The announcement by Badawi that he will be the Defence Minister and that Najib will replace him as Finance Minister is the surest sign that the Badawi regime is in its last throes.
The Trinity of Power – the Father, the Son and the Son-in-Law and their Singapore controlled advisers have revealed that they are now playing the final card.
Just like the Americans boarding the helicopters from the rooftop of the US Embassy in the then Saigon for a quick exit, while the naval armada was on standby to provide fire-power to cover the humiliating retreat, Badawi and his family have resorted to using the military, if the need arises, to provide protective cover while they and their cronies prepare to divest and transfer out of the country their ill-gotten gains.
It is equally obvious that they have realized that “a bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bush”. What is the use of having all the loot and the key to the treasure chest when there are no exits to enjoy the ill-gotten gains?
The Mafia deal was therefore put into motion.
In exchange for the key to the treasure chest and the money-making machine, Najib agreed to hand over control of the military to Badawi so as to allow Badawi and his entire band of looters to exit safely and to pre-empt a coup within UMNO.
It is also apparent that in the coming weeks as the global financial crisis gets worse, resulting in a stock market crash and the sudden and irreparable fracture of the banking system, people who have lost their life-savings will demand retribution! The first target of the people’s wrath will be the Finance Minister. In such a situation, the Finance Minister will be overwhelmed by the scope and depth of the crisis.
If Badawi remains as the Finance Minister, he will not have any opportunity to prepare an exit strategy. Better if some one carries the baggage. Who better than Najib, to provide the cover for the secret getaway?
Given the circumstances, I believe that the Trinity of Power – Badawi, his Son and his Son-in-Law will make their move before the end of the year.
The announcement by Khairy that he will contest for the post of UMNO Youth Chief is a red herring to deflect any questions that he is also planning his getaway. Khairy, if asked, will retort: “how can I be leaving the country when I am contesting for the top post in UMNO Youth?” Such a rationalizing would have been believable and acceptable had Badawi not assumed the Defence portfolio. This was the give-away!
Najib, in accepting the post of Finance Minister, has committed a strategic error. When the financial shits hit the ceiling fan, Najib will be blamed not only for all the blunders committed by Badawi, but also the failure to stabilize the economy. Events will unravel so fast that Najib would not have the time to marshal the financial resources to fend off the challenge by Tengku Razaleigh. It will be a close call. And even if Najib succeeds in defeating any challenger, he will not be able to rebuild the party in time to overcome the Opposition by 2012.
Notwithstanding the above, I believe that Badawi has a Plan B.
This is what Badawi said this afternoon:
"It depends on the progress of the role I am giving to Najib. Let's see what he can do."
If Najib fails miserably to manage the economy in the next few months, it will be too tempting for Badawi not to use Najib’s failure to oust him, and with the full might of the military behind him, to declare a state of emergency and reclaim unbridled power. Badawi will then rule with an iron hand!
However, the rakyat will not tolerate such a situation and they will come out to the streets to demand his ouster – Malays, Chinese and Indians. This national out-pouring of anger and hatred against the tyrant will be bloody initially, but I believe that ultimately the military will remain loyal to King and Country and will turn against Badawi and put a stop to his brutal attempt to exercise absolute power.
If you think that the above scenario is too far-fetched, pause and think and then ask:
“Why would Badawi out of the blues, take over the Ministry of Defence so soon after invoking the ISA to arrest innocent people?”
Recall what Badawi said this afternoon as reported by AFP:
“I will not indicate what plan I will take, what I do will be in the best interests of the people and the country."
Fascist tyrants always invoke the interest of the people and the country just before they unleash fascist terror.
Bush and Blair invoked “saving and protecting democracy, national security” (to prevent Saddam Hussein from acquiring WMDs) to launch and wage a relentless “war on terrorism” as a cover to plunder Iraq and Afghanistan for oil. Millions have died and millions more wounded and displaced.
Such is the logic of power-driven and greedy tyrants!
Prepare to resist the coming onslaught by the Trinity of Power!
tunku : interesting piece from chang.
Chang is right. Khairy must have advised his F-I-L to offer Najib the Finance Minister's post. The economy is drowning and this ia a good move to drown Najib. Holding the Defence portfolio will give him more power to wield. Using the military he can declare an emergency. Abdullah now must have sensed it that the defense portfolio is too dangerous to be given to Najib in the present climate. Quite a tactician (possibly from those 4th floor boys) ,as the economy is going down the drain and the people will soon start pointing figures to Najib. Najib will find it tough manning the finance portfolio... and this will end his career. Khairy may then come in as a Saviour... In politics anything is possible.
Cerita yang menarik, tetapi kebenaran yang tidak pasti. Tak baik tuduh macam tu. Kita bukan tahu betul ke tak macam tu.
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