SHAH ALAM: Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Mohamad Khir Toyo will not stop Hulu Selangor District Council (MDHS) president Tukiman Nail if the officer decides to opt out from service over the broom award issue.
"I leave the decision to Tukiman. I do not want officers who changed their statements according to their moods," said Dr Khir.
He claimed that Tukiman had not objected when the broom award was raised during the joint meeting with head of councils last year.
"We even informed the recipients in January that they had been picked. Tukiman did not raise any objections at either time,” he told reporters after launching the Wanita Barisan Nasional elections machinery here Sunday.
The Mentri Besar was commenting on a report in a local Malay daily quoting Tukiman as saying he would opt for early retirement or the Voluntary Separation Scheme (VSS), rather than face the humiliation of receiving the Broom Award in return for his 28 years in public service.
Dr Khir said there was no reason for Tukiman to take the matter personally. He added it was aimed at the entire department failing to meet the minimum standard set by the state government.
“I do not understand why the state government is being blamed now. We had earlier asked departments with under-performing staff to send these employees for training, so that the department could function up to mark, but they claimed all their staff members worked well,” he said.
Dr Khir said the state government had a training centre in Sabak Bernam and had issued a list of employees who should attend training - but they were never sent because their department heads felt there was no need.
"According to our statistics about 70% of the problems faced by people in Selangor are linked to local authorities.
“What am I to do after knowing about this? Just keep mum or take the necessary action to correct it?” he said.
tunku : what Khir Toyo should do is take back the broom he presented to tukiman earlier and ask him to quit. there is no need to have people like that leading a local council which changes their statement according to their mood.to Khir Toyo, keep up cleaning the local authorities in selangor and i think you are doing good.
Yesterday I spoke to two former very senior ranking civil servants (who are staunch UMNO supporters also). He felt this "broom award" is an 'insult' to the civil service.
Perhaps in could be done in a different manner. Like use "wooden spoon" instead, just like in golf and not publicize it in the media; just do the awards in a closed civil servants in-house affair.
Both of them (separately) argued that UMNO has depended immensely to the civil service machineries during General Elections campaign period. They are worried if the civil servants felt slighted or worse, insulted, then they might just not 'lift a finger' when UMNO needed them badly.
Bottomline, what is the BIG PICTURE here. If efficiency and productivity we want, then there are far better ways to "skin a cat".
Just to share.
Khir Toyo should take the broom and whack the guy on his head for his double talk.
I'm a staunch UMNO member. I must urge all UMNO members including its leaders to purge themselves from being extorted by the civil servants.
Instead of us being held at ransom, we should make them feel the truth which is, no other party like UMNO will maintain them as it is. Without UMNO, under any other party they would be turned into mere workers held in servitude while their jobs will be filled by more responsible citizens of other ethnic origins.
I do not want to live as a master with irresponsible and ineffective servants, because ultimately, I will be left to clean up after them instead of the other way around.
Trust me, there are more willing and able personnel under the little Napoleons waiting to be promoted. Just sack the deadwoods like Tukiman and promote the younger ones who will work better and more efficiently for the rakyat.
I remember once when SIA pilots tried to go on strike. Lee Kuan Yew said they can go to hell and he will start from scratch if need be. Look where SIA is today.
SO, scrape this sick Malay mentality of being afraid of losing votes to maintain an inefficient and lazy servant to the rakyat. Do justice to the mandate given to us and Allah will protect us in this world and the hereafter.
This is spoken by a true UMNO man sincere to his party's struggle. Ask the loser who spoke to you to repent for he is a disgrace to the party.
hahaha... you are right indeed tunku... i must agreed with you... this is the attitude of old malay "tunggul kayu"...
depan cakap lain belakang cakap lain... talk cock...
da real deal, i guess u r right.we should not be afraid of them or be blackmail by them.i believe the majority of the government servant support it, only those who abuses their power,"curi tulang" type will go against it.
Dear bigdogdotcom,
I cant help it but to comment on your comment. This is the typical attitude of the senior ranking civil servants, need to be respectful despite of failing to perform effectively cos the job security and promotion will be available and ready to them. This is the type of the govt servant who we pay their salary from our tax, plus their high increment and dont forget the bonus. I am sure before broom being presented to him, letters and meetings being conducted to put him in alert of his poor performance. I fully support and behind YB MB Selangor for his dare action. It's time to return to have a tough leader, enough of the soft and lembik leader where will result to incompetent and weak workers and MENTERI.. Enough is enough!!!
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