A top Selangor assemblywoman, whose nude photographs are being circulated in public, has made a report urging the police to investigate the matter.
According to the assemblywoman, she lodged the report late last night at Damansara police station in Petaling Jaya at about 11pm.
It is believed that the photographs were taken without her consent, most likely by a former boyfriend, while she was sleeping.
Malaysiakini has seen a couple of the photos, one of which shows her asleep naked in bed.
The politician, who is from the ruling Pakatan Rakyat coalition in Selangor, has been severely traumatised by the release of the photos.
She told Malaysiakini that it was a gross invasion of her privacy.
"I'm a little speechless and at loss of words," she said, adding that she would leave to the police to find the culprit who circulated the photos.
The photos have been sent to a number of newspapers, including The Sun and Malay Mail, which today ran reports on the matter.
According to one of her supporters, the release of the photos is aimed at casting aspersions on her and Pakatan ahead of two crucial by-elections in April, in Kedah and Perak.
The assemblywoman, who is in her late 30s and single, is expected to release a statement later today.
tunku : this news is from Malaysiakini. this should be a lesson to everyone.do not trust anyone.in this case as an state assemblywoman , how would she(whoever she is) face the public when he naked photo seen by them? the best for her is to resign. this is not western country that it's okay if we see our assemblyman naked.politician may they be from the bn or pakatan, should set example for the people, not sleeping naked with boyfriend.we don't want another chua soi lek drama.
someone said it is elizebeth wong
memang wakil rakyat pkr tak dak moral, hari tu arumugam kat kedah lani eli kat selangor.harap2 eli akan ikut langkah aru utk resign.tak dak maruah sungguh.
the best course of action for this exco member is to resign as her credibility is gone.
Pak Nasution
Thanks for the advise. I will be careful. I am sure she is still a beaut the last time I saw her.
Pemimpin yang tidak bermoral mesti meletak jawatan dengan segera. Walk the talk PR.
dia bukan orang Islam.
Setahu saya dia pun tak kawin lagi.
Kalau ikut dia punya kepercayaan dia boleh buat semua tu....itu dia punya hak lah.
Tak kan nanti dia nak makan babi, nak minum arak, kita nak kata dia tak bermoral pulak.
Kita orang Islam Melayu mesti tunjuk kita ni cerdik sikit, ada otak. Kita tak hentam orang tak tentu arah.
Berapa ramai orang Islam yang tak tutup aurat, bukankan itu perbuatan yang tidak bermoral.
Syed Amar
syed amar,
there is no religion in this world that allows sex before marriage.
check it out.
Syed Amar is right.
Your body and mind belongs to no one else except you. Not to your wife/husbang/gf/bf and most definitely not to your religion. You can do whatever you want with your body and mind, you are the one who will face the consequences.
You follow the rules of a religion because you respect it and you want to be a better you. This has nothing to do with anyone or how they want to perceive you or judge you. That is the problem with people who think they can become the supreme judge of someone else and tell people off. I'm pretty sure most religion ask YOU to judge YOURSELF and not use religion as an excuse to judge OTHERS.
Khalil Fong
Tiada seseorang yang boleh ikut perintah agama 100%. Jika boleh, tentu kita tak perlukan agama lagi kerana agama adalah petunjuk kepada manusia yang memang banyak masalah. Kes ini bukannya tentang moral atau agama, tetapi kes ini adalah kes kesalahan jenayah. Tak bolehkan seorang berbogel kat rumahnya sendiri?? Jika tidak, janganlah mandi kalian.
Let me correct you response, which should read;
"there is no MAJOR religion in this world that allows sex before marriage"
Beyond Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and a handful other religions; you will find that hundreds of millions of people subscribed to other forms of beliefs.
For these people sex before/without marriage bond is perfectly acceptable (ie nothing immoral about such conduct).
Try to understand that.
syed amar,
elizebeth wong must be a christian and in bible mentioned that sex before marriage is forbidden.
and most important think this is malaysia,not western country. i don't know where you came from.as a public figure you should set good example.we are not like western country where all the sex issue is nothing to them, to them sodomy is ok.
She was raped once but decided not to report it.
She was raped twice now, but she decided to report it.
She will be raped tmrw everyone talk about her.
In life , forgiveness is love. If she can forgive her boyfriend and Why can't we forgive her?
We must seperate Love and Politics.
Else the wrong judgement will be hated.
The big problems in Malaysia now is we are in a 'mess' politically and we don't even know the risks of getting messy in economics if we continue our political mess...
Kalau dalam Islam, kita tak boleh berbogel semasa mandi. Makruh hukumnya. Begitu juga semasa ketika melakukan hubungan seks bersama isteri, tak boleh bogel. sekurang-kurang tutup badan dengan selimut. Itu adalah adab dalam Islam yang mana ia mengajar kita supaya menanamkan sifat malu kepada Allah SWT yang sentiasa melihat apa yang kita lakukan. Itu dari segi Islam. Agama lain tak tahulah pula.
Berhubung isu Elizabeth ni, sepatutnya beliau berfikir sebelum buat sesuatu. Bila dah jadi kes macam ni, tahan je la muka malu. Satu yang saya puji sebab beliau jujur dan mengaku memang gambar tersebut asli. Tapi bab berbogel tu tak pujilah...
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