Perkasa president Datuk Ibrahim Ali said, however, this should be the last resort should both parties refused to discuss the future of Malays and Muslims in the country.
For a start, he said an independent committee should be formed as a mediator in the Umno-PAS negotiation.
Proposing that the committee to be named the Steering Committee Towards the Malay-Islamic Unity, he said it should be made up of 15 members comprising religious leaders such as mufti, scholars and former senior civil servants.
"The first step is to get Umno and PAS leaders to meet without any condition.
"And if this failed the committee should form a new party that blends Umno and PAS features as efforts to unite the two parties have often failed and became a time-wasting polemics," he told reporters after chairing a Perkasa meeting here Thursday.
"With formation of the new party, the people can evaluate which is positive and sincere in adhering to Islamic teachings, that is strengthening ties," he said.
tunku : as far as we can see clearly is that Pas is the one which is refusing to have any ties with Umno though there are leaders from Pas who wants both parties to cooperate. it is good that both this party can sit and cooperate with each other and this is the hope of the Malays(majority) out there but to dissolve both of them to make way for a new party is something impossible to do.this is because there will be members that won't let the party to be dissolved and IF it happens many split parties will appear. the Malays should realize that it will be best for them if they unite.Unity is the only way for the Malays to excel otherwise they will be puppet to others.first of all the top pas leaders should change and willing to cooperate for the sake of the Malays.nik aziz and co will never agree to this.they have hatred in their hearts.
to hell with pas, umno doesn't need pas support.pas is too bodoh sombong and licking dap day and night.
Apabila PAS dikuasai oleh bukan seorang Presiden parti dan jika seseorang itu terlalu besar pengaruhnya di dalam parti hingga semua kata2 dan pendapat peribadinya perlu dipatuhi. Itu menunjukkan parti itu mempunyai masalah kredibiliti yang sangat teruk.
Dalam lain perkataan, Nik Aziz merupakan watak seorang yang tidak boleh di ajak berunding kerana semua dirinya betul sebelum pun perbincangan dibuat.
Elok sangat UMNO tinggalkan PAS atau lebih tepat Nik Zziz yang bodoh sombong ini kerana kesombongannya tidak akan sampai ke mana kecuali tersungkur ke pintu neraka.
Bacalah sejarah Islam dari zaman Rasulullh hingga ke tokoh2 hebat dalam Islam, pernah kah terjumpa seseorang yang begitu sombong ketika manusia lain ajak berunding???
kalau ini betul ianya datang dari perkasa, ini adalah cadangan yg sangat bodoh, tengok kerusi umno pas berapa, keadilan berapa, aku kira kalau ikut kerusi umno jauh lebih banyak, adalah lebih bijak perkasa tubuh kan parti perkasa untuk perjuangkan melayu islam ini adalah lebih munasabah ataupun perkasa tajakan calun2 bebas untuk bertanding disetiap pilihanraya akan datang. bye
I prayed to Allah for him to take this Nik Aziz before PRU13
In fact the sooner the better.
Busuk punya orang
Many of us forget that PAS was in the National Front in the 70s. So what is the problem. They did see eye to eye and there is no reason why they will not see eye to eye again.Raman
Getting sick of this s**t lah...same old nostalgic story..bla..bla..kafir...bla...bla..unislamic and so on..since I was small till I have children...PAS & UMNO leader pls move foward and unite...or they'll not gonna have my vote on PRU13..pls think of our children moron and don't think that you ll get my vote by your personalities or how more or less Islamic you are??....f**k off !!....
I vote on how good you govern the country...still have faith on you guys though..
1. Yes, why not ! Let's give this suggestion by PERKASA a try. As rightly pointed out by Raman, PAS and UMNO did at one time come together for a common cause. Why they split up is common knowledge already ; and it's no use crying over spilt milk. Perhaps it would be wise under the circumstances to just let bygones be bygones and henceforth wisely steer the Malays to a new path which , I believe, would prevent disaster and 'collateral damage' to the Malays as a race.
2. I strongly believe there are still 'good guys' from both the parties ; those that are willing to forsake personal interest and come together in the name of Malay unity. Forming this strategic alliance would be the first correct step towards better political co-operation and understanding. Far too often we have been cajoled, perhaps even misled, to vehemently object every time the subject of Malay unity is brought up. And it is almost the same cast, the same actors, the same shady characters, that are involved. Predictively, we can even anticipate the story line, from the beginning right to the end. It is as if it has been rehearsed time and time again.
3. Perhaps it is because of this never-ending charade that has driven well-intentioned groups, NGOs if you like, to stop this fiasco once and for all. Suggestions to form a new party comprising those with more 'roh Melayu' is perhaps a rational suggestion which should be given serious consideration by those directly involved and by those who are willing to put 'race' above all other factors ! Thus, PERKASA's suggestion, should not be seen as a mere solitary after-thought. I'm pretty sure other like-thinking entities, individual or groups, would be forth-coming to make similar calls for a unified Malay race. By the same definition and in the same light, such calls would be labelled as racisim by those who are racists themselves !
4. Suffice to say, there are those in PAS as well as in UMNO who would make better 'pembela agama dan bangsa'. By the same token, there are also those laggards, who have over-stayed their welcome BUT are still clinging on desperately to their positions though what they have been doing all this time in their respective parties aren't commendable at all ! To save face and to show self-importance, they gassed themselves up with ridiculous assertations, unbelievable accusations and frivilous charges plus non-creditable religious edicts which had scared those that are lowly religious into complete submission and subservience ! The scare-game had worked wonders for a long time ! BUT with the advent of a more educated society, sensitive to intellectual provocations and stimulus, these 'gempaq' group may have to close shop or find other weaklings to subvert !
5. Let's just give PERKASA's suggestion the consideration and deep thoughts that it deserves. Let's just wise up for a while and with seriousness, maturity and intellectual prowress, consider the pros and cons of Ibrahim Ali's contributive after-thoughts ! He may yet prove himself better than those still clinging to their robes in veiled hypocritical postures !
" Semoga Allah merestui segala yang baik dan yang memberi manfaat" Semoga yang buta dapat dicelek semula ; yang tuli kembali dengar dan yang bisu boleh berbicara "
The Malays remain united on its own way. Every time UMNO feels that we are losing support we are always saying that the Malays are not united.
Actually our UMNO leaders are not united. Our UMNO leaders are lacking of leadership skills. Our UMNO leaders focus to actually fighting for the Rakyat or voters currently mostly become too questionable.
UMNO leaders should become a magnet to the Malay. A magnet to united the Malays. A magnet to determine the north and south directions of the Malays.
BUT since the magnet is TOO weak it could no longer united the Malays. It could no longer respected to determine the north and south direction of the Malay Rights.
So the way the voters verdict in PRU12 is not about the Malays disunited but the Malays become united to send a strong signal to the leaders. Only strong leaders would remain. The talking parrot by PRU13 would continue be eliminated by our voters.
Coming this coming PRU13 only good leaders would be retained regardless of their parties.
So it is about time for our leaders to stop from playing politics instead....we must deliver for the betterment of the Rakyat.
So far Port Klang FTZ fiasco, the new Palace @ Duta, missing jet engines, submarine, parliment building, MRT (maybe later), subsidies issue, battle ships contract, steel mosque @ Putrajaya, Crystal Mosque in Trengganu, the collapsed stadium roof, Pahang Selangor water transfer and Shah Alam Hospital are not further helping in uniting the Malays.
It is not about Malays but it is about Malay leaders. Our leader must really wake up to really serve the voters.
again tok kemuning with his stupid words.anything wrong its umno, pas has never been wrong, isn't it tok kemuning.what an idiot.
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