"It will be exciting to see him creating chaos," he told reporters at his office here.
He was asked to comment on the statement by Umno vice-president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin on Tuesday that the former prime minister had expressed his wish to rejoin Umno, the party he left after the March 8 general election, citing disappointment with the current leadership.
Nik Aziz said it would be better for Dr Mahathir "to attack Umno from within".
"I'm excited as this will weaken Umno. I don't understand it when he left Umno to attack Pak Lah (Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi). I don't see the logic of attacking Umno from the outside... now he can confront the party from within," he said.
Asked on the move by Umno to suspend the membership of Bukit Bendera Umno division chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail for his racially sensitive remarks, Nik Abdul Aziz said the government, not Umno, should have acted on the matter.
"If it were another person, he would have been taken action under the Internal Security Act. It seems unfair," he said.
On party-hopping, Nik Abdul Aziz said, it was a dishonourable thing to do and tantamount to betraying the people's trust.
However, he said, in the efforts to form the new government on Sept 16, honour should be put aside in order to free the country of Barisan Nasional, and in particular Umno which he claimed was tainted by corruption.
tunku : and people call this guy,nik aziz the ulamak.he enjoys watching others fighting.is this an ulamak character?i think it is an evil character. only evil spiritual leader put their honour aside to fulfill their evil agenda.
ulamak ke alamak tunku?
It is only an evil person who sees others as evil during Ramadhan
Nik Aziz?
Bengap. Tp biasa la melayu, biar bengap, lembik dan bahlol asal boleh dapat duiiiiitttt....
Apa cerita ni. Macam ni ke tokoh memimpin rakyat? Suka tengok orang bergaduh. Bila keadaan kucar kacir pakat tepuk tangan. Bagus lah tu, hebat pandangan anda.
Tapi macam mana pun, sudah lah tu TDM. Masa anda dah tamat.
nik aziz tu memang evil, kalau tak masakan dia suka tgk org islam bergaduh dan berpecah.
nik izaz,
tdm tak minta pun nak masuk balik dan tak minta pun org terima nasihat dia.
MasyaAllah, macam manalah kita "berbual" dalam bulan puasa ni? Yang kita dok hentam Pak Lah dan yang sekuncu dengannya, tak pe ke?
Tak Dak Nama 3
This is one of the reasons why I have diffuculty supporting PAS.They do not have leaders of calibre.People call Nik Aziz an ulama but his behaviour/speeches more often than not does not reflect him as one.
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