Construction of the 100-storey skyscraper, which is part of the mega project, will start next year and is expected to be completed in 2015.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said the two stadiums would be retained as national heritage buildings.
tunku : we don't understand why some people are making so much noise on such a beneficial project to our country.we had faced same situation last time when the government wanted to build the penang bridge, proton, klcc , putrajaya etc. after the completion they shut their mouth after seeing it success. before that they said that it will be wasting money, white elephant etc.just imagine how many jobs will be created from this project, how much business activities will be created, how much increases in the income from tourism sector.this is not about the pm's legacy, this is for Malaysia not for Najib.it is just like what Tun Mahathir had made during his time, it is still there for us and for our future generation. we should use our brain instead of our heart.don't just oppose everything without analysing the situation.
The opposition will oppose anything under the sun made by the government even if it is for the benefit of the people.
PM: 100-storey Warisan Merdeka to generate economic opportunities for all
KUALA LUMPUR: The 100-storey building under the Warisan Merdeka mega project will have a multiplier effect on the economy and generate business opportunities for all races, said Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
“This project is not a waste,” he added.
The Prime Minister said the project was not government-initiated but was planned and proposed by Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB).
He added the construction work on the project would generate many economic activities.
“The area will also be a business centre for both the bumiputra and the non-bumiputra alike. It can be one of Malaysia’s attraction that will generate and bring profit.
The Prime Minister was asked to comment on concerns raised by many quarters against the decision to construct the 100-storey building.
Najib said when former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had wanted to build the Penang Bridge, the decision drew criticism, but it was the people of Penang wanting a second bridge now.
“The same happened when we wanted to build the (Petronas) Twin Towers. The decision was also questioned.
“Our rationale for wanting the 100-storey building is the same. We want to have a building that will reflect Malaysia as a modern and developed nation,” said the Prime Minister at a press conference after a closed-door session with Umno delegates attending the party’s annual general assembly.
The RM5bil Warisan Merdeka is an integrated development project comprising 100-storey tower - the tallest in Malaysia; as well as retaining Stadium Merdeka and Stadium Negara as national heritage.
Najib stressed the Government did not instruct PNB to construct Warisan Merdeka and that it was the company’s board of directors that had wanted to embark on the project.
Separately, five opposition MPs on Tuesday staged a protest against the 100-storey building.
DAP party veterans led by Bukit Bintang MP Fung Kui Lun arrived just after 9am at the foot of Chin Woo Stadium along Jalan Hang Jebat, before leading reporters up the hill along Jalan Changkat Stadium to the proposed site.
The others were Cheras MP Tan Kok Wai, also party national organising secretary; Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng, Seputih MP Teresa Kok as well as Kepong MP and party national deputy chairman Dr Tan Seng Giaw.
Fung asked the Government to reconsider the planned project, saying it would cause a negative impact to the surrounding area, such as creating a massive traffic jam.
Salam ...
first of all, i'm not opposing the construction of the Menara Warisan, but i feel ... the money that PNB have in their pocket should being into other things - such as .... more Rnd for Proton to make Malaysian-model car for instant.
Bila dikatakan akan memeriahkan suasana ekonomi - saya fikir shop lot di kawasan KLCC masih lagi byk yang kosong ... dan bagi ramai pengusaha dan pekedai bumiputra khasnya; tidak dapat manfaat pun - sebab sewanya yang terlalu mahal.
Apa yang akan berlaku kemudian? Menara ini mungkin akan disewa oleh gergasi dunia atau orang asing - menjadikan kita asing dan miskin di bumi sendiri. Satu bentuk penjajahan yang kita tak sedar. Lama-kelamaan ekonomi kita didokong oleh benda luar ... dan kita hanya mengharapkan pelaburan org luar untuk memenuhi aspirasi negara.
I would like to emphasize that we gone to loose everything if we keep 'showing' to other how great is our building, how great is our car (Inspira for example); but in reality ... Inspira just a rebadged of Lancer; and Menara Warisan soon will be occupied with no-no Malaysian.
If the Government want to generate economic opportunities - more RnD of our products - Proton, IKS, .. and such. Take China and Korea for example; or better Japan. Do they have big and skyscraper building?
