Information chief Tian Chua (Batu MP), strategic director Saifuddin Nasution (Machang MP), election bureau deputy head Fuziah Salleh (Kuantan MP) and supreme council member Low Chee Cheong will be on the 2pm flight.
“We will be staying at the same hotel as the Barisan backbenchers. So we’d probably be having breakfast and going for karaoke together with them,” quipped Tian.
He said the decision for the team to go to Taiwan was made Thursday morning at PKR’s political bureau meeting chaired by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
He joked that since the Barisan MPs had gone to Taiwan for an agriculture study tour, “we too want to see how agricultural progress can be made.”
“We don’t want to be left behind in agriculture when we take over the government. We too want to learn some of the tricks of the trade,” he said . On Monday, a group of 41 Barisan MPs left for Taiwan on an agriculture study tour, largely seen as an attempt to avert a crossover to the Opposition.
On a more serious note, Tian claimed the presence of the Barisan MPs in Taiwan had created anxiety and misconception among the Taiwanese.
“It has created publicity that the MPs are there to avoid a regime change back home and the Taiwanese society do not want to be part of that process. They do not want to be part of any corruption or transactions to stop a democratic transformation of Malaysia,” he said.
Tian said “anxious” Taiwan Civil Society, NGOs and political activists had invited PKR over because they did not want to be seen as being one-sided in supporting Barisan.
“They are keen to get a briefing from us,” he said.
Tian said PKR would also meet high-profile Taiwanese ruling party and opposition leaders and the Taiwanese media during their visit there.
He said Taiwan and Malaysia shared a similar background and the former, after 50 years of dictatorship, had managed to transform its politics into a vibrant two-party system.
“That is something we should learn from them,” he said.
Tian said the PKR team would be in Taiwan for about two days, adding that it would be back before Sept 16, the date Anwar had set to take over the Government.
To a question, Tian admitted that some of the Barisan MPs who were in Taiwan were those who were supposed to join PR.
“Some are in that delegation but our door is wide open,” he said.
Barisan has 140 MPs while PR has a total of 82 from PKR, DAP and PAS combined. PR needs 30 crossovers to topple the Federal Government.
Tian said Sept 16 has already been achieved as PR has got that number to effect a change of government.
What was left now, he said, was for them to sort out how to make the transition – whether through a vote of no-confidence against the Prime Minister when Parliament reconvenes, through a petition to the King or by physically going to the Istana.
“We also need to be cautious over the possible risk of a crackdown and instability,” he said.
Drawing an analogy to a PR takeover, Tian said: “We have registered the marriage. It is only a question now of when to have the big banquet. That would depend on the hotel bookings and the invitations."
tunku : these are the mps that rakyat choosed. they are wasting money going for a fishing trip and spending time for karaoke. too bad for the rakyat. they said they had enough but still need to spend money to go abroad to buy mps.if they are confident just wait for the mps to come back, they are not there for weeks,they will be back soon.crackdown and instability is for sure to happen if pakatan form the government through backdoor and rakyat have to blame them for it.
rakyat perlu sedar dgn tipu helah anwar dan pkr.
Ramai yang tak sedar, masih lagi mabuk mendengar dan melayan cakap Anwar. Lantak lah nanti semua melingkup
PKR to Taiwan ......
PKR have gone beserk, panicky and of course gone mad. They are really a bunch of sick clowns. Why are they so hard up and following their adviser Anwar madness and following the MPs to Taiwan. Tak malu ke ! The 5 staes they took over pun tak terkawal still going for the big kill. Hey you guys look closely what have you been doing in the 5 states under yr admin rather than fulfilling Anwar dream.
Going to Taiwan to catch-up with the BN MPs? Now, who is financing them? A real desperate move by PKR to save the face of DSAI! They are painting a picture a though Malaysia is in a state of anarchy and they are the saviour of democracy. What a shame. Power crazy people these PKRs are. Really really POWER CRAZY!!! SHAME ON YOU!!!!
and now even PKR interested in Taiwan!
first they said that for BN mps to go to Taiwan is just a waste of money then PKR them self joining in the bandwagon as well.
i'm not sure if what Tian says is true regarding the "anxiety and misconception of Taiwanese" there.i still havent look up any news or article about it.
Tian said that some of the soon-gonna-defect mp are in the delegation that goes on trip to Taiwan.why not just wait for them to come back if they're convinces that the mps gonna defect soon?
is this just another political game made by Anwar and PKR?
giliran PKR pula untuk ke Taiwan!
nekad betul Anwar dalam mengejar cita-cita dia.sampai sanggup hantar 4 pemimpin PKR ke Taiwan untuk berunding.
tapi pelik.kenapa tidak boleh berunding ketika mereka balik ke Malaysia?.ataupun kenapa mereka tidak berunding melalui email atau telefon?
ataupun dengan pemergian mereka sendiri ke Taiwan mencerminkan kesungguhan mereka dan berharap ahli-ahli parlimen BN nampak akan kesungguhan mereka?
PKR telah mengorak langkah setapak lagi.adakah ahli-ahli parlimen BN akan mudah "tertewas" dengan pujuk rayu dan janji PKR dan mampukah BN membuat sesuatu bagi mengekang terus kemaraan PKR?
kenapalah susah benar sampai nak kejar AP-AP ke Taiwan. Kalau mereka dah memang nak lompat tak kira dimana2 pun mereka boleh buat. Apa susah, tulis surat, resign BN, tulis lagi satu surat masuk PKR. ABis
ni semua sebab kelemahan pimpinan bedollah. kalau bedollah kuat tak jadi mcm ni. hapuskan bedollah segera.
I think they are in Taiwan to research on "frog dishes"....popular ma in malaysia.
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