Zulhisham, who is also the former husband of Dr Khamsiah Ghulam Haider, 46, the dentist who treated Mirza, explained that he did so (make the payment) on the ground that he did not want to feel embarassed, having introduced Mirza to his ex-wife for the dental treatment.
"However, I expected the treatment given to be just the normal treatment and not involve an implant.
"I became embarassed when it involved such a high cost and took the decision to settle the bill myself without the knowledge of Mirza as I feared he would think I was trying to take advantage of him to help my ex-wife's practice," said Zulhisham.
Zulhisham, 48, the prosecution's 10th witness, was testifying in the Sessions Court here in the trial of Mirza, 52, who is charged with accepting a bribe of RM13,860 from the consultancy, which was in the form of dental treatment at the clinic.
Mirza is alleged to have committed the offence at the clinic at No.15, Ground Floor, Jalan 2/71 Off Jalan Tun Mohd Fuad, Taman Tun Dr Ismail, between Jan 17 and July 26 2005.
Questioned by Deputy Public Prosecutor Saiful Hazmi Mohd Saad, Zulhisham stressed several times that the payment made by him was without the knowledge of Mirza.
"Datuk (Mirza) did not know anything about it because I myself asked my ex-wife and the clinic's management to keep it a secret and try to deflect the issue if he asked about it.
"Datuk Mirza did not know about it until 2008 and most probably found out after the Anti-Corruption Agency came," he said.
Zulhisham, who has been unemployed since Sept 2008, admitted the payment was made through a cheque and was handled by the manager of the consultancy, Haneda Omar.
He further told the court that he himself was surprised to learn the treatment involved an implant and not just the usual dental treatment.
Earlier, his ex-wife, Dr Khamsiah, who treated Mirza, told the court she felt stressful when Zulhisham asked her not tell about the payment to Mirza.
"I felt even more stressful when Datuk (Mirza) asked several times for the bill after receiving the treatment," she said.
Cross-examined by counsel Saseedharan Menon, who is representing Mirza, Dr Kamsiah explained that she left the matter to Zulhisham after being told by her ex-husband that he would bear the cost of the treatment.
She also agreed to a suggestion by another counsel of Mirza, Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahman that the payment for the implant was made by Zulhisham without the knowledge of Mirza, whereas the accused only made payments for follow-up treatment.
The hearing before Judge Zainal Abidin Kamarudin continues tomorrow.
tunku : for me datuk mirza is innocent.he's framed by someone who already lost the job in the recent cabinet reshuffle. datuk mirza had done a good job at tourism ministry/department and he should not be going through all these allegations.
Well why is wasting our court time and energy to hear a case that is not a case on the first place anyway.
One case for Mirza in his entire service. Come on be smarter next time before tarnishing someone name for the sake of justice and logic.
Mirza Is Not Guilty, Says Witness
KUALA LUMPUR, May 21 (Bernama) -- The Sessions Court was told Thursday that Tourism Malaysia director-general Datuk Mirza Mohammad Taiyab was not guilty of corruption.
A former executive director of an advertising consultancy, Syarikat Pakar Perunding Media, Zulhisham Ayob, said this was based on his testimony yesterday, where he had admitted paying RM13,860 for the cost of Mirza's dental treatment.
He also told the court that he did not gain anything from the meeting between his ex-wife, Dr Khamsiah Gulam Haider, the dentist who treated Mirza, and Mirza.
Zulhisham, 48, the prosecution's 10th witness, was testifying in the Sessions Court here in the trial of Mirza, 52, who is charged with accepting a bribe of RM13,860 from the consultancy, which was in the form of dental treatment at the clinic.
Mirza is alleged to have committed the offence at the clinic at No.15, Ground Floor, Jalan 2/71 Off Jalan Tun Mohd Fuad, Taman Tun Dr Ismail, between Jan 17 and July 26, 2005.
Questioned by deputy public prosecutor Saiful Hazmi Mohd Saad, Zulhisham said he paid Mirza's dental bill using Syarikat Pakar Perunding Media's fund as he was a shareholder in the company and still held 10 per cent equity, despite having left the company in September last year.
"The main reason why I used the company's fund was to help my ex-wife obtain clients for her business since I'm a shareholder in the company," he added.
Meanwhile, to a question by judge Zainal Abidin Kamarudin on his relation with Mirza, Zulhisham said he knew Mirza since 1990 and that they were quite close.
Zainal Abidin fixed June 18 for submissions by both parties.
Dr Khamsiah Gulam Haider kahwin dengan ahli politik PKR dalam pejabat Anwar sekarang.
Dr Kamsiah binti Gulam Haider kahwin dengan ahli politik PKR dalam pejabat Anwar sekarang_____ apa maksud saudara? Adakah politik DSAI atau politik suami Dr Kamsiah memain peranan dalam hal ini? Dr Kamsiah hanya mengenali suaminya sekarang setelah kes ini berjalan dan terus berkahwin dengan suaminya sekarang semasa kes ini berlangsung.
Saya hairan, mengapa bekas suami beliau tidak ditangkap apabila beliau sendiri mengaku membayar tanpa pengetahuan Dato Mirza? Adakah hanya anggota kerajaan sahaja yang menjadi mangsa Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah? Adakah benar bekas suami Dr Kamsiah begitu perihatin dengan kebajikan Dr Kamsiah dan anak anak mereka? Adakah bekas suami Dr Kamsiah seorang yang bertanggungjawap sebagai suami, bekas suami dan bapa kepada anak anak mereka? Mengapa soalan soalan ini ditanya bertubi tubi kepada Dr Kamsiah tetapi tidak kepada yang mengaku memberi rasuah dan bekas suami yang tidak bertanggungjawab?
Saya setuju, nampak gayanya caj akan berubah untuk memudahkan datuk mirza di jatuhkan kesalahan.
en zulhisham dengan angkuh memberitahu mahkamah beliau bayar (entertainment allowance!?!, yang begitu mengelirukan)wang tersebut tanpa pengetahuan datuk!!. sepatutnya dia saja yang di caj sebagai pemberi rasuah dan bukan menjadi saksi pendakwa.
Sudah ada ramai saksi saksi lain, mengapa beliau tidak di tangkap sahaja apabila memberi kenyataan sedemikian di dalam mahkamah? bukannya dia malu sebab rawatan mahal sebab dia seorang yang tak tahu malu, angkuh dan tidak bertanggungjawab. sesiapapun mahu dibeli.
Pelik kalau en zulhisham pula yang TIDAK bersalah dengan pengakuan sedemikian di dalam mahkamah dan tidak di ambil sebarang tindakan undang undang.
Kalau dah bercerai hampir lima tahun(semasa kes), dan kini 9 tahun takkan lah seorang professional menagih bantuan bekas suami yang tidak jujur... pelik tapi benar. selama 22 tahun karier professional, mungkin baik dengan menperkenalkan rakan rakan untuk perniagaan tapi bukanlah tempat 'entertainment' seolah olah drkamsiah beroperasi sebagai gro..haru biru 1Malaysia.
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