the payment, to be paid only when the monsoon comes.
Khairy accused of 'ruling' Terengganu with friend
Reme Ahmad
The Straits Times, 23 September 2006
KEMAMAN (TERENGGANU) – Malaysia's former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad has made a fresh allegation against a family member of Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi, and poured scorn on the government's Islam Hadhari vision.
The former premier accused Datuk Seri Abdullah of allowing his son-in-law and a businessman friend to 'rule' Terengganu state.
Tun Dr Mahathir claimed that Mr Khairy Jamaluddin, who is married to Datuk Seri Abdullah's daughter Nori, virtually 'rules' Terengganu with his businessman friend, Datuk Patrick Lim.
"This Patrick Lim is Patrick Badawi," Tun Dr Mahathir said at a function here.
"This is the new Constitution that is changed without the knowledge of Parliament. The new Constitution says the son-in-law and Patrick are ruling Terengganu state," the former premier charged.
"Terengganu government: No truth to opposition claims," reported The Star on 30 September 2006. And The Star goes on to say as follows:
The state government has dismissed the claim by the opposition that RM200 million was allocated for the promotion of the Monsoon Cup in Pulau Duyong last year.
"That's a baseless claim as the fund was not from the state government's coffers but allotted either by private sponsors or the Federal Government," State Infrastructure, Public Amenity and Communication committee chairman Datuk Wan Hisham Wan Salleh told Datuk Harun Taib (PAS - Manir) during the 11th state assembly sitting here recently.
Wan Hisham said he was perplexed how the assemblyman from the opposition obtained such inaccurate information on the allocation. "This is seen an attempt to mar the image of the Monsoon Cup by certain quarters."
Harun claimed he got the information from an "insider" serving the current government.
Monsoon Cup promoter gets award at boating event
The Star, 29 April 2007
BANGKOK: Datuk Patrick Lim, an ardent promoter of the Monsoon Cup, was named Personality of the Year at the prestigious 2007 Christofle Asia Boating Awards on Friday night.
Malaysia's premier sailing event which was nominated for the Yachting Event of the Year, however, lost to Thailand's Phuket King's Cup Regatta.
The Monsoon Cup was held to bring world-class professional sailing to South-East Asia and to promote tourism in Terengganu.
The organisers of the gala dinner, which was part of the Boat Asia 2007 event, acknowledged the efforts by Lim, who is Equine Capital chairman, to promote the tournament.
In accepting it, Lim said it was a great honour for him and Malaysia.
He added: "The tournament is now on the world map.
"The success was achieved through the concerted efforts of many quarters, which generated various economic activities and job opportunities."
The event, which started in 2005, will be held at Pulau Duyong from Nov 28 to Dec 2.
Monsoon Cup out to make a date with the big boys
By K.P. Waran in Valencia, Spain
New Straits Times, 29 April 2006
MALAYSIA'S very own Monsoon Cup made a huge splash at this venue of the world's premier yachting event — the America's Cup — by inviting the world's foremost yachts and sailors to its venue off the Terengganu coast.
Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, after a press conference to brief Spanish journalists about the Malaysian event, went on to meet the big boys who run the America's Cup teams including Alinghi, Emirates Team New Zealand and BMW Oracle.
Taking the opportunity of the America's Cup final, Malaysia wants to promote its already successful sea sport competition — the Monsoon Cup 2007.
"Valencia is the ideal place to tell the world about our own premier yachting event, which is part of the international sailing circuit and World Match Racing Tour," said Tengku Adnan.
The Monsoon Cup, which began in 2005, has already positioned its venue, Pulau Duyong, in the world maritime map, attracting top-ranked competitors and boats. This year, the event will be held from Nov 28 to Dec 2.
The event, which offered RM1 million in prize money last year, is expected to continue to be hailed as one which offers the richest purse for sailing.
The Tourism Ministry and T-Best Events, which organise the Monsoon Cup, have also announced that they were looking at ways to develop sea sports tourism and have invited investors from Europe and other parts of the world to visit Terengganu and explore the opportunities.
T-Best Events chairman Datuk Wan Hisham Wan Salleh said Malaysia wanted avid sailing enthusiasts to visit the country and thus bring investment in the industry to new heights.
"The Monsoon Cup is poised to grow in global and regional profile and popularity, thus offering greater returns, not only for investors but the government and the state of Terengganu."
While the impact of hosting such a prestigious event locally had been tremendously successful and profitable to investors, including the state government, there was room for further growth and development to establish the race as a leading world-class sailing event, he said.
Tengku Adnan said Southeast Asia, described as the Caribbean of the East with long picturesque coastlines, beaches and marine life, had already begun to attract tourists from Europe and hoped that the numbers would further increase.
"Boat owners in Europe should take up the offers of the 13 marinas in Malaysia to berth their boats here."
Apa nak diharap kepada Pemuda, kalau maruah diri boleh dan mudah dibeli ?
Ada otak tak pandai menggunanya. Ada pelajaran tapi mudah diperbodoh ! Mana ada kualiti ?
Dikatakan Pemuda sekarang ini (jika nak dibanding dengan zaman Dato' Harun, misalnya) adalah golongan pejuang yang berpendidikan tinggi, berintegriti mantap dan bermoral terpuji ! Orang putih kata 'bullshit' ! Pemuda sekarang ini begitu haprak sekali , tidak ada harga diri. Kononnya lulusan luar negeri, menara gading, tertiary education from prestigious universities. But they are worse off politically, that is. Granted some of the perwakalin last week came from a mediocre level of education ; but even those from the so-called 'intelligentsia' did not even display the kind of matured and wise analysis that one would expect from them !
Honouring someone who has been found guilty of 'rasuah politik' but escape punishment save for just a warning, is a most despicable act on the part of the bought-over 304 'villains' and 'sidekicks' ! He shouldn't be contesting in the first place. This is where I put my foot down and will challenge anybody to deny the guilt that the 'Lembaga Disiplin' should admit to ! This board deserves to be ridiculed, condemned and ostracised for displaying that vile attitude of 'double standard' ! 'Without fear or favour' is no dictum for them ! Imagine ( and I just can't comprehend this) punishing one while freeing the other when both are found guilty of the same offence. To add to the insult, perhaps to the stupidity' is the case of the other guy who has been charged in court but not found guilty just yet BUT the board deemed it right to bar him from contesting. What a callous mistake from the learned Lembaga !
Perhaps to atone for their mistake or for their weaknesses to succumb to external pressure from you-know-who, these Board Members should resign en-bloc OR disciplinary action should be taken against them. OR they should embark on a more serious confrontation with those involved with 'money politics'. We are made to understand that there are hundreds of reports lodged with the Lembaga. Be they from the 'cawangan' , at the Bahagian level and definitely at the MKT , no one should be spared the rigourous and painstaking investigation into their crimes ; again without fear or favour !
Gentlemen, save your souls. Redeem yourselves ! Bring back the honour and dignity , not only to your selves but more importantly to UMNO !
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