Anwar: PKR welcomes BN reps, but not at a price
SHAH ALAM: PKR will welcome any Barisan Nasional assemblyman or MP who wishes to cross over to the party but there would be no “buy-overs”, said de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
The rumours that the party was planning to buy leaders from Barisan were part of a negative campaign against him and the party, and he denied there was such a practice.
“We remain consistent and committed to the party’s cause (of a clean and transparent government). So if they want to surrender at a price they have come to the wrong party,” he said during a joint press conference at Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim’s official residence here yesterday.
Anwar admitted that he met several Barisan leaders during his visit to Sabah and Sarawak but there was no talk of money being offered to anyone to join PKR.
Asked if any of the PKR leaders had been approached to join Barisan, he said a lot of people had been approached and they had been asked to record the offers.
Anwar said he was in Selangor after meeting leaders from Penang last week.
the Actual Facts
from mykmu.net
Laporan Khas:
Penasihat Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, sekarang ini dipercayai sedang mengatur satu proses "coup de tat" secara aman melalui pembelian wakul rakyat dan pemimpin Barisan Nasional agar berhijrah ke dalam PKR.
Menurut sumber tertinggi UMNO dan risikan, antara tumpuan Anwar Ibrahim sekarang ini ialah terhadap ahli Parlimen yang kecewa terutama di Sabah dan di negeri-negeri yang Barisan Nasional kalah. Seorang bekas Menteri Besar UMNO (dipercayai Selangor) turut ditawarkan RM 50 juta dan mengekalkan jawatan Menteri Besar jika beliau sanggup masuk PKR.
Selain itu, usaha-usaha untuk melemahkan ikatan Barisan Nasional turut dilakukan dengan cubaan memujuk MIC, MCA dan Gerakan untuk keluar BN menyertai pakatan longgar pembangkang yang di kenali sebagai Barisan alternatif.
Menurut laporan yang disediakan untuk kepimpinan UMNO, usaha memecah belahkan ikatan BN sedang dilakukan seperti teori domino bermula dengan MIC, PBS, Gerakan dan akan berakhir dengan MCA.
Selain itu, Anwar kini dianggarkan mempunyai sumber kewangan hampir RM 3 billion hasil pembiayaan "luar negara" khusus untuk menarik ahli Parlimen BN menyertai PKR. Anwar dikatakan meletak sasaran kejatuhan UMNO dan BN sekitar bulan Mei dan Jun tahun ini.
Sasaran utama di Sabah ialah kerana dikatakan wang tersebut kini berada di akaun pesisir pantai (offshore bangking) di Labuan.
Bagi seorang penganalisis pengurusan ekonomi yang bercakap kepada mykmu.net, perlantikan Khalid Ibrahim sebagai Menteri Besar Selangor akan memberi satu signifikan penting kepada usaha Anwar ini.
"Terdapat 6-7 syarikat senaraian awam yang berstatus syarikat anak kerajaan negeri Selangor seperti Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor, Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (KDEB), Glomac, Worlwide dan Kumpulan Hartanah Negeri Selangor. Justeru wang luar negara untuk dana politik Anwar dengan mudah akan dibawa masuk melalui pelaburan ke dalam syarikat-syarikat ini."
"Khalid Ibrahim sebagai orang yang mahir dalam tipu helah kewangan akan mula melakukan transaksi pembelian dan pelaburan untuk perladangan, hartanah dan sebagainya dengan syarikat-syarikat di Indonesia dan Singapura. Transaksi ini akan melibatkan manipulasi harga dan struktur kewangan yang kompleks tetapi akhirnya akan "membersihkan wang-wang di luar negara" ini masuk ke dalam Malaysia untuk dana Anwar."
Menurut penganalisis ini, jika benar ada usaha meningkatkan kekuatan kewangan Anwar dan PKR bagi menjatuhkan kerajaan BN, maka dalam masa beberapa bulan akan datang kita akan melihat kenaikan pelaburan yang amat ketara kepada anak-anak syarikat kerajaan negeri Selangor dan juga akan berlaku satu
Sementara itu, cakap-cakap di kalangan ahli politik mendedahkan sebahagian ahli Parlimen di sabah bersedia masuk PKR sekiranya Abdullah membuat keputusan melantik Khairy Jamaluddin sebagai Menteri.
Khairy dijangka dilantik sebagai Menteri Belia dan Sukan atau Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri.
Gosip yang sedang tersebar sekarang ialah hampir 20 ahli Parlimen BN dikatakan membuat pengakuan kepada Anwar untuk menyertai beliau sekiranya kemelut dalaman UMNO tidak dapat diselesaikan segera.
Mereka juga dikatan bersedia berpindah ke dalam PKR jika Anwar berjaya membuktikan beliau mampu mendapat lagi 20 orang ahli Parlimen bagi membolehkan BA mendapat jumlah yang mencukupi bagi memperolehi maJoriti sokongan di Parlimen.
