Lapan lelaki dakwa anggota Hindraf serang dua pekerja restoran
KUALA LUMPUR 27 Nov — Sekumpulan lapan lelaki yang mendakwa anggota Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) memukul dua pekerja sebuah restoran di Brickfields setelah enggan membayar bil makanan yang mereka makan dengan alasan mereka memperjuangkan nasib masyarakat India di negara ini.
Ketua Polis Daerah Brickfields, ACP Sulaiman Junaidi berkata, kedua-dua pekerja restoran itu mengalami kecederaan di badan termasuk seorang terpaksa menerima jahitan di kepala ekoran perbuatan kumpulan lelaki berkenaan.
“Kumpulan lelaki yang berumur dalam lingkungan 20 hingga 35 tahun itu telah dua kali datang ke restoran tersebut dan enggan membayar makanan yang mereka makan atas alasan mereka dari kumpulan Hindraf yang memperjuangkan nasib kaum India,” kataya kepada pemberita di pejabatnya di sini.
Beliau berkata, dalam kejadian pertama pada Ahad, kumpulan lapan lelaki itu makan di restoran berkenaan pada 3 petang tetapi enggan membayar bil yang berjumlah RM85.
Bagaimanapun katanya, untuk mengelak daripada berlakunya pergaduhan pengurus restoran tersebut membenarkan mereka beredar.
Beliau berkata, keesokan harinya kumpulan lelaki yang sama datang semula kira-kira 7.30 malam dan sekali lagi mereka enggan membayar bil yang berjumlah RM54 sehingga mecetuskan pergaduhan.
“Mereka yang bersenjatakan sebilah parang dan sebatang besi kemudiannya bertindak memukul pekerja restoran tersebut yang berasal dari India dan merosakkan harta benda di restoran itu sebelum melarikan diri dengan menggunakan dua buah kereta jenis Naza Ria dan Toyota Hilux yang kemudian dikenal pasti menggunakan nombor pendaftaran palsu,” katanya.
Sulaiman berkata, ekoran kejadian itu restoran tersebut kerugian RM5,000 apabila 20 buah meja serta peralatan dapur dirosakkan oleh kumpulan lelaki terbabit.
Beliau berkata, kes itu disiasat mengikut Seksyen 148 kanun Keseksaan yang boleh dikenakan hukuman penjara lima tahun atau denda atau kedua-duanya sekali jika sabit kesalahan.- Bernama
tunku : this group had shown us who they really are......gangsters(kedai kopi gangsters).i pity other indians who don't share this group's action.
surely tunku, that by now, you would know how NOT to read MALAYSIA news with on the face value. With top spin-masters out there, we re sure half our stories are either cooked-up, or exagerated.
Please check the link above. The restaurant owners themselves claimed of ignorance about the HINDRAF claim. Furthermore, my friend (personal) who happened to eat across the streets, and whom hhave been living in brickfields all his life, too, alleged that the fight was by a bunch of local thugs, certainly NOT tamil. mm..
wonder wonder.
We have a bunch of spin-master especially Nazri. So this is nothing new. Maybe we should spin Nazri this time so he can think like a man.
In my place, Tamils/Indians (???) have been bashing up any Malays who happen to sit in restaurants. They smashed and burnt a car in front of my brother's house a few days ago. They are armed with parang and are provoking Malays to fight them.
My question is: WHY?
Why target the Malays? Why not bash up MIC? Why are they so violent towards innocent Malays?
this could be on of it
Body found dumped along Klang highway
KLANG: The body of a murdered 53-year-old man was found dumped along KM2.7 of the Shahpadu Highway here early Thursday morning.
Klang OCPD Assistant Supt Mohamad Mat Yusop said passers-by heading towards Klang on the highway found the body lying at the side of the highway and called the police.
“A police team sent to check the report found the body and identified the victim as Mohd Yusof Ahmad Sapian from Jalan Tangki, Port Klang, from the documents found on the body,” he said.
He said the victim was believed to have died as a result of serious injuries. Police found four slash wounds on his head.
He said based on drag marks at the scene, police believed the victim was murdered using a sharp object at a different location and the body transported to the highway in a vehicle.
ASP Mohamad said no weapon was found at the scene and no arrests were made so far, while investigations into the motive for the murder were ongoing.
Stupid HINDRAF and some crazy Indian thugs might have open a can of worms for themselves...
Some ultra Malays might be thinking that now is probably a good time to get rid of the Indian, good time for ethnic cleansing.
Peace no more...
wonder why there are so many anonymous's comments which are in particularly racists in their nature. ..
tunku, your blog is slowly decaying. sadly.
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