Monday, September 1, 2008

Ibrahim: PAS should lead Pakatan Rakyat

PASIR MAS: The Pakatan Rakyat should be led by PAS instead of PKR because the former had more grassroots and a greater Malay membership, said Pasir Mas MP Datuk Paduka Ibrahim Ali.
He said PKR, although led by a Malay and had more MPs in Parliament, is perceived by many to be a multi-ethnic party, similar to DAP.
“This does not fit in well with the Malay psyche. To balance insecurities and fears, PAS should be appointed to led the Pakatan,” he said in an interview.
Ibrahim said this move would reflect the actual demographics in the country where Malays were dominant in terms of numbers.
He added that this would appease all communities and lead to the birth of a practical two-party system where no single coalition is strong and each side can become the watchdog of the other, he said.
In such a situation, he said the people would benefit the most as both sides would be competing with each other.
Asked about Anwar’s attempts to lure Barisan MPs to defect by Sept 16, Ibrahim said he did not think it would become a reality.
“Firstly, Parliament is not in session on Sept 16. Secondly, to achieve a secure majority, Anwar needs more than just 30 MPs which means he has to fish a sizeable number of MPs,” he said.
Thirdly, he said any change of the Federal Government must involve the Rulers’ Council and specifically the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
Ibrahim said Sabah and Sarawak MPs knew they stood to benefit from a weakened Umno and could seek the Federal Government’s attention since they were now more valuable to Barisan than they were to the Pakatan.
“Why should they give it all up for incentives promised by Anwar?
“A few Sabah MPs spoke personally with me. We had a frank chat and some swore that there is no need to join a coalition led by Anwar now,” he said.

tunku : it is true that pas has more members than pkr and dap but the only problem is pkr has more seats in parliament compare to pas. so next election pas should contest more seats than it contested in 12th doing so they will have more seats in parliament.


Anonymous said...

it's rather difficult for PAS to be the leader in Pakatan Rakyat since they're not a dominant voice among the three.

they also have to consider that Malaysia is a multiracial country and for a political patry to stay strong they must obtain supports from all races and not just one.

i'm confidenet PKR and DAP aren't in agreement with this idea.

Anonymous said...

Well, well, well, what do you know. They are starting to bicker publicly over 'jawatan'. What next?..war between the parties in PR?
I won't be suprise.
The people in PAS themselves didn't support DSAI, and this is what we are 'huha-ying' over as the saviour of Malaysia?
Pakatan Rapuh more likely than a Pakatan for Rakyat.

Unknown said...

saya tak rasa PKR dan DAP akan bersetuju dengan idea PAS untuk menerajui Pakatan Rakyat.memanglah PAS ramai ahli dari kaum melayu tapi perlu diingat bahawa suara kaum bukan melayu juga perlu di kira.

tambahan lagi kerusi di dalam Pakatan Rakyat di parlimen lebih banyak dipegang oleh PKR dan DAP.

sudah tentu nanti Anwar dan Lim Kit Siang akan beri pandangan mereka tentang hal ini.

Anonymous said...

Suatu yang mustahil untuk PAS mengetuai Pakatan Rakyat. Mereka harus sedar bahawa mereka hanya diperalatkan oleh PKR dan Anwar. Macam mana mereka nak mengetuai Pakatan sedangkan DAP dan PKR pasti tak akan berdiam diri begitu saja.. Itulah susahnya sebuah pakatan yang mempunyai parti komponen dengan agenda yang berbeza...

Anonymous said...

Memang betul, PAS hanya diperalatkan oleh PKR dan Anwar untuk membantu Anwar jadi PM je.

Anonymous said...

Saya harapkan PAS ini berdiri sendiri. Tidak payah ikuti mana2 parti campuran, kalau begini mereka lakukan, ramai lagi orang2 muslim masok PAS. TETAPIII, janjinya mereka mesti betol2 ikut sunnah wal-jamaah.