According to Human Resources Minister Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam, Najib informed him of this after he (Dr Subramaniam) had briefed the prime minister on the incident which took place outside the Selangor state secretariat after the Friday prayers.
"The prime minister has promised to look into it and asked the IGP to immediately act on the matter," he said in a statement here.
In the incident, a small group of people said to be residents of Section 23 in Shah Alam had placed a cow's head on the gates of the state secretariat building, apparently in protest against the construction of a Hindu temple in Section 23.
"The prime minister said he was very upset over the incident and wants it to be nipped in the bud," Dr Subramaniam said.
He said that while the prime minister was promoting the 1Malaysia concept and racial unity, "this kind of action will hinder the process and put the clock back".
Meanwhile, Musa said he had asked Selangor police chief Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar to investigate the case and take those responsible to task.
"I also urge witnesses to lodge police reports to enable us to take action against those involved," he said when contacted today.
Khalid, when contacted, said action would be taken against those involved in the incident.
"Whatever problems you have, discuss them first," he said.
tunku : this is what happens when you do things without using your brain.50 of you protested against the construction of a temple in malay majority area was right thing to do but to bring a cow's head is 100% WRONG thing to do. it is an insult to Hindu religion and Islam does not allows it's followers to insult or bring harm to other religions.it is the same act when pig heads were thrown in a surau at um recently.we hope the police will take stern action against the protesters.we want these things to stop once and for all from both side.
maybe this action was in memory of hindraf
Bila tang masalah kg buah pala, najib pandai pulak tak nak masuk campur hal kerajaan pulau pinang walaupun lim guan eng mintak tolong kerajaan pusat utk selesaikan masalah dia di sana.
Tapi kat selangor yg si najib ni ligat pulak nak masuk campur apahal? Kang ko jugak yg hilang sokongan melayu.
Biar le si khalid gagap tu yg settelkan masalah YANG KERAJAAN NEGERI DIA YANG CIPTA SENDIRI.
pls get more accurate info b4 you make such comments. The tample has been in existance for 150 years before the area becomes housing estate.This problem was created during BN Goverment and PR Govt is trying to resolve it.
Bila amarah membakar diri, inilah jadinya. Sebenarnya orang melayu ni suka memendam rasa, bila dah meletup baru semua gopoh gapah. Di luar sana beribu masih sabar memendam rasa, ini baru 50 orang yang telah hilang sabar. Iktibarnya, jangan cabar dan lukai orang melayu yang berugama Islam.
anon 10.44 am,
the existing temple is in section 22 not in section 23.they are relocating the temple from section 22 to 23.get your facts right first before commenting.use your brain.the pr government is relocating it.
What happen to the surau issue? Did they catch and charge the responsible parties....
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If this was the act of muslims, then shame on them. Have they forgotten what the Holy Quran said about insulting other religions or their idols, or do they not read the Quran?
‘Do not curse those upon whom they call beside Allah, lest they wrongfully curse and revile Allah through ignorance. Thus to every nation have we made their deeds seem fair. Then to their Lord is their return, when He will inform them of that which they used to do’ (Surat al-An’am, 108).
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