20 orang ini dikatakan ditawar antara RM 10 - 20 juta setiap orang.
Bagaimanapun kebenaran cakap-cakap politik ini tidak dapat disahkan buat masa ini. Mungkin sedikit masa lagi kita akan mendapatkan senarai 20 orang ini.
from malaysia today
The last few days has been rather troubling for me.. I was worried about the nation.
Last Thursday an elderly man who claims to represent several malay NGO that works behind the scene came to my house. Apparently he wanted to meet me when he heard I was the chairman of a house buyers committee whose property completion was delayed by 2 years due to some problems with a particular developer in Ulu Kelang.
After about half an hour chatting about my role, he started to deviate his topic towards politics. I told him that I am not in any political party. I am not loyal to political party but was only loyal to any agenda that is relevant to the country. He claims that he and several others of people like him work behind the scene to save the Malays and that he use to work with Pak Lah. He claims that the country is in danger of collapsing due to Anwar’s involvement with the American Democratic body which gives him money to do his political campaign here. Apparently he claims that Anwar is about to send ½ billion Sing Dollar into Sabah . He gave me some home made videos for my consumption. I saw them and my conclusion was…. it was a creative video. On the content whether there is any truth in it, I don’t know. I did not any good evidence in the CD.
After he left I ponder on what he said and what I saw on the video and immediately recalled an article I read in Malaysiakini where Anwar declared that PKR is the government in waiting. At the time of reading that news piece, I was under the impression that Anwar is telling people that by next GE (PRU 13), PKR will win and rule the country. Yesterday at a relative kenduri, I heard some background talk that Azmin in his speech at UK Perdana, which was done a day earlier that BN will collapse by July and Opposition will be running the country by then. My immediate reaction was huh..?
I was troubled by all this talk. My heart was really pounding. Further research on the internet (Ku Li pushing for UMNO EGM, change in oil price and several others led me to the following conclusion. It seems that when Anwar said “PKR is the government in waiting..” was sending a strong signal that the changes at the Federal level is very imminent. The fact that Sabah politician are easily bought, I am not surprised if indeed Anwar has gone shopping for parliamentarian in Sabah . If he manage to convince the Sabah politicians of forming an alliance with PKR then, BN government will collapse. This worries me.
Dear fellow Malaysian, I have a small request to put forward to all of you to consider.
Maintain the Check and Balance system.
There is saying .. “Politicians are strange bed fellows”. When we put the PKR-DAP-PAS to power, we did it for the purpose of check and balance. We need to have a check and balance system to ensure the best result will come out and the rakyat will benefit. If there is no check and balance then, things will go back to status quo. The only differences are the players.
Is the people who switch camps did this for the country or their personal interest?
Should we Malaysian, respect those parliamentarians that switch camps? Why did they switch? They did it because of personal interest. The interest of the nation is not on their priority list. If they are sincere and unhappy with BN they should have change the flag before contesting and not after winning. Should we respect those people who switch camps because of money? What kind of character that we send to represent us.
Are we Malaysian’s ready for this change?
Assuming that this changes does take place, we need to ask if the 22 million Malaysian ready for this. In my humble opinion, I can tell you NO. Malaysians are not ready for this change. There will be problems in large proportions and even Anwar or his people cannot do anything about it. The country will go into a turmoil. As the PKR-DAP-PAS alliance has swept 6 states (including WPKL) and this is already putting many people in jitters. Mentally Malaysian are not ready for this change. At a badminton game yesterday, I was told that the state assemblyman for Klang that beat Zakaria Deros daughter in-law (Roselinda Abdul Jalil) was actually a ground cabin technician with Transmile, I was shocked and almost choke. With no disrespect intended, how many more of this honest souls but lack of professional qualification is with PKR? Can they run the country? At the moment they are still groping about how to run the states.
Impact of change
In my honest assessment, I feel that there will riots. Malaysians are not ready for this kind of change. There will be trouble. MNC may pull out and there will be more unemployment. Investors will shy away for a few years. All this changes will cause the country to go into what I termed as a “spiral down effect”.
Saudara Anwar, I beg you. Please put the country interest above self. Stop this shopping activities for now (if it is true). Allow for gradual transition. Let PKR-DAP-PAS show and proof their capabilities in running the states first. If you are good and have successfully proven yourself, you should not worry. The seond tsunami wave will come. The people will give you the chance to run. As for Malaysians, I beg you that if any of the candidates has switch camps, you should go and meet your representative and tell him/her to resign. This is not the way government should be form. An old wise man once said to me – “Before building a house, make sure you are using a good material and make sure the pillars are straight. If not your house will collapse” . Honestly I hope and pray that we do not come to this stage.
tunku : those who believe in anwar will regret one day, that's all i can say.HE IS A DEVIL.
1 comment:
Any BN leaders putting country interest above self? Why Selangor under Dr Khir Toyo signed a deal with Puncak Niaga just a day before the recent general elections?
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