Its president Senator Datuk G.Palanivel said the party would work hard to ensure it wins the nine Parliamentary and 19 State seats in the next GE.
In the 2008 general election, MIC only won three parliamentary seats - Tapah, Cameron Highlands and Segamat and seven state seats. "We will never give up (in getting back the the parliamentary and state seats allocated to MIC)," he told reporters after officiating a Mother's Day carnival at a school near here.
Palanivel, who is also Deputy Plantation, Industries and Commodities Minister, said the possibility of any 'seat negotiations' would only take place if it involved a direct exchange and not parliamentary seats for senatorships.
tunku : the previous seat allocation can't be used any longer. if bn wants to win 2/3 majority they need to put candidates from the party that can wins the seat, not just based on party.gone are the days that we take it for granted. enough is enough. just give them the senatorship.PERIOD.palanivel should look into the mirror before making demands.
Totally agreed 100% with you on seat allocation to MIC. How could MIC demand seats from BN when MIC suffered terrible lost in previous 2008 general election. MIC already lost its poitical bargaining power when they failed to show victory in seat allocated to them. Since MIC dont have the bargaining power, therefore they should be happy with whatever seat allocated to them. Beggers cannot be choosers. MIC should be given seat where majority indian community are voters. It makes more sense then giving them seat where other races are predominant. MIC and MCA must tell Najib what is their game plan to win the coming election before making demand ok. MIC should convince BN first and show how they can win this time. You are right to say Palinivle should look into the mirror since he himself lost as MIC President and he should be grateful being appointed as a Senator. Really thick skin and "muka tak malu dah kalah masih terima jawatan lagi". Poorrrah.
I also agree. They do not need seats they are in need of seed money.
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