The PKR leader is seeing red over the daily's front-page report today which quoted the deputy premier calling Anwar a 'traitor' to the Malay struggle and accusing him of 'twisting facts'.
Muhyiddin had apparently made the remarks when officiating the Sri Gading Umno division conference in Johor yesterday.
In view of this, the opposition leader wants the deputy premier to retracts his remarks and make a public apology.
When contacted, Anwar's lawyer Sankara Nair said: "My client has expressed deep revulsion to such unwarranted and baseless allegations that he is a traitor to his own (Malay) race."
"This is wholly untrue, disgusting and absolutely malicious," he added.
In the letter of demand sent to Muhyiddin and Utusan, Anwar is also seeking damages of RM100 million from both parties.
The letter stated that the comments published portrayed Anwar as a dishonest person both in his private and official capacity and a liar as well as an untrustworthy person, an unfit politician and a traitor to the Malays, among others.
Utusan quoted Muhyiddin as saying that Anwar, who was once Umno deputy president, was resorting to deceitful tactics to ruin Umno's struggles.
He added that the opposition leader was spreading lies to create a negative perception on the special rights of the Malays and the monarchy.
"He (Anwar) is telling everyone that Umno is cruel but tell me in what way have we been cruel?
"Hence all the good we have done to develop this country over the last 50 years is no longer appreciated.
"There is no problem with criticising us, because we are not perfect, but I cannot accept it if the opposition insults or shows disrespect to the Malays," he added.
tunku : muhyiddin and utusan made mistake, they should add more when talking about anwar.he is not only traitor but also a sodomizer. utusan should carry the headline ANWAR THE SODOMIZER. he is a dishonest person both in his private and official capacity and a liar as well as an untrustworthy person, an unfit politician and a traitor, a melodrama queen and twisted tongue person. he is sueing everyone for 100million(his favourite figure).the reason he sues people is just to stop them from talking about his evil character,read here. take ISA as an example this is what he says when he was in the government about ISA,read here. what a moron.
Cacing dah lama naik ke mata !!
Rajin sungguh nak pergi ke Mahkamah, tapi bila Saiful yang tunggu - cirit pula dia.
"ISA zalim, gugur kes sebelum bicara tak zalim" -
This MORON goin to be a super millionaire...
27 Mei 2009 - RM100 mil against Datuk Anifah Aman
18 April 2008 - RM10 mil against Dr. Wee Ka Siong
7 Mac 2008 – RM100 mil against Khairy Jamaluddin
6 Mac 2008 - RM10 against Dr. Chandra Muzaffar
28 Januari 2006 - 100 mil against Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad
1 Julai 1999 – 100 mil against Sun Media Corporation
WOW!!!! No wonder this MORON not interested in Saiful money no talk.....but GOD IS GREAT...just wait!!! Allahuakbar!!!
Anwar adalah kanak-kanak yang perlukan perhatian. Setakat sampai hari ini, total jumlah dia sudah saman orang untuk tutup mulut dan dapat naik mahkamah hari-hari adalah RM634.52 juta. Baca ceritanya di blog The Unspinners sini.
Mampir-mampir ya. Ayuh kita link sesama kita?
Which court is stupid enough to grant him the 100 million?
How much are you worth to ask for 100 million?
Stupid arse, really.
Slowly but surely, the tide has turn against Anwar.It's the matter of time......
"This is wholly untrue, disgusting and absolutely malicious," he added
So, there are some truth???
If he wins his cases, he can use the money to migrate to the US or Turkey or Israel or Singapore or better still, occupy his time counting the money in his favourite place,Sungai Buloh.
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