Thursday, April 16, 2009

Prepare to be rated: PM to Cabinet

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak chaired his first Cabinet meeting on Wednesday with a reminder to ministers to “give their best” and that it is important for them to have “job satisfaction” with their portfolios.
He said he also told the ministers not to work with only their communities in mind, but to give their assistance to every ethnic group and to break away from such mentality.
Najib said he also told the ministers to expect their first evaluation under the key performance indicators (KPIs) in November, adding that the line-up was a “people’s Cabinet” which must be capable of fulfilling the people’s high expectations and hopes.
He said he also stressed to them the importance of not being seen to be making decisions that sided with “special interest groups” or corporate bodies.
“The bottomline is that any decision should be made with the interests of the rakyat (people) in mind although it is important for the Government to continue with private sector friendly policies.
“I have told Cabinet members that with the current political situation, the people have become more critical and they should not assume that it’s still business as usual. So, there must be change and renewal.
“I emphasised the need for them to open their doors and hold discourses and dialogues with various groups so that any decision really has the interests of the people at heart,” he told reporters at his house here Wednesday.
Najib convened his first Cabinet meeting in Putrajaya earlier after having been sworn in as Prime Minister on April 3. He announced his Cabinet line-up on April 9.
He said he also told Cabinet members to keep qualities of integrity, willingnesss, preparedness and ability in mind when doing their job. “They must build a good esprit de corps (solidarity) among themselves and be a close-knit family on whom they can depend for support,” he said, describing the meeting as “good and lively.”
Najib said it had also been agreed that Khazanah Nasional would help with drawing up the KPIs and that he had met with the government-linked corporation’s Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar for it to set aside the human resources necessary to do so.
The Premier said ministers could also take the opportunity of the evaluation in November to review their performance and resolve any issues that might stand in the way of their projects.
Asked if ministers would be dropped if they failed to achieve their KPI, Najib said Cabinet ministers were fully aware that the future of the Government depended on them and on them performing their duties.
“I’m sure they will carry out their responsibility,” he said.

tunku : as a leader no matter federal,state,division or branch level, we must always help everyone and not only based on ethnic group. for example an umno division leader must help every community in his/her does all the rest. this is what the actual meaning of 1Malaysia. as for our cabinet members, i hope najib will really evaluate them every 6 months.those not performing should quit or those who get 'low marks' should quit.we don't want this kpi thing to be just sizzling in the beginning but at the end of the day its cool off just like what pak lah's administration did with his cabinet's report cards.till he resigned, we don't know what happened to those report cards.come november, najib should make it public the kpi for his ministers .


depa kata said...

15 April 2009
Gelaklah Kuat-Kuat Wahai Erdogan!
Berkata Yang Dipertua Parti Islam SeTanah Melayu suatu ketika dahulu....

"Kami rela kalah kerana melaksanakan Islam. Kita rela ditolak rakyat kerana melaksanakan suruhan Allah Taala. Apalah ertinya sebuah pemerintahan tanpa mendapat redha Allah."

Berkata juga Mursyidul Am Parti Islam SeTanah Melayu suatu ketika dahulu....

"PAS (baca: Lama) sebagai pembangkang adalah penegur dan penasihat kepada pemerintah. Seandainya kerajaan pemerintah menukar perlembagaan negara dengan meletakkan Islam sebagai wadah perjuangan dan perlembagaan negara, PAS (baca: Lama) tidak akan menentang. Sebaliknya PAS (baca: Lama) akan bekerjasama dan bersatu dengan pemerintah demi keutuhan dan kedaulatan negara."

Malangnya, itu semua hanyalah kenangan. PAS-Baru (Erdogan) tidak lagi menjadikan pesanan dan kata-kata di atas sebagai panduan. Bahkan salah seorang daripada nakhoda dalam PAS-Baru (Erdogan) itu juga sudah menyimpang daripada kata-katanya sendiri.

Paling penting sekarang ialah, PAS-Baru (Erdogan) akan melakukan apa sahaja hatta bergabung dengan syaitan yang mereka sendiri rejam untuk berkuasa. PAS-Baru (Erdogan) yang mendapat buah tangan daripada Anwar Ibrahim juga sanggup bersekutu dengan sesiapa sahaja, asalkan menentang UMNO dan BN, sama ada dalam keadaan yang salah atau mungkar.

Kerana itulah 'Negara Islam' bertukar menjadi 'Negara Berkebajikan', bahkan ditanamkan di dalam jiwa para pengikut bahawa 'Hudud Hanya Untuk Islam'. Islam hanyalah modal untuk meraih sokongan dan undi sama ada bagi mengekalkan kuasa mahupun untuk merampas kuasa. Islam tidak lagi diwar-warkan sebagai universal dan rahmatan lil 'alamin, sebaliknya hanya untuk sekelompok dan bukan kelompok-kelompok manusia yang lain.

Kerana itulah juga, Setiausaha Agung PAS-Baru (Erdogan) yang suatu ketika sewaktu berada di dalam UMNO merupakan penentang hukum Hudud tegar, kini dianggap sudah bertaubat dengan menjadi anggota parti berkenaan dan dilantik menjawat kedudukan tinggi kerana kepandaiannya mencari dana parti.

Begitu juga Anwar Ibrahim yang digelar Al-Juburi oleh pemimpin kanan PAS, diterima secara terbuka dan permaidani merah untuk menjadi menjadi Sultanul Awliya' PAS-Baru (Erdogan) biarpun PAS-Lama melabelkan Anwar Ibrahim sebagai musuh utama negara yang turut menjadi gunting dalam lipatan, seperti yang terkandung dalam beberapa siri artikel dalam Tamadun yang kini sudah diharamkan dan dihentikan penerbitannya.

Kini, dengan pembersihan dan penolakan para penentang Anwar Ibrahim di dalam PAS-Baru (Erdogan), parti berkenaan dilihat akan lebih cenderung ke arah Islam-Liberal yang bakal menyaksikan parti berkenaan menjadi enjin utama Anwar Ibrahim memperolehi pengaruh daripada masyarakat Islam di samping membunuh tarbiah dan dakwah Islam yang telah diterapkan oleh para pendiri Partai Islam SeTanah Melayu hasil daripada muktamar Persatuan Ulama Kedah dan Malaya pada tahun 1950.

Apa lagi yang boleh diucapkan, melainkan terima kasih banyak-banyak....

Cucu Tok Wan

Anonymous said...

better designate MPs in opposition area and start working NOW.

PKR / opp MPs all sleeping or just cannot work with BN control local councils..

People suffer