Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mukhriz Expresses Regret Over Emotional Actions Of Shah Alam Residents

JITRA, Aug 29 (Bernama) -- Deputy International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir said Saturday he was disappointed by the actions of a group of Shah Alam residents in parading the head of cow when holding a protest demonstration.
Mukhriz, who is also the Member of Parliament for Jerlun, said such extreme actions could cause unease among the people and that it was better for problems to be resolved through discussions.
"I hope everyone will remain calm and not do anything that can upset racial harmony in Malaysia, he told reporters after handing over Aidilfitri aid to some 50 orphans and needy students in Kampung Keriang Menyabung here today.
On Friday, some 50 people claiming to be residents of Section 23 in Shah Alam paraded the head of a cow when protesting against a planned relocation of a Hindu temple in that area.
On another matter, Mukhriz said he was also disappointed with the absence of the spirit of Merdeka ahead of the 52nd National Day celebrations on Monday.
He said the fasting month of Ramadan should not be used as an excuse not to show the patriotic spirit.

tunku : like i have commented earlier it is a shameful act, both the cow's head issue and also pig's head in surau issue.with multi racial society we can't afford to have scenes like has to stop and the authority should take tough action against those involved in it. regarding the merdeka spirit, from my observation it looks like this is the worst merdeka's spirit i have observed so far.there are hardly any cars with Malaysian flag.what had happened to our people? aren't they so unpatriotic? it is real sad.Malaysia is our country and be grateful for it.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Takpe, kalau depa tak mau kibar Bendera Malaysia, kita buat juga. Bukan saja di rumah, tapi di kereta kita, di basikal kita, di kedai kita , di bas kita dan sebagainya. Bukan mahal sangat Bendera tu. Awat kedekut sangat ?

Kita boleh tunjuk semangat patriotisme kita melalui pelbagai cara dan kaedah. Kalau dengan pasang bendera, terbuktinya patriotisme kita, kita teruskanlah. Apa susahnya.

Cuma yang buruknya, yang enggan dan degil tak mahu pasang bendera itu sebenarnya hendak menunjuk bantahan dan ketidakpuasan hati mereka terhadap
pentadbiran kerajaan Malaysia sahaja. Kepada saya, puak ini tak akan "pasang" apa pun di negara ini. Bantahan demi bantahan berlegar di kepala mereka, menunggu sahaja detik untuk melahirkannya ! Betul atau salah bukan perkiraan. Bantahan tetap diteruskan. Selagi siri bantahan ini dibuat secara berterusan dan konsisten, selama itulah niat mereka untuk menjatuh kredibiliti negara ini di mata dunia, dapat disubur dan dihidupkan ! Momentum perlu dikekalkan ! Sebab itu kita dapat perhati pelbagai usaha sengaja dibuat-buat, direka-reka, diada-adakan oleh puak-puak ini, yang boleh dikategorikan sebagai 'pengkhianat negara' ! Usaha-usaha untuk memburuk-burukkan dan menjatuh kredibiliti pihak SPRM, PDRM dan sebagainya adalah sebenarnya salah satu agenda utk menjatuhkan kerajaan. Tak usah berbaik-baik dengan mereka kerana mereka sebenarnya mempunyai satu 'grand design', satu agenda besar yang mungkin ramai tidak sedar atau lebih bahaya lagi, tidak mahu menerima hakikat bahayanya ! Lebih bahaya lagi terdapat 'puak' yang sanggup menjual maruah bangsanya sendiri kepada 'penderhaka negara' semata-mata mahu memenuhi impian untuk memegang kuasa pemerintahan.Biar tergadai maruah, biar tercemar agama , biar jatuh ke lubuh penderhakaan ASALKAN nafsu serakah peribadi dan puak yang seangkatan dengannya, tercapai !!!

Kita sebenarnya rasa hairan, mana mungkin boleh wujud orang yang boleh menderhaka kepada Agama dan Bangsanya sendiri ! Tak payah kita bercakap tentang politik. Kita fokus kepada Agama dan Bangsa sahaja. Itulah sahaja perkiraan yang PERLU dicongak !

Biarlah Jalur yang dikibar itu Bergemilang. Biarlah Bulan dan Bintangnya menyinari seluruh pelusuk negara dan menyemarakkan semangat Kenegaraan dan Kesetiaan di hati nurani semua yang TIDAK MENDERHAKA !


Burung Merbok.

Anonymous said...

Mukriz is kidding himself. War with the pigs and crows is sure to happen.As a malay leader he should shut his trap on issues like this. What he should do is to get his supporters prepare for the eventuality. Come what may we must uphold the ketuanan Melayu. Indians were brought by the English as labourers, Chinese to dig mines, trade etc, the benggali as soldiers to kill Malays that oppose the org putih. When they had to leave they forced Tungku and his babboons to give their baruas malaya citizenship.our UMNO leaders being stuoid as they are issue more citizenships to these snakes without going according to social contract quota. Their numbers multiply unchecked, so much so when combined give them more force than the Malay. They are now demanding equal status, and ABOLISHMENT OF SOCIAL CONTRACT, do away with the rajas.."the camel is now trying to put its whole body into the tent, and forcing the stupid arab out into the storm".Ngibs 1M concept is giving the camel, weapons of mass destruction that eventually going to make Malaysian malays like Singapore malays. UMNO was formed to uphold the Malay rights and wellbeing.MIC Indians and MCA Chinese. Now UMNO is betraying the Malays likewise PAS, Islam.Perhaps the malays now need a new Malay party that can Malays. Leaders who are prepared to go all out even war of destruction for the sake of a new beginning to ensure that the Malays hold supremacy. Not like now, ada kuasa takdak erti. pemimpin pondan takut matilaa.