Thank you.
Berapa banyak bangunan tertinggi perlu ada disebuah negara kecil macam malaysia ni.Kita dah ada Twin tower sebagai mercu tanda. Nak buat apa lagi. Buatlah benda lain pula ... bangunan terpanjang ke... bangunan terpendek ke.. bangunan bulat pertama didunia ke... Zaman sekarang orang dah tak buat tertinggi dah....
PNB ditubuhkan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup melayu.. So gunakan 5 bilion tu untuk membantu melayu.... Bukan membazir dengan membina bangunan yang tak perlu tu....masalah nya kita ni selalu hilang fokus. Ada duit sikit dan mula buat benda2 mengarut.. Melayu masih jauh ketinggalan.... banyak cara yang perlu dibantu... kalau tak caya lihatlah rancangan bersamamu TV3
Apabila cerita pasal bangunan 100 tingkat maka PM Najib cerita kembali tentang mantan PM Mahathir nak buat jambatan dan twin towers. Jambatan kerana nak menghubungkan tanah besar dengan Pulau pinang sementara twin towers tu sebagai landmark sebab kita pada masa tu tak de lagi.
Kalau banyak Duit sangat PNB buat jambatan ke singapura tu. Kita boleh namakan nya Jambatan Warisan Merdeka. Barulah merdeka namanya. Tak takut dengan Singapura.
same stories again and again, we think the money should be given to tom, no dick should reveive the money, no , the money should have spent on harry. this is always the case when the gomen want to build something new.after it is a success all the mouth shuts.
en hasrul, pnb does not own proton,how would they want to spend the money on rnd at proton?
pnb knows what to do. we should be proud that najib admit that this is not his idea.kalau pak lah, dah lama "ini idea saya".
I think that this Warisan Merdeka should be built in Pekan Pahang.
anon 9.19pm 20 oct,
dont be a moron
Dear Metro,
Better to be a moran than build the project in the most congested part of KL. And please do visit places such as Pekan, Jerantut, Kuala Lipis and Benta, and see for yourself.
This is not about the opposition or the government and who is better...everyone is entitled to their own opinion and you can't say the opposition is wrong just because they oppose...
The opposition is also important to maintain a balance of power and raise up issues. If you think you don't need an opposition, then you also don't need both the defense and prosecuting team in court, might as well just appoint one judge who decides everything.
Maybe Najib is right and he does have our best interests at heart. But maybe he doesn't. Who knows? So I think the government could be more open about the expenditure for the building and how they think it will help the people. And if it's all done properly, then well and good. But if not, we as the people deserve to know because it's our tax money.
What I don't agree with is why we need to spend 5 billion on 1 bulding to help the people especially when the country apparently is short of money. Look at Singapore, they don't have natural resources like us, they have beaches and mountains and islands to boost tourism. But yet, their economy is so much better. We need to ask ourselves why.
All I'm saying is, this is not the way to boost economy. Having a tall building does not mean we are developed.
this is pnb's money and they are the one who wanted to build this building, not najib and certainly not using tax payers money.
kita kena faham ini adalah business decision dr pnb bukan kerajaan nak buat bangunan tu. ini adalah duit pnb dan mereka berhak utk melabur duit mereka di mana mereka rasa boleh mendapat keuntungan.selaras dgn hasrat kerajaan yg mahukan pelabur2 malaysia melabur dalam negara sendiri, pnb ingin membuat pelaburan ini.gunakan akal sebelum membangkang.ini bukan duit kerajaan atau duit pemb ayar cukai.
Menara Warisan Merdeka tidak sentuh duit pelabur – PNB
Oleh Mowardi Mahmud
KUALA LUMPUR 20 Okt. – Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) hari ini berkata, pembangunan projek Warisan Merdeka yang mempunyai menara tertinggi di Malaysia, akan dibiayai melalui dana dalamannya sendiri tanpa ‘menyentuh’ langsung dana pemegang unit amanahnya.
