The wing's head Hu Pang Chaw said this was important and should be given attention by the PAS annual assembly to be held here next month.
"We have waited long for the good news and the implementation of the plan should be expedited.
"This is the openness in PAS, and the matter should be discussed in depth at the upcoming 'muktamar' for the party constitution to be amended, to give the wing members the right to vote in the party elections," he told Bernama, here, Tuesday.
Recently, after launching the PAS Supporters Wing in Klang, Selangor, Abdul Hadi said that PAS would discuss the possibility of allowing the wing's non-Muslim members to vote in the party elections in future.
He said to realise the plan, the party constitution needed to be amended and the amendments approved by the Registrar of Societies.
Hu also hoped that the non-Muslims could also be selected to represent PAS in the general election in future.
"We have candidates of calibre to represent PAS if the plan becomes a reality," he said, adding that the matter, however, required indepth discussion by the opposition pact and more to be done by the PAS leadership.
The PAS Supporters Wing is said to have about 20,000 members throughout the country.
tunku : congrats to pas, this is a very good move by pas.they SHOULD let the non Muslim members to vote in the party's election. they should start it at the next election.we hope hadi will not only talk but make sure that the non Muslim members will be given their right to vote.
Good for PAS!. At last the kafir can decide and put their 'puppet' in PAS leadership to fight for their (kafir) agenda.
Bodoh Piang!
Mana perginya AMANAT HADI AWANG yang melarang orang Islam mengambil orang bukan Islam bersama-sama untuk mentadbir negara.
Aku tak pernah dengar pun ayat 28 surat Ali Imran dibaca oleh penceramah PAS dalam ceramah politik mereka. Kenapa ya?
Adakah penyokong-penyokong PAS berani untuk bertanya pemimpin mereka?
Nampak sangat penyokong PAS memberi sokongan kepada pemimpin secara membabi buta. Kalau pemimpin mereka suruh buat apa saja mereka patuh tanpa berfikir dan mengkaji. Pandangan musuh Islam yang hendak menghancurkan Islam lebih diterima daripada pandangan seagama dan sebangsa.
Semoga ALLAH memberi petunjuk dan hidayah kepada penyokong2 PAS.
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