Anonymous said...

They had wanted to discuss but was ignored by the authorities.

They claim that the cow's head was a symbol of following orders blindly like lembu kena cucuk hidung NOT to belittle the hindu faith.

They have been frustrated by the silence of the authorities, so this was the last straw.

Premium Business said...

Ini satu lagi pemimpin Melayu Islam lembek dan lembab macam paklah yang cuba mengambil hati dan menjadi hero kepada kaum lain.

Dey botak..berapa banyak dia orang bagi undi dalam setiap kali pilihanraya kecil !!!

Jaga bangsa dan ugama sendiri dulu sebelum sebok jaga perkara lain.

batman said...

i am sad to view comments from people like kluangman. we are all malaysian, do think about that.we should take care of each other.

ya kibarkan jalur gemilang.

Anonymous said...

When the group are Malay/Muslim who are frustrated with the issue, they are ridicule and accused of non-sensitive of the racial feeling regarding to a cow head. Is a cow belong only to a certain race and religion? Pity... some of the Malay leaders including from the gov joint in too, just to show they are 1Malaysia. The Malay/Muslim from the gov always gave in to this minorities who never thought of the majority feelings. So go S**T an F**K to all who are willing to sacrifice the own people for the benefit of the political gain. THE ORIGIN OF THIS COUNTRY IS "PERSEKUTUAN TANAH MELAYU AND STILL WILL BE A MALAY STATE.

uop said...

Bila ada orang letak kepala BABI di surau UM dan di Melaka, ada pemimpin dari MCA atau MIC yang tampil "express regret"? Sedar lah pemimpin melayu oi, jangan terlalu baik sangat. Lani kita pakat-pakat BOIKOT barangan/servis puak2 hindu ni. Senang saja, bermula dengan beli paper di petrol station dan jangan gunting rambut di kedai mereka.

jbresident said...

it is very sad indeed.
1. when the malays talk about malay, it is a racist.
2. when the malays talk about islam, it is also racist.
3. When the malays try to protect the raja, it is also racist.
3. when the malays talk about all the above, all the so called malay leaders condemn it.
4. When others condemn the malays, raja, and Islam, most the so called malay leaders behave like mouse.
5. My conclusion: all hyprocite.

Anonymous said...

Running a country is like running your own family affairs. If you are unable to run your family in a fair manner you wife will complain to the in-laws. Once that happens everbody will put their nose in you affairs and your family will become fair game. Once that happens and the momentum builds up you will be at the mercy of outsiders.

In international relations it is the same. Once a country shows wakness outher countries that have interest in you country will begin to exert their influence and exploit your weak situation to their advantage.

We have been given a hand of cards. It is now up to us as to how we use it. Our future is in our hands at least up to now. Do not be taken up by some untested theory that you can break the pot and glue it back.

At the age of 52 one should not be talked to in this manner. Ramlax

Anonymous said...

surprisingly kluangman turned on his master.
as 4 the issue at hand, people are affected and effected. thats all i am gonna say.

ajijasin said...

salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.





Premium Business said...

WengerJ Khairy...dalam menegak kebenaran, tidak ada siapa pun yang master kecuali kebenaran itu sendiri, hanya penjilat prepaid yang ada masternya..

Anonymous said...

Nanti Pemimpin PAS akan kata
1.kami mengutuk Demontrasi itu...
2.biar la Kuil dibina disitu takpe bukan jejas akidah pun.Nanti dalam mesyuarat EXCO SELANGOR diharap PEMIMPIN PAS mencadangkan supaya setiap seksyen di shah alam malah disetiap seksyen dan daerah di SELANGOR semua dibina kuil,tokong,gereja dan masjid untuk menunujukan bahawa PAKATAN RAKYAT memperjuangkan KEADILAN dan KEBEBASAN AGAMA..

Anonymous said...

Ulama pas sebenarnya ahli kitab saja, bukan alim ulama.Mungkin setan bertopengkan ulama. Pmimpin PAS snggup gadai maruah Mel dan agama Islam demi kuasa politik. YB telanjang pun pompuan PAS bela.Klu dgr depa ceramah, bukan main lg.Prng mungkar, hpus rsuah bla bla. Yg btina garik YB Pas keluag sokong YB tlanjang zina dn YB PAS sokong Hindu kuil di kwasan org Melayu 2 apa hal. Agama Islam simpan kt mana. Hishamudin nak jd pondan lg kah tkut kt org Hindu dn Cina.Dulu hunus keris, bila kena tekanan minta maaf seribu kali maaf. Delegasi UMNO pun satu hal juga, org2 pondan lantik jd ketua.Pemimpin mesti berwibawa dn berkaliber memimpin, bukan takut dn dipimpin. Org Melayu takkan sokong Melayu pondan. TP pun satu hal juga. Ngeri perlis ptut djd anak Mas, bukan org Melayu yg pilih jd anak Cina.Nsib2 apalah nk jd kt bangsa melayu kesudahannya. Pemimpin UMNO mana bolih tanding dgn org kuat PKR. Dia pungkok S pun dia sapu lah ha ha ha.