Chong said he was not sure why Anwar should make such statement as the discussion on Sunday on the Shadow cabinet was carried out with the Vice president of National PKR, Datuk John Tenewi Nuek, Ibi anak Uding and PA to Baru Bian, Vernon Kedit.
Maybe Anwar was not briefed at that time. “I am not in the position to comment on PRK but in Sarawak, the matters concerning us would be decided by us. I also do not see the issue here. The PKR were with us during the meeting and they even make some changes,” he said.
Initially, he said PKR Batu Lintang See Chee How was given the Tourism portfolio but when a call was made by Vernon to him, See said he is more interested in Environment thus the portfolio was added to him.
Chong said even Baru Bian was consulted when the list was finalized and had agreed to it.
“It is a shadow cabinet and everyone was entrusted to do more of what they were assigned. The responsibility is huge and we will look at the performance of each individual. There is no withholding anyone doing more than was assigned. Even in future we could make a swap if one is better in the other on the posts,” he added.
Chong also wondered why the Barisan Nasional is kicking out a big fuss over the shadow cabinet. He said they may have been concerned about the PR’s intention of being serious in their jobs. He added that the questioning of Wong Ho Leng as an opposition is unfair to Wong who is a credible leader.
tunku : dap has slapped on pkr's face this time. i had said earlier, dap is much superior than pkr or pas,hence they are free to do what the want to. pkr and pas is just a tool for dap to get votes from the malays.the malays should realized this.they have been used by dap thru pkr and pas. what a shadow cabinet by pakatan in sarawak....it is overshadowed by dap representatives though dap has said that they will give the leader post to pkr even if they have lesser seats.this is just a shadow cabinet, what if real cabinet lineup.pkr and pas will be sidelined totally.beware of dap dirty tactics.
DAP is also more superior than racist UMNO.
only the bloody dap is racist.they think they will rule malaysia.....just watch.
This an advance picture to make rakyat more understand what is politics. Numbers mean dominant that derive power.
But for those who fanatic is their idol they will keep deny it.
We must keep language and cartoons on an even keel. Our children may be reding your Blog.
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