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Why non Bumis opposing History as a must-pass subject?
it is a good move that history be made a must-pass subject as the new generation lacked understanding of the nation's history. the youngsters nowadays spend their time in front of computers.they look for a comfortable life but are not well-versed in the country's history.the education ministry said that history would be made a must-pass subject in the SPM examination from 2013 along with the Bahasa Malaysia subject but the non bumis especially those from the opposition party don't agree with the them Malaysia history is not important as they said it only involves the bumis only.well everyone should understand this land earlier was called tanah melayu and obviously they are the people who lives there.while in sabah and sarawak they have indigenous population which made up of some 30 groups.the non bumis came in the later part of the history but they are still part of the history.they should not fear with Malaysia's history if they really love this country.they should be proud of it and happy with the move that history be made a must-pass subject so that everyone in this country knows about the history of the country.we can see in a poll carry out by the star which majority of its readers are non bumis voted whether the agree with the ministry's move or not. 75% opposed it,why? they are simply not patriotic and does not have love for this country.
marilah sama2 kita terima kenyataan pasal sejarah negara kita. jgn kita bersikap pentin gkan diri dan menafikan kenyataan dan berterima kasih dgn apa yg kita dapat selama ini.
The Star, what do you expect.
The politically right question (or survey question) to ask was, does a knowledge of history makes a citizen more patriotic.
And a better contibution by Star to the society would be to relate the various ways citizen show their patriotism.
Also what it take to be a citizen like the process to become an American citizen.
Ni tak dah dapat FREE tak tau maknanya dapat jadi citizen.
"We aree bound to repeat our mistakes, if we do not know our history" - siapa punya quote I tak tau.
Orang tua Malaya.
laksanakan ajer must-pass history tu! jgn dengar ckp org2 yang tak sayangkan negara ini. yang tak suka tu kerana mereka tak pernah rasa ini negara mereka tapi nak rampas perintah negara ini... itu ajer... tak caya tanya mereka yang terdekat dgn kita suruh nyanyi Negaraku dan apa2 dlm Rukun Negara.... Nama ajer rakyat Malaysia TAPI nama raja2 Melayu pun tak tahu!
Cuma diMalaysia ajo yang istimewa didunia bahawa sekumpulan kaum boleh mengisytiharkan mereka Ketuanan tanah.
Yang lain didunia penduduk mereka semuanya pendatang dari planet lain sebab mereka tak pernah panggil mereka Ketuanan tanah.
Malaysia boleh
Masa MCE dulu saya tak ambil History tapi Geography, jadi subjek Sejarah ni dah lama jadi subjek pilihan je.
Nak jadikan Sejarah subjek teras perlu dimulakan dari sekolah rendah lagi sebab ini akan tercatat dalam minda anak-anak hingga dewasa, insya ALLAH.
Sejarah Malaysia tidak hanya berkisar dari org Melayu je, sumbangan positif dan negatif dari semua kaum perlu diajar supaya murid tahu.
Nani Cheras
bloggers sejarahwan tanahair :
pendedahan yg amat2 menarik tentang sejarah yg digelapkan selama ini...
to anon 11:50pm,
abih tanah besar china, tanah india, tanah jepun .... ketuanan bangsa apa?
tanah bapak tiri anon ka?
by budus
Seandainya semua kita telah sedar kesilapan yg di lakukan olih datok nenek kita dulu kerana telah bagi free citizen kat adik beradik angkat kita yg datang dr kg seberang why not kita tebus balik kesilipan mereka tu dgn meminda sedikit perlembagaan negara.nape kita xblh buat mcm indonesia.disana adik beradik angkat mereka hanya blh MENGUNDI TAPI TIDAK BOLIH DIUNDI.Biar generasi kita pula yg akan menjadi sejarah pd sy satu sejarah yg tidak akan dilupakan olih cucu cicit kita kelak.
mereka yang tak hidup zaman sejarah melayu dan hanya mendengar cerita tanpa tahu kebenaran nya, dan akan menafikan kenyataan bahawa sejarah perwujudan itu wujud dan takda mereka takda la Bumi tanah melayu skrang...cukup hanya pikir kan kejadian 13 Mei...bagi anak bumi malaysia yang tercinta saya bangga menjadi anak melaysia dan senangtiasa menggagumi tokoh2 sejarah sebelum kemerdekaan dan selepas merdeka...
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