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Sodomy 2: Moron Kit Siang Wants A Poll.
lim kit siang dares PM to do public poll to see whether anwar is guilty or not.that is the demand from an idiot opposition stupid he is.the matter is with the court,why on earth should it be decided by a public poll? like this we can stop all proceeding at the courts and let public decide whether somenone is guilty or not through polls.what an idiot lim kit siang.anyone out there having court case wants their case to be decided thru a poll, please contact the idiot kit siang.i never imagine that kit siang can go so low.i was wondering from where guan eng has the idiot brain.....from his father of course.
Stupid and crazy old man.
So future rape and sodomy cases, or for that matter, robbery, drugs and murder cases, all these need also not required to go to Court?
Who is this Anwar anyway? He is nothing to ordinary citizen like me.
yes, yes, yes....swimming pool, Liverpool or Stupid Poll Kit Siang--
Like this laa Kit Siang, if Najib don't want to be stupid like you to do pubic poll to judge Anwar, we will sumpah (sorry, support) you all the way if you want to demand for a Royal Commission of Enquiry to investigate why Najib refuses to do the poll.
We are sure all Fuckatan supporters will support your call for a Royal Commission.
Stop It Poll
1. Can we cite this YB for contempt of court ? I shudder to even imagine that this kind of suggestion can come from a seasoned politician like him? Yes, how low can he go ? But then again, this is not unexpected of him or his kind, right ?
2. Can we interprete this suggestion to mean that all courts in the country be dissolved and the judicial system be de-regulated or perhaps totally thrown out ? And what about those lawyers , do we still need them anymore ???
3. Can it also mean that special persons be accorded special considerations while some unlucky citizens be just 'thrown to the dogs'
? Why the double standard ? What's so important or special about this 'guy' anyway ?
4. How on earth did a simple court case involving just an accused in a sodomy case get to go this far , even to the extent of getting politicians all riled up in a lambasting-frenzy of unspeakable dimensions ; worse still even to the unexpected (or was it expected ?) involvement of foreign lawmakers ?
5. Something is definitely wrong somewhere ! Perhaps 'these characters' think that we law-abiding citizens of a democratic country where the rule of law is still believed in, are naive as not to see the actual reasons behind such a stupid and politically- calculated suggestion ?
6. The question is, can we trust such 'characters' to run the country ? I would even go as far as to label them as dissidents or plain trouble-makers who have no qualm at all to take an advantage of such a simple court case to further their own personal or more appropriately their narrow political agenda !
7. I say, leave this case to the courts. Countless times these 'characters' have gone to the same courts for redress ? Why then, all of a sudden this need for an opinion poll ? Suspicious isn't it ? We who are not that naive or gullible enough, can see through their political agenda or motive behind such a move. I bet the majority of Malaysian feel sick and disgusted by all the politically-motivated antics of some of these pretentious politicians lately.
8. There should be a new sense of direction which the citizenry could follow or embark on. Getting rid of these 'trouble-makers' in the guise of members of the august house is one sure way of maintainig stability, progress, harmony and development in the country ! So at the next GE we'll make sure that only those that REALLY 'love the country in all sense of the word' get to be voted in, regardless of what party they represent !!! Yes we want true-blooded politicians , definitely not the 'pretenders' and for sure not the 'clowns' !!! And affirmatively, never those 'agents' ! Let them lie and decay in rotten subservience to their 'masters' whom they pay homage to ; be they from the inside or outside of our beloved country !
it goes to show how stupid can one be.
bloody idiot kit stupid of him.
maybe he should be presented as a gift to the southern neighbour
but on a serious note, he reveals a tactic used by some 'official' poll agency
which is to influence the rakyat by using numbers "obtained" thru a survey or a poll
many polls purportedly conducted "professionally" seek to project a popular sentiment/findings to brainwash the majority into group thinking
so lks is trying to con the people by promoting a poll coz we never really KNOW who are the people surveyed
probably aliens or ghosts
eeeeeeee ngeri ...
well this is desperation of the highest degree
their initial plan of having anwar as PM puppet went awry coz he is more interested in having a good time rather than getting into the serious biz of nation building
after all he was suspected of amassing billions and also being groomed to be the FACE of govt after Tun Dr M
he was jailed and thereby their plan was stalled, then came paklah & sil who took over the FACE but
of course bloggers + Tun brought down paklah & sil
so now anwar is back after sil lack continuity
now is desperado stage, as sodomy2 will once again derail the PLAN
i guess the sponsors are p****d off in their failed investment
memang LKS tu BODOH dan PENAKUT,dia jadi cerdik dan berani sikit bila ada pengaruh Nuar.Dia takutlah tu bila Nuar tak akan jadi ketua pembangkang nanti...
Most idiotic, unethical statement I have ever heard from an elected representative. Couldn't wait for the 13th GE to teach this group of moron a lesson.......
This shows how low the mentality of our MP's from PR. Cakap macam keluar dari jubur dan bukan dari mulut.
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