Now it's Prowaris turn to send letter to Pak Lah demanding him to step down.I wonder these letters have any effect on Pak Lah as he's still saying that he got a big mandate. letter courtesy of
Sokong Pak Lah: Majlis Belia Malaysia, silat cekak, dan beberapa lagi persatuan (yg di paksa rasanya)
Not sure about current political scenario up and down , it is not a wake up call to BN Umno. If paklah and sapa tu yg terjerit2 masa kempen aka kj still on top, umno and bn will phase out.
I am impressed with Feriz Omar, President of Prowaris. I have followed Prowaris's movement and he seems to have the mind and characters of an ultimate national leader in likes of Tun Mahathir and Tun Razak. Support him, then you can see how extraordinary the person is. I wonder how is it like if KJ and Mukhriz could combine force with him.
Feriz Omar, hmm dah lama ikuti perkembangan dia. Tak sangka semalam jumpa di majlis uitm fak pendidikan. Dihormati, disenangi, cakapnya berhemah. Inilah pemimpin masa depan, insyaAllah. Sabarlah Feriz dgn apapun fitnah dan tohmahan org, maklumla dunia akhir zaman mmg semakin banyak fitnah berleluasa. Hanya Allah tempat kita bergantung. U go man!
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Tegas, Adil dan Berhemah
Freedom with responsibility
One big tree is the equivalent to 10 air conditioners
Tolerating intolerance
Intolerance is rampant at every level and in all age groups of the society, but it is more visible amongst the younger generation as our youth can be seen losing their altitude of patience over petty issues. We seriously need to think over it as what we are going to inculcate in them, which may help them seek success in future. Will it be tolerance or intolerance?
By Samra Arshad
International Conference "Expose War Crimes – Criminalise War"
“Wars increasingly involve the killings of innocent people and are therefore, abhorrent and criminal. Killings in war are as criminal as the killings within societies in times of peace. Since killings in peace time are subject to the domestic law of crime, killings in war must likewise be subject to the international law of crimes. This should be so irrespective of whether these killings in war are authorised or permitted by domestic laws.”
Congratulation to Pewaris... hope will be more people dare to go forward.
Bukan Pewaris laa ... PROWARIS. See them at
Letak Jawatan:
Prowaris, Mukhriz, Tun M,
Sokong Pak Lah:
Majlis Belia Malaysia, silat cekak, dan beberapa lagi persatuan (yg di paksa rasanya)
Not sure about current political scenario up and down , it is not a wake up call to BN Umno. If paklah and sapa tu yg terjerit2 masa kempen aka kj still on top, umno and bn will phase out.
I am impressed with Feriz Omar, President of Prowaris. I have followed Prowaris's movement and he seems to have the mind and characters of an ultimate national leader in likes of Tun Mahathir and Tun Razak. Support him, then you can see how extraordinary the person is. I wonder how is it like if KJ and Mukhriz could combine force with him.
are you serious? he is a bloody gatal horny idiot. tolongla..
oh he is so too good to be true, people! devil is even better than him..ask all people in JB.they can answer for u guys.
Feriz Omar, hmm dah lama ikuti perkembangan dia. Tak sangka semalam jumpa di majlis uitm fak pendidikan. Dihormati, disenangi, cakapnya berhemah. Inilah pemimpin masa depan, insyaAllah. Sabarlah Feriz dgn apapun fitnah dan tohmahan org, maklumla dunia akhir zaman mmg semakin banyak fitnah berleluasa. Hanya Allah tempat kita bergantung. U go man!
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