Ketua Eksekutif Kumpulan, Tan Sri Hamad Kama Piah Che Othman (gambar) berkata, PNB, sebuah firma pelaburan terbesar di Malaysia, memiliki dana operasinya sendiri yang dikendalikan secara berasingan dengan portfolio dana para pemegang unit amanah.
‘‘Kami akan menggunakan dana sendiri yang dikumpul daripada keuntungan PNB sejak mula operasi (penubuhannya),’’ kata Hamad Kama Piah dalam satu taklimat tentang projek Warisan Merdeka di sini hari ini.
Pada taklimat itu, beliau menyangkal spekulasi bahawa projek milik PNB akan menggunakan dana amanah saham dan juga dibiayai oleh kerajaan.
Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak dalam pembentangan Bajet 2011 pada Jumaat lalu mengumumkan bahawa PNB akan membina projek bersepadu melibatkan pembinaan menara setinggi 100 tingkat dengan mengekalkan Stadium Merdeka dan Stadium Negara, dua bangunan sejarah negara, yang turut terletak di kawasan yang sama.
Keseluruhan projek itu bernilai RM5 bilion, dijangka siap pada tahun 2015.
Hamad Kama Piah tidak menolak kemungkinan PNB mendapatkan sumber pembiayaan lain tetapi ia tertakluk kepada sejauh mana usaha berkenaan mampu memaksimumkan pulangan daripada projek tersebut.
Katanya, projek pembangunan itu yang bakal disepadukan dengan dua bangunan warisan sejarah itu, akan dimajukan oleh PNB dan juga anak-anak syarikatnya tanpa menolak kemungkinan penyertaan mana-mana pelabur asing,
Beliau menambah, projek Warisan Merdeka yang dimiliki sepenuhnya PNB melalui PNB Merdeka Venture, adalah melibatkan pembangunan bercampur berkonsep bangunan hijau, di atas tapak seluas 19 ekar untuk tempoh pembangunan selama 10 tahun.
Katanya, selain menara yang bakal menempatkan ibu pejabat baru PNB, projek yang akan dimajukan dalam tiga fasa, akan turut mempunyai unit-unit kondominium dan kompleks membeli-belah.
‘‘Ibu pejabat PNB sedia ada yang terletak di Menara PNB (Jalan Tun Razak) akan mencapai usia 30 tahun pada 2016 dan ia perlu dinaikkan tarafnya,’’ tambah Hamad Kama Piah.
Beliau menegaskan, projek Warisan Merdeka bukanlah baharu dirancang dan dimasukkan dalam Bajet 2011 tetapi telah dirancang sejak 2004 selepas kawasan tanahnya dibeli daripada Pengurusan Danaharta Nasional Bhd. pada tahun 2000.
Katanya, sejak itu keperluan projek berkenaan terus dikaji dan Lembaga Pengarah PNB merasakan sekarang adalah masa terbaik untuk melaksanakannya setelah lama tertunda dan ketiadaan banyak projek besar dijangka memudahkan usaha mendapat kelulusan.
Selain itu, kata Hamad Kama Piah, projek berkenaan akan membantu menggalakkan pertumbuhan ekonomi negara.
Beliau juga berkata, projek itu merupakan usaha PNB menukar kelas aset dan mempelbagaikan portfolio berbanding hanya tertumpu kepada pelaburan ekuiti.
Beliau mengakui projek itu kecil saiznya untuk dilaksanakan selama 10 tahun tetapi menyatakan tempoh masa yang ditetapkan dalam memajukan projek itu adalah strategi ke arah memaksimumkan pulangan.
Hamad Kama Piah menjelaskan, tidak timbul soal projek itu berdaya maju atau sebaliknya berikutan lambakan semasa ruang pejabat kerana sukar untuk menentukan masa yang dianggap benar-benar sesuai.
‘‘Pembinaan projek ini tidak disegerakan sebelum ini bagi mengambil faedah tidak banyak bangunan hijau yang ada,’’ kata beliau.
Hamad Kama Piah menambah, pelaksanaan projek ikonik adalah bertujuan mencetuskan minat ramai terhadap pembangunan di kawasan berkenaan dan serusnya meraih pulangan yang diharapkan.
