Tuesday, March 6, 2007

It always happen with our mainstream media

Johari Baharum Clarifies His Statement To Media
KUALA LUMPUR, March 5 (Bernama) -- Deputy Internal Security Minister Datuk Mohd Johari Baharum said today the opinion of the legal adviser or ministry official is sought in cases where the Advisory Board recommends a release or suspension of detention order.
Their opinion is for the sake of obtaining the grounds to be applied by the Advisory Board in its recommendation for a release or suspension of detention order, he said.
Mohd Johari issued a statement today to clarify his statement to the press yesterday in connection with the allegation that a senior politician, which he said was directed at himself, had accepted a RM5.5 million bribe to release three criminal suspects detained under the Emergency Ordinance.
Meanwhile, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan denied today that he had made a statement as published by a Malay language newspaper today.
In a statement today, Musa said he had neither been interviewed nor had he issued a statement as published.
The newspaper had reported on its front page that Musa had said he did not want to enter into a polemic with Mohd Johari over a claim that the police fail to provide sufficient evidence and do not investigate properly criminals referred to under the Emergency Ordinance.
Musa was also reported to have called for a fair investigation to be conducted by the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) to determine who was right and wrong in the allegation that Mohd Johari received a RM5 million bribe for releasing criminal suspects under the Emergency Ordinance.

tunku : why the government dont take action against these mainstream medias for giving false news/statements to the public, why action is taken only against the weak,like the bloggers??? So i guess the mainstream medias cant be trusted.


Editor said...

Stopped blogging for time being. Just read and comment only. With so many blogs, find reading them more interesting!

spycatcher03 said...

spycatcher03 said...

Tunku ,saya telah meneliti website //www.freewebs.com/southeastwind/.yang diberi oleh kuda-kepang.blogspot.com berhubung dgn dakwaan terhadap Dtk Johari Baharum. Dari pengamatan saya , saya dapati website ni baru sahaja di buka dan mengandungi hanya tomahan ini sahaja sebagai content nya. Saya amat khuatir jangan2 orang dalaman sama ada di KDN atau PDRM yaang postkan tomahan tersebut. Kalau dilihat dari aspek kandungan dan cara penulisan nya , ia lebih mirip kepada laporan yang dicedok dari kes fail yang di hantar oleh polis kepada KDN . Kalau lah andaian saya betul, maka sudah tentu ada orang yang cuba meporak-perandakan keukuahan yang telah terjalin antara KDN dan PDRM.
Saya rasa tak mungkin orang luar yang mempunyai akses kepada butir2 seperti tertera dalam website tersebut , melainkan peguam/penama2 yang disebut dalam tomahan itu.
We must be fair to Dtk Joe,semenjak beliau mengambil alih jawatan di KDN, beliau telah menunjukkan keperihatinan yang terbaik untuk PDRM. Beliau medampingi pegawai2 polis sehingga keperingkat akar umbi dan mengetahui masalah yang dihadapi PDRM.
Saya berharap PDRM menyiasat untuk mengenalpasti penulis blog tersebut dakwaan tersebut palsu dan fitnah, maka IGP harus membuat sesuatu yang'honourable' untuk menepati 'docarum' of a senior most police officer.

Saya haraap Datuk JOE jangan teruja sangat dgn provokasi media massa, be cool and be yourself.

tunku said...

kenapa sejak kebelakangan ini polis mula menyiasat berdasarkan berita atau sumber dari blog? kalau nak dikirakan beribu tuduhan yang ada di dalam web.

spycatcher03 said...

Memang betul tunku, mengapa ya tuduhan yang entah datang dari siapa dijadikan asas siasatan. Ithought when there is a polis report baru polis siasast. Mungkin ada agenda yang lebih besar dari ini, tunku. Mungkin juga sesaorang yang tidak bertanggungjawab sengaja buat posting untuk menarik perhatian jabatan kerajaan berkenaan memulakan siasatan. Kalau nak siasat pun ,tunku, tak perlu nak war-warkan saolah2 nak tunjuk siapa lebih berkuasa!!!