Monday, May 3, 2010

No End To Umno's Struggle - Pak Lah

KEPALA BATAS, May 2 (Bernama) -- Former prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said there is no end to the Umno struggle and that 'enough' does not exist in the party.
The Kepala Batas Umno division chief said party members should accept changes and ensure their implementation for the good of the race and country.
"What we do must come with added value so that the changes will be well received," he said when opening the Kepala Batas Umno division annual general meeting here on Sunday.
Abdullah reminded Umno members to be strong as the struggle came with challenges that has to be met.
"Our main challenge today is making the young generation understand the Umno struggle. This is important as we don't want them to choose others," he said.

tunku : yes,you are right pak lah, there's no end to Umno's struggle now but when you were the captain, the true spirit of Umno died and the struggles ended.Umno's reputation was so low but thank to God that you were replaced by Najib which has to clean all the dirts left by you.he's struggling now because of your carelessness,ignorant and arrogant are responsible for everything pak lah.


Premium Business said...

"Nilai Tambah" nya ialah bila tandatangan apa apa dokumen, bila meluluskan sesuatu projek nilai tambahnya ialah berapa anak menantu aku punya.

Perjuangan membesarkan tembolok pemimpin UMNO memang tidak ada kesudahan, sekarang semakin berani dan terang terangan.

Perjuangan ini juga (melanun hak rakyat) akan diteruskan oleh mana mana pemimpin yang berkuasa.

Anonymous said...

Pak Lah ini bukan ke penyokong Anwar semasa krisis 1988 dulu? Adakah semua apa yang dilakukan berdasarkan perjuangan Anwar? Salah satu daripadanya mengisi tembolok anak-menantu dan kroni-kroni sama seperti Anwar?

KhaConIda said...

The true spirit of UMNO's struggle is not to betray the rakyat by handing over everything to foreign country, by cancelling the project which will benefit the rakyat like the crooked bridge to Singapore.


Anonymous said...

Shut up lah Pak Lah

Go back to sleep!

Anonymous said...

Pak Lah , kamu tak layak nak komen apa2 terhadap UMNO, anda yang hampir2 menghancurkan Umno bersam the father, the son and d the holy SIL!!!!