Yes, the money belongs to PNB. But never forget that PNB was set up by governemnt with the money from the taxpayer.They are in structure a GLC and have certain corporate social responsibility to the nation. And if as PNB says that the funds would be generated form internal sources then that money should be used to leverage even more funds for money making investments.If you have RM5 Billion in cash I think that a Corporation with the stature of PNB can easily leverage RM 50 Billion. Do not get me wrong. I am not aaginst any project so long as we get value for money. In these times of economic difficulties we must Make RM 1.00 work like RM 2.00It is no use spending all you money to buy an expensive horse and then find out that you have no money to buy the saddle.
You may not agree with me but that area is already congested. I just cannot see how the plan is going to preserve the two icons Stadium Merdeka and Stadium Negara.
At the time of independence Kuala Lumpur was about two times the size of the next largest town in Malaysia. Today Kuala Lumpur is streets ahead of the next largest town in Malaysia and has followed the development of other major cities in Asia where the capital city in many amny times larger than the next city.It is a function of urban planning that we must keep our smaller cities also growing so as to create new centers of urbanisation. Otherwise, one day you will find that half the population of Malaysia will be living in and around Kuala Lumpur because that is where the best facilities that money can buy are located. Is that what we want?
May be on another date, time and place this project may be viable. But today PNB if you want to go into urban development you should spend money on building and making our other cities compete with Kuala Lumpur. The views of our Urban Planners should be noted because this kind of policy is going to have a profound impact on how the future of Malaysia is going to look.
Urbanisation is not a horse race where only the best horses get all the bets.
Keep up the good work! Thanks for supplying us with facts and figures. Those who support the project need more bullets to rebuke unsubstantiated resistance.
In case you didn't come across about it, The Edge Financial Daily dated 21 October 2010 had reported about the project and it's rationalisation through the interview with the PNB CEO.
Essentially as what I've read, the tower will cost between RM 2.5 to 3 billion and the rest of the RM 5 billion allocation will be used for the development surrounding the tower, which include shopping complex and condominiums.
Profit estimation from the project would be around 8 to 10 percent per annum return of the RM 5 billion investment.
PNB assured that the money to fund the project derives from the last 3 decades of their internal profit saving. It has got nothing to do with the Government's money nor investor's money.
Though understandably PNB made their profits from investors' money, but still, logically any investment firms in the world would save some portion from the profit as their reserve fund. After all, that's what being an investment firm is all about.
It is strictly a commercially-driven decision, meaning it is profit-orientated, monetarily.
Hospitals, schools, subsidy and etc is not PNB'c concern, but the Government instead.
PNB owes no duty to its investors except ensuring their investments are well taken care of, that includes paying the dividend and for ASB, as an example, the principal is guaranteed.
-The Tycoon-
Dear Tycoon,
Well spoken like a real tycoon.But please give consideration to the following:
1. Warisan Merdeka's 3m sq. ft. will come onstream in 2015;
2.That will create 13.6m sq ft of office space in KL by 2015;
3.Annual uptake of office space 1.95m sq. ft.;
4. That will give us 8.7 years of office space;
4. Sungai besi base has not been taken into account;
6.PNB will move out of present office more space there: and
7.According to Napic only 58.5m sq ft or 80% of 74.2 sq ft of office space in KL in tenanted todate.
So just imagine that the funds are coming from strictly private equity. Do you think that they will invest in this project? There is an implied government guarantee for this project. Without that PNB will not touch this project.
In my opinion, PNB want to use petronas strategy that create huge profit through KLCC property that own the land in KLCC area where the most iconic building in this country was build. Petronas twin tower is another success story made by petronas, it create thousand of job opportunity to malaysian and attract million of visitor to visit to this country.
Petronas change the area from nothing to become one of the most profitable area in KL and price land around it has increase sky rocketing to become the most expensive and valuable in KL. To make this formula success on PNB's land around stadium merdeka and stadium negara, PNB need to build something iconic that can attract million of people come, setting business and living there. By build another 30 or 40 storey tower with ordinary design, it is almost impossible for PNB to change the area to become the next KLCC.
Visit my blog, u will know many more